Beachy Afternoon


We spent the afternoon here.

Green blue ocean water on aruba beach

Absolutely picture perfect.

Aruba ocean from dock with ships

Just coming in to reload with a Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie (vegan, GF) and we’re headed out for a pre-dinner family walk.

Coconut Cream Pie Smoothies

Okay and I lied.

And a handful of Cinnamon Sugar Chocolate Pretzels (no-bake, vegan), too.

Gotta replenish the sodium (and chocolate) stores.

Cinnamon Sugar Chocolate Pretzels

What did you do today?

Thanks for the Capresso 12-Cup Stainless Steel Coffee Maker Giveaway entries

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I love your pictures, I can see the Riu Palace in the top pic it brings back great memories as we stayed there last year. Aruba is so beautiful, we convinced ourselves we would move out there one day :)

  2. Your pictures are more and more beautiful. The color of the sky and the water is amazing. It actually, coincidentally, sent a chill down my spine. I bet that wouldn’t happen if I was in Aruba.

  3. Life looks rough in Aruba :) I just got back Jamaica, and I’m already itching to get back!

  4. I am wishing I had your kind of day! Today I will be working from home. I guess it could be worse, but I wouldn’t mind that scenery!

  5. I work for a coffee roaster so my favorite is either a cup of straight back Grade A Nic or Grade A Kona. The flavors are amazing!!!

  6. I went for a bike ride and did all kinds of mundane stuff. I could have used some of those pretzels to replenish after the bike though!

    Oh! And I started another kombucha batch, because I already drank a full bottle today. Out of only 5 that my last batch made. I’ve started an addiction here…the flavor possibilities are already starting to form….

  7. Beautiful and soothing photos, Averie.

    My day was like every other, pretty much. Get up and make breakfast for the family, kids off to school, work, pick up kids from school, make dinner and then tonight I had a music thing. It was a nice day! :-)

  8. Today? Met with a friend, who drove from Dallas (5 hours drive one way), picked up teenager from school and almost missed UPS, had to chase him as he was pooling out our parking lot just to realize upon opening the box that the item I ordered had manufacturing defect. Called customer service, called the store, and hopefully will exchange for another one soon. The fun part is that I planned my today’s post around it, had all vegetables prepared…:) Oh well, some other time…
    As you can see, today just life happened, nothing fancy…:) Love your photos, makes me feel so good, relaxed just looking at it… Thank you, Averie!

    1. What a day you had – my Lord. Well, it’s over pretty much and chasing UPS or mail or Fedex drivers or waiting by the door all day for a package and they either never come or come at like 5pm, yeah have had those days. Not fun. Glad you at least met up with a friend though!

      1. Lol, guess what? They came exactly at 5 pm! And I had to pick up my son from school at 4:30pm. I think I never drove so fast! :) Reminded me of that movie RV when he said to her: Honey, I didn’t know you can drive so fast (or something). And she said (driving that huge RV): how do you think I get the kids to school on time?! :)

  9. Averie: Love your recipes and website, I’ve been an avid follower for quite some time now. I was wondering if you could post an entry giving advice on traveling to Aruba, what to see, where to stay. etc. I want to visit there soon. I would appreciate any advice you could give. If you don’t want to dedicate a whole entry to it feel free to email me with a personal message with any advice.
    Thanks!! Bonnie

    1. Stay where you can afford and where it looks good to you. Marriott, Hyatt, a private timeshare, whatever is in your budget. Traveling here usually involves a connection in either Atlanta or Miami, you need a Passport and some patience. What to see? The beach or whatever else sounds fun. There’s not tons to “do” here. If you’re a do-do-do’er, this isn’t the place. This is a chill, enjoy life, relax, and take a break place. Happy travels!

      1. Thanks for the information! We would like to rent a house, do you know of any good rental agencies? I am curious why you say the travel requires “patience”? We are totally wanting to chillaxe so your description of the place sounds perfect!! Thanks again!

      2. just google and a zillion things come up

        patience when traveling – no matter where you’re coming from, it’s a journey to get here (and airline travel in general, I find, requires patience!). Bon Bini! :)