Biker Chick


On Friday Skylar and I went to another bike shop.  I had previously looked at this bike on Thursday but didn’t want to buy the first thing I saw, and I’m glad we shopped around.

Bikes stacked up in bike shop

Because when Skylar laid eyes on this bike it was a done deal.

Pink bike with training wheels and white basket

It’s her Christmas present from her Grandpa & Grandma and she loves it!

Basket, bell, and white padding on the handle bars, and a pink frame had her name written all over it.  We’ll have to mack it out with some pink streamers.

Skylar riding pink bike

We got her a helmet.

Skylar in white bike helmet with pink accents and flowers

Skylar smiling in white bike helmet with pink accents and flowers

And now she’s ready to give Lance Armstrong a run for his money.

Skylar riding pink bike

We do our holiday gifts a little earlier because we’re traveling in December.  This way she’ll get to ride her bikes for a couple weeks yet before we leave.

I’m also glad I went bike shopping when I did because about twenty minutes after we walked in the door and were wrapping up our purchase, another four year old girl and her dad came in and bought the other pink and white bike they had assembled in the store.  And other stores that I called were sold out of kids bikes.  I guess there’s a a big pre-Christmas rush going on with kiddie bikes.  Who knew.

Being that it’s the weekend, it’s time for coffee.  (x2 because weekends mean extra)

Bailey's creamer in cup of coffee and next to it

And one of these Krispy Kreme donuts Baked Vanilla Donuts with Vanilla Glaze

Baked Vanilla Donuts with Vanilla Glaze


The winner of the Natural Energy & Protein Drinks Giveaway is:

Savannah @ Sweet and Savvy November 10, 2011 at 1:17 pm

“I incorporate protein in my diet mainly through dairy products and eggs, and on occasion, lean, organic meats. I also eat a good bit of protein powder. I’d love to try these natural drinks! “:)

Congrats, Savannah!


1. Do you remember getting your first bike as a child?  Riding bikes with your friends?

I do and it was a pink Schwinn, with streamers, a basket, and a long “banana” seat that was white with pink and yellow flowers on it.

The bike was from my grandma and grandpa for my fifth birthday.  Skylar is going to be five in February so it’s quite serendipitous that history is closely repeating itself with a pink bike from her grandma and grandpa.

I also remember riding my bike with my friends absolutely everywhere.  We didn’t wear helmets, we didn’t carry phones (we had a rotary phone in my house!), we rode bikes after dark and we survived and bike riding is among some of my fondest childhood memories.

We rode bikes in the neighborhood, to the local pool in the summer and then to Dairy Queen and nothing tastes so good as a Heath Bar Blizzard after a summer afternoon at the pool and then a fairly long and hot bike ride to DQ when you’re 9 years old.

My friends and I biked to each others’ houses, to school, to football games, to dentist appointments, to volleyball practice; our parents sent us off on our bikes and we figured it out and got where we needed to be

Growing up in a very small, rural Minnesota town in the 80s is a far cry from urban San Diego today.  Or probably anywhere.

As a parent, I can’t imagine just letting Skylar get on her bike and…go.  Obviously that wouldn’t happen now anyway because she’s not even five years old, but when she was older, I still can’t imagine it.  The world is a very different place these days and kids today don’t grow up the same way that my friends and I grew up, but I truly cherish my bike-riding days and carefree childhood.  Such fond memories for me

2. Exciting weekend plans?

Cooking, baking, and bike riding I’m sure will top the list over here.

Have a good one!

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  1. Such a cutie in her helmet! My first bike was a pink and purple Huffy with streamers coming out of the handlebars. I wasn’t much of a girly girl but I still loved it!

