Biker Chick


On Friday Skylar and I went to another bike shop.  I had previously looked at this bike on Thursday but didn’t want to buy the first thing I saw, and I’m glad we shopped around.

Bikes stacked up in bike shop

Because when Skylar laid eyes on this bike it was a done deal.

Pink bike with training wheels and white basket

It’s her Christmas present from her Grandpa & Grandma and she loves it!

Basket, bell, and white padding on the handle bars, and a pink frame had her name written all over it.  We’ll have to mack it out with some pink streamers.

Skylar riding pink bike

We got her a helmet.

Skylar in white bike helmet with pink accents and flowers

Skylar smiling in white bike helmet with pink accents and flowers

And now she’s ready to give Lance Armstrong a run for his money.

Skylar riding pink bike

We do our holiday gifts a little earlier because we’re traveling in December.  This way she’ll get to ride her bikes for a couple weeks yet before we leave.

I’m also glad I went bike shopping when I did because about twenty minutes after we walked in the door and were wrapping up our purchase, another four year old girl and her dad came in and bought the other pink and white bike they had assembled in the store.  And other stores that I called were sold out of kids bikes.  I guess there’s a a big pre-Christmas rush going on with kiddie bikes.  Who knew.

Being that it’s the weekend, it’s time for coffee.  (x2 because weekends mean extra)

Bailey's creamer in cup of coffee and next to it

And one of these Krispy Kreme donuts Baked Vanilla Donuts with Vanilla Glaze

Baked Vanilla Donuts with Vanilla Glaze


The winner of the Natural Energy & Protein Drinks Giveaway is:

Savannah @ Sweet and Savvy November 10, 2011 at 1:17 pm

“I incorporate protein in my diet mainly through dairy products and eggs, and on occasion, lean, organic meats. I also eat a good bit of protein powder. I’d love to try these natural drinks! “:)

Congrats, Savannah!


1. Do you remember getting your first bike as a child?  Riding bikes with your friends?

I do and it was a pink Schwinn, with streamers, a basket, and a long “banana” seat that was white with pink and yellow flowers on it.

The bike was from my grandma and grandpa for my fifth birthday.  Skylar is going to be five in February so it’s quite serendipitous that history is closely repeating itself with a pink bike from her grandma and grandpa.

I also remember riding my bike with my friends absolutely everywhere.  We didn’t wear helmets, we didn’t carry phones (we had a rotary phone in my house!), we rode bikes after dark and we survived and bike riding is among some of my fondest childhood memories.

We rode bikes in the neighborhood, to the local pool in the summer and then to Dairy Queen and nothing tastes so good as a Heath Bar Blizzard after a summer afternoon at the pool and then a fairly long and hot bike ride to DQ when you’re 9 years old.

My friends and I biked to each others’ houses, to school, to football games, to dentist appointments, to volleyball practice; our parents sent us off on our bikes and we figured it out and got where we needed to be

Growing up in a very small, rural Minnesota town in the 80s is a far cry from urban San Diego today.  Or probably anywhere.

As a parent, I can’t imagine just letting Skylar get on her bike and…go.  Obviously that wouldn’t happen now anyway because she’s not even five years old, but when she was older, I still can’t imagine it.  The world is a very different place these days and kids today don’t grow up the same way that my friends and I grew up, but I truly cherish my bike-riding days and carefree childhood.  Such fond memories for me

2. Exciting weekend plans?

Cooking, baking, and bike riding I’m sure will top the list over here.

Have a good one!

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  1. I made your vegan GF PB Banana Bread for my middle daughter today and she loved it. My oldest daughter has celiac disease and she was so happy that she could eat it too. I almost never find a recipe that is both GF and vegan, it’s usually either/or so that recipe was quite a find for us.

    My first bike was red with a banana seat. I wanted red because when I was 5 I wanted to be a fireman so I wanted my bike to look like a fire truck. I remember my brother and I running out of the house in the morning during the summer, riding our bikes everywhere with the neighborhood kids. We’d stop in at someone’s house for lunch and someone else’s house for popsicles and we’d show up at home sometime around dinner. Then we’d be out the door again until the street lights came on. When you live in Ohio among the Amish you don’t really think about danger too much.

