

I wish I could say that this post was about blistering heat…

Blue water and white sand of beach

It’s not.

It’s about me getting all kinds of blisters on my feet this week.

I can go for months without getting a blister and then bam, I got four doosies this week.

I didn’t change my shoes or my socks

Nike blue and white shoes and white socks with orange nike box

I am not running any longer or changing my stride, my pace, or my route

San diego street with palm trees Nothing is different.

The only thing I can think of is that there has been more moisture in the air this week because we’ve had rain so the humidity levels are higher and maybe that’s causing some weird friction thing resulting in blisters?

Between the blisters this week and my toe being ran over and toenail falling off last week, my feet are lookin’ real pretty.

It’s a good thing I have Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars to take my mind off my throbbing dogs.

Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars


1. Do you get blisters? Or not get them for months and then all of a sudden they strike?

If anyone has any blister tips, remedies, prevention methods, holler please!

2. Weekend plans?  Do you have Monday off?

I did not realize it’s Columbus Day on Monday until just yesterday.  Whoops.

That means it’s a 3-day weekend for some and you’re lucky enough to have off school or work, but my office is open and I have to work on Monday so no 3-day weekend for me.

But I’ll take a 2-day weekend, that’s fine.  I’ll take any weekend.  TGIF!

I plan to try and get some R & R time in, spend time with the family, cook, break out my camera and go somewhere and just take pictures to take pictures, and maybe get together with a friend.  We’ll see how things shape up.

Enjoy your (long) weekend and keep the Silpat Giveaway entries coming!

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  1. I get blisters VERY easily (any time I wear new shoes, if I walk a lot in a hot place – like on vacation, etc, etc.). My feet hate me.

  2. those sneaks are adorable!!

    and MAN do I know blisters!! i was a figure skater!! my feet would be beat up constantly… bleeding , scabs, calluses …NOT PRETTY. i use a lot of moleskin and jelly/silicone type pads in my skates….not sure what the protocol is for runners though!!

    hope your feet are pain free soon!!

    (i also almost always get blisters with shoes too!)

  3. Your poor feet! They sound like they are in need of some TLC.

    No 3-day weekend here, which stinks because I could have really used it this weekend! I have both my 5-year wedding anniversary today and my 10-year HS reunion. An extra day off would have been awesome.

  4. Strange on the blisters, I tend to get them after longer runs and if I don’t get out of the sweaty workout gear fast enough.

    1. Yes, but rarely. My hubby gets them all the time in his Vibram running shoes, but still swears by them? :-P
    2. Not really and no. I wish I had Monday off!

  5. Must be the weather, because I have a blister on both of my heels! I have been putting shea butter on mine. Maybe I should make some of those pumpkin peanut butter oatmeal bars to make me feel better lol

  6. I am so glad to hear that I’m not the only one with terrible blisters! Just a few weeks ago I had 8 at one time..yuck. BUT, I found NewSkin at the grocery store and it works like a charm! It’s basically like painting fake skin on your works SO well.

    1. new skin…I’ve used it on cooking burns on my fingers before but never on blisters. Need to try it. I remember on my burns it…stung! But then it dries and it’s like magic :)

  7. That’s so weird! Do you think that maybe because of your hurt toes your feet are changing the way they run to compensate for any pain your toes would feel otherwise? It could be such a slight adjustment that you don’t notice it but it still rubs and causes blisters. That’s my 2 cents, lol. Otherwise I’m clueless!

  8. I don’t get blisters (knock on wood), but I have those damn cankles right now that are annoying me. Feet troubles. I think this means we should just kick back and relax. Alas, no 3 day weekend for me. next Monday I have the day off though. No idea why, but I’ll take it.

  9. Oh how I loathe blisters…I’m sorry to hear about your poor feetsies :-/ Have to say Skylar’s costume is TOO cute!

  10. no fun! I get blisters really easily, and particularly in higher humidity. Hence why dry climates are my friend :)

    I didn’t realize it was a holiday weekend in the U.S. I don’t even take weekends off really, but we will be going to the in-laws for the Canadian Thanksgiving.