  2. Ahh, I’m excited for Skylar to ride her bike! My niece turns 3 next weekend and I am keeping her today. Her Daddy is putting her nike and trampoline together for her bday party next weekend!!! I sooo remember my 1st bike. I rode it probably 10miles a day during the summer when I was 10. I’d ride it to my friends house, my mamaws house and, up to my uncles house to go zooming down the big hill. I lived in a “hollow” so it was all back roads and pretty safe. However, there is no way in this world I would let my child go anywhere alone. Times and people are different than they used to be. I’m 27 and it amazes me how different things re now than when I was a kid. P.S. I am dying to make those donuts. My mom got me a donut maker a couple months ago(yes, she stills buys us all kinds of presents even though I’m grown,haha). I thought I’d forget about it, but I can’t wait to use it!!!

  3. That sounds like a good giveaway! Have you tried Greens 8000? I’m doing a giveaway of it right now ( ) and it’s so yummy – plus it’s loaded with antioxidants and sneaks some veggies in under Stevia-sweetend chocolate shake flavor. :)

    The donut is so pretty. I’m always amazed when people can make things I don’t even like (like Okra, donuts, coffee, etc.) look tasty – I want to learn how to do that!

  4. OK…I may be showing my ignorance here, but how do I find your recipe for Vegan Sweet Ginger-Lime-Cumin Dipping Sauce? I just made the Taco meat for a potluck tomorrow and just realized I didn’t copy down the dipping sauce, which sounds like it would go perfect with the taco “meat”? Thanks if you have time to answer me. Love ya either way!

  5. I love Skylar´s bike!!
    I clearly remember my first one, it was a ´Pumuckl´bike. We were about to go for a vacation when I was 4 years old and my dad told me that I couldn´t bring my training wheels (they honestly didn´t fit), just the bike and said, as I needed the extra wheels, I might not bring my bike at all. I immediately went outside for a ride with my family, while my dad was loading the car and took it off without the training wheels!! My parents could not believe it :)

  6. I dont remember getting my first bike but I remember the first time I learned to ride by myself. Its funny I drove by there the other day :) I want to get a bike myself I love riding. I think everyone would be happier if we all rode bikes more. All the fresh air and sunshine. No exciting plans just taking it easy. Have a great rest of the weekend!!

  7. Awesome she got her bike! And it looks perfect for her. I still ride bike a lot, and of course I remember my first. It wasn’t pink–it was a deep orange-gold color, perfect for me as a 6-yr-old (yes, a late developer here) called a ‘budgie.’ And cellphones were unheard of almost, and of course, like you, I rode it with no safety gear or regard for safety and have many scars on my elbows to this day! First bike is such an exciting thing…

  8. Wow I can’t believe Skylar is almost 5! She looks so happy on her new bike. Adorable. So exciting for her (and for you to watch, I’m sure!)

    My co-worker friend and I were just talking about that on Friday re: kids used to ride bikes all over/play outside and how things are SO different now. Made us both curious why it seems like there are so many more “bad people” these days….or if that’s just a perception due to more media, the internet, etc.

  9. What a great post! I remember my first bike. It was a red huffy. I hated pink and purple so my parents had to buy me a boy’s bike. How things have changed… now my bike is all decked out in pink. I used to ride with my friends pretty much every day. I remember we had this little hole in our driveway and if you got your back tire stuck in it you could balance on your training wheels and pedal and pedal and go no where!

  10. Oh yes, I definitely remember my first “big girl” bike. My dad thought it would be a good idea to have my toddler brother ride with me on the back. Of course, I wiped out! My brother was fine but I got a busted lip, scratched up face, arms and legs. I still have a small scar on my lip!

    Skylar will have better luck and she looks so happy! Grandparents really do rock :)

    As for the weekend, going to check out the Mac mini, look for a coat and outdoor workout gear.

  11. I do remember my first bike!! It too had a banana seat and had blue flowers on the seat. It was my bff for so many years, I rode it so much!!! Fun times.

    Your daughter looks so precious and full of joy! :) Love it.

    And that creamer!! Have to get my hands on it! Hope you are having a great weekend!

    1. The creamer is amazing…tastes like baileys in a coffee cup without actually being alcoholic!

  12. She is too cute! I remember crashing on my first bike, but not getting my first bike haha. Sad, I know. I remember the cat lady across the street running out and healing all my wounds though :)