Banana Flavored


I’ve mentioned that I love Tootsie Pops

Tootsie Pops

I bought a new bag yesterday and found one lone banana-flavored Tootsie Pop

Tootsie Pops

Banana-flavored anything tastes nothing like real bananas


I don’t know how they think this tastes like this a banana.

Unwrapped Yellow Tootsie Pop on table

It doesn’t.

But that’s ok.


Most foods with banana flavoring have a really unique taste and you either love it or hate it

Banana Laffy Taffy anyone?

Laffy Taffy

I’ve mentioned that I actually don’t really like bananas by themselves but that in things, they are magical.

I have a Banana Recipes post where I highlight my recipes that use bananas in them:

Microwave Banana Blueberry Oat Cakes (vegan, GF, single serving)

Microwave Banana Blueberry Oat Cakes split on plate

Peanut Butter Banana Bread (vegan, GF)

Peanut Butter Banana Bread in loaf pan
 Hand holding slice of Peanut Butter Banana Bread


No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Bars

Overhead of one No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Bar

And more.

Also, if you have any ripe bananas that you need to use up, asap, check it out


1. What’s your take on banana-flavored foods?

Sometimes I am down for the fake banana flavored stuff.  The banana Tootsie pop was good but I think I’m good for a long time with banana flavoring. 

Wait.  Until Halloween and the fun-sized Laffy Taffy’s are out!  Which is soon.

2. Do you like bananas?  Fave way to eat them?

As I said above, I actually don’t really like bananas by themselves but that in things, they are great.

In vegan and/or gluten free baking, bananas are superstars.  They really help replace eggs (moisture + help things bind) and replace gluten (help things bind and stick together) in one fell swoop.

They’re also superstars with frozen (vegan & GF) treats & smoothies, too.

Vanilla Banana Avocado “Ice Cream” anyone?

Vanilla Banana Avocado "Ice Cream" in ramekinIt’s was 93F here in San Diego today! A scorcher again!

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  1. I’m with you. Bananas are best as a supporting player and they’re cheap! I can buy them for like $.57 lb. here in Utah.
    Have you ever tried substituting a banana for a marshmallow when making s’mores? Just roast the banana like a marshmallo and enjoy. it is delicious! I prefer them over traditional s’mores regardless of the added benefit of not consuming gelatin.
    If you eat greek yogurt, try blending half a banana with a cup of greek yogurt and a couple tablespoons of peanut butter for breakfast. Also delicious.

  2. Haha fruit flavored things are so funny! Like… watermelon? Uh, no. Cherry and strawberry, too! So silly. Although I do love banana-flavored runts.

  3. Whoa, I’ve never scene a banana flavored Tootsie Pop! But agreed on phony banana flavors, not good.

    1. I adore fresh, frozen, and dried real bananas. But some of the fake banana candies just don’t do it for me.
    2. Yes! As soft serve or in smoothies. I also like TJ’s flattened bananas too, great snack to sneak into a movie theater. :-)

  4. I think those banana tootsie pops are gross and I hate real bananas, but I LOVE banana flavored laffy taffy and the banana runts. Otherwise, no bananas for me. Oh, and banana bread. Love that too.

  5. Haha, you are so funny! I love that you love Tootsie Pops. I am not a fan of banana flavoured things. Reminds me to much or banana medicine! Bleck! I do LOVE bananas though! I bought my 300 dollar Champion Juicer purely so that I could make banana ice cream. Five years later and that is still its main function!

    1. never knew that champ’s made ice cream. probably the only reason I’d deal with juicer cleanup would be for ice cream. not juice :)

  6. Artificially banana flavored things are the worse. Bananas are by far my favorite fruit! They are a requirement with oatmeal/overnight oats :). Plain banana with nut better, banana bread, soft serve . . . can’t get enough of those!

  7. I am obsessed with bananas and so is my family. Seriously every time I go to the store I buy at least 5 bunches and the clerks can’t help but ask myself if I have a monkey in the house. I always reply “actually I do!” Check out Merrick’s first year bday party where he was a monkey!

    Great timing with your post and my baking. I made your pb banana bread today for a playdate tomorrow. They were bananas (Channeling my inner Rachel Zoe!) You are so right about them being beyond moist and delicious! I had to put them on top of the fridge so they make it tomorrow! Thanks again for the yummy healthy recipe!

  8. Yuck… I’ve always thought that banana flavoring is the WORST. I remember when I was little and the last remains of my Halloween candy was always the banana flavored rejects!

  9. Yum! I’m with you on the bananas – love them in smoothies and baked goods (and small doses of banana-flavoured sweets) but I am not crazy about bananas on their own…something about the texture!

  10. you and me need to be the tootsie pop girls! i don’t dig the banana one either but i am into the caramel which you can only find at 99 cent stores!

  11. I’ve been away from my google reader for a while and am just now catching up on my reading and my, I have to say I love the new design of your blog! So cute!
    As far as banana flavored things, I think they generally taste really artificial and I’m not a fan. It’s basically a flavor of its own and should be named candied-banana or something.
    I go through banana phases and like them every now and then. Currently I’m loving them :P

  12. I’m not a huge candy person at all and think fake fruit flavored anything is kind of gross to be honest. I love real bananas though! Favorite, simplest way? Split down the middle with nut butter in between :)

  13. a banana tootsie pop just sounds nasty. banana laffy taffy though is the BOMB! Everytime halloween comes to town I always look for it the most haha ;D

  14. i have never been a fan of eating just a banana. seriously, i remember as a kid they made me want to gag.
    but best popsicle flavour? banana! very fake, but it’s tasty!
    and i love banana cupcakes – my mom has the best recipe.
    you’ve got some great banana recipes, averie!

  15. i totally agree that banana ‘things’ taste nothing like bananas! same with grape…I mean anything grape flavored tastes nothing like grapes LOL but oh well I still enjoy both unless they taste SO fake…bleh

    wow banana tootsie pops! never seen!! my favorite were the strawberry blow pops and cherry tootsie pops…mmm i love them!

  16. I didn’t even know they made banana flavored tootsie pops. Interesting.
    My favorite banana flavored thing: penicillin. I used to get SO happy when I’d get sick as a kid because that meant I got “banana medicine” as we called it. Looking back I could have just had a load of probiotics, rest, and a frozen banana treat. Darn those antibiotics. haha