    1. Glad you liked it and yes it’s hard to find a recipe that’s both. At the time I made that bread, I was going thru the same issue…it was either-or. Or if I did find one, it was make with all these specialty flours and ingredients and looked dry which I am not a fan of. Glad your daughter loved it!

  2. You probably hear this a lot, but Skylar is so beautiful. She is sure getting big though! They grow up too fast. ;)

    I got my first “two-wheeler” when I was six and was over the moon about it. I went to the park and rode around until I stopped falling off. I think I was a pretty determined six-year-old.

  3. I don’t really remember getting my first bike. I do remember picking out my helmet and all of the stickers I put on it. My parents never let me just ride somewhere without supervision. It probably didn’t help that there weren’t any kids that lived anywhere close to me. All of my friends were a good drive away.

  4. Okay, is there any coffee in that mug, or are you drinking straight creamer? ;)

    I remember finding a pink bike up in the rafters in our garage growing up. It was about a month before Christmas and my older sister swore it was her Christmas present and gloated about it for that whole month (we were about 5 and 4). On Christmas morning, she tore downstairs, found the bike, and burst into tears when my mom made her get off MY present!! It was the first thing I remember getting that was so cool and not a hand-me down. Second child syndrome, all the way.

    Get some pink streamers on that bike!

  5. I don’t think I was able to ride a bike until I was 8 – I was so scared! My little sister was already mastering the bike without training wheels, and my Dad forced me to ride with training wheels!

    How things have changed! I have a kick-ass mountain bike and I bike through the snow every day!

  6. I can just see how excited she is from the pictures :) I remember getting my first bike. Everything felt so big and special. Definitely some sort of rite of passage.

  7. i don’t remember my first bike ride, but have seen hilarious home videos of my husband falling flat on his face — and his older brother proceeding to step on him and laugh in his face!! boys will be boys.

    i think skylar may be one of the few people who loves pink more than i do! so cute!!

  8. She looks so happy! I feel like a kid’s first bike is like a rite of passage or something. Such a great moment.
    My first bike sounds exactly like yours. Although the other thing that sticks out in my mind is putting those neon “spokes” on the bike wheels so when the wheel spun they’d make all that noise and look pretty. I swear there was a name for them that I can’t remember now.

    1. Such a rite of passage and yes those spoke “noise maker” things…I know exactly what you’re talking about!

  9. Yay! Thank you SO much for hosting this giveaway! :)

    My first bike was a pink Barbie bike. Glitter, streamers, the works. It was great. My dad recently cleaned up the garage and gave all of mine and my brother’s old bikes away, but he did not have the heart to get rid of it! :)

  10. My Dad use to take us to the police auctions for our bikes. There was always SO much to chose from! I don’t remember my *first* bike, but I do I remember getting an awesome purple 10 speed when I was about 12. Loved that bike to pieces…

  11. Love the bike, so cute! Since I’m the youngest of three girls, all my bikes were hand-me-downs. But that wasn’t bad, I still adored them. But I will was really excited about getting my first scooter since that was new and I got to pick it out.

    Nothing on the weekend plans except working overtime and maybe a little shopping.

  12. Oh yes, I remember my first bike, I remember using the training wheels then my first ride without them. We also bike all over the neighborhood with our friends – no helmets. And yes, we had frequent skinned knees, bumps and bruises, but it was soooo worth it ;-)

  13. Oh, she looks so happy! How wonderful :) I didn’t get my first bike until I was 12 or 13, and I only learnt when I was 11. My brother and I had to pay for our bikes ourselves, which is pretty tricky when you’re a kid trying to save hundreds of dollars! I wish mine had been pink :P

  14. Aww, glad you found a bike that Skylar loves! Your photos remind me of when we took our daughter to buy her first bike a couple of years ago – trying out the bike, helmet etc – cute! :)

    We have quite a quiet weekend planned which is nice – we’ll take the children swimming tomorrow & probably visit my Grandparents this afternoon, but apart from that just food shopping and rest (& possibly some baking) are on the agenda :)

  15. I do remember getting my first bike and gosh I will never forget it! And then when I wanted a bike when I was bigger say 12, mum and dad couldn’t afford it, so I took up selling lollies (candy) door to door for a charity (I earned 50c a bag) to buy a big girl bike! I was lucky that a drunk guy coming out of the horse races and had won big, gave me 50 bucks one day for a bag and said keep the change!!

    Skylar is such a big girl now. When did she become a teenager?