Blogger Meetup, Mailbox Finds, Raw Vegan Smoothie Recipe


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How’s Thursday going? I admit, I’m beat tired and working on 4 hours of sleep. And those 4 hours were not consecutive. Playing nursemaid to a sick Skylar was my 1 to 4am calling card. So needless to say I was grateful for a coffee & a chit-chat get-together with Madeline of Greens and Jeans.

Two women and young girl in coffee shop

Madeline and I gabbed about life. And Skylar snacked.

Young girl sitting at table snacking

And Madeline is such a great sport with Skylar and she plays along so wonderfully with all of Skylar’s little stories snots and games!

Woman and young girl sitting at table smiling

Like when Skylar shows Madeline how Fashionista Barbie Walks Down the Runway

Young girl playing with Barbie at table

And in between her snacking, Skylar’s nose ran all over the place.

Young girl smiling while having some snacks

But it was great to catch up with Madeline for java and chit-chat! Just what the doctor ordered for this very tired mama: A little Girl Time + Coffee!

Two woman and young girl smiling for camera

I’m glad you enjoyed yesterday’s Grocery Finds Post

Whole Wheat Gluten Free Snacks
Hand holding whole wheat and gluten free snacks
Hand holding a cherry


Fresh cut strawberries in container

And thanks for letting me know those Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs had you drooling

Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs in white dish

Right along with the No-Bake Vegan PB Chocolate Chip Protein Bars

No-Bake Vegan PB Chocolate Chip Protein Bars

And thanks for filling me in on your recommendations on gum, mints, and everything you’re Grateful For

Multiple packs of various flavors of Extra Gum
Good stuff and thanks, my bloggie friends, for chiming in!

Today when I came home from my coffee clutch with Madeline, I found a couple things waiting for me in the mail!

First, a kitchen scale

Eat Smart Kitchen Scale

From Health Tools and Eat Smart Products

Business Card for Health Tools

I have chatted with Katie before about how when I’m making raw vegan balls

Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Fudge Balls up close
Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Balls in container

…that it would be incredibly helpful to have a food scale like she does because 1 cup of dates can mean alot of different things; tightly packed vs. loosely packed can make a difference in the outcome of the batch or recipe.  I think another guy loves his scale, too.

Eat Smart Food Scale out of package

Now I will know,  for example, that 100 grams of medjool dates will always work in a particular recipee,  rather than guesstimating quite as much.  Because with a scale, 100g is always 100g type of thing. Just call me Mrs. Alton Brown.

Information on box of food scale

Thanks you so much Eat Smart Products for the Scale!!!

Close up of red Food Scale

Speaking of Katie,  Anyone doing anything special with your food choices being that it’s Vegan Thursday? I’m not doing anything special per se because it’s just another happy-go-luck-vegan-kind-of-day for me, but maybe you’ll think about eating more natural, plant-based foods today. Because they really do make you feel so clean and energized!

Moving along…
I also am the very lucky recipient of a super cute care package from Isa Zapata!

Care package from Isa Zapata

Cute Handpainted Bags

Hand painted bag with heart
Tag on bag

Some postcards and art

Isa Zapata Informational Card
Two post cards on countertop

Mommy & Me TShirts from Isa ZapataAnd I promise to model these when Skylar’s in more of a dress-up and try-on new clothes health status!

Mommy and Me Shirts from Isa Zapata

Thank you so much Isa Zapata!!!!!!

Information card from Isa Zapata with website information

Dinner last night for me was a big bowl of Rabbit FoodRomaine, Sugar Snap Peas, Brock, Tomatoes, Cukes, Carrots, and Brussels

Romaine salad with vegetables and dressing

Dressed with homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing

Homemade Vegan slaw in front of Veganaise and Apple Cider Vinegar Containers
Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing in glass jar
Fresh salad with Vegan Slaw

Dessert was a couple Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls that I made the other day.

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls in clear container
Close up of two Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

Yoga Today is Sirasana (Headstand)
(I talked in this post about weight distribution with your head vs. arm & shoulder muscles. Check it out to stay injury-free in your neck!)

Woman doing Sirasana yoga pose

Tip of the Day:
Raw Vegan Blueberry Almond Smoothie Recipe

  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/4 cup raw almonds
  • 2 tablespoons flax oil, hemp, or coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons agave or pure maple syrup (note, maple is not truly raw)
  • 1 cup water or nut milk of your liking
  • Optional: Scoop of your favorite protein powder

In a blender, combine ingredients in order listed and puree to a smooth consistency.

Do you like smoothies?  I know a few ladies, ahem Deb and Allie, who do!  I love to chew, see yesterday’s gum chewing post if you don’t believe me, but I’d love to hear your favorite recipes and tips for The Perfect Smoothie Recipe!

Other Questions….
Would you say you have a good memory?  If I try, I would say I am an excellent memorizer. However, I need to pay attention and not try to multi-task while I am committing something to memory or else it’s in one ear and out the next. I have a pseudo “photographic memory” and I can look at something that’s written or in print and if I try, I can burn it into my mental hard drive, permanently.  Which is good and bad. It was something I practiced as a kid and helped me immensely in school, but now, it’s just a quirky fact about me.  How’s your memory?

Or, Do you have any quirky traits or random facts? I also hate garlic!  How’s that for random!

Stay Tuned For All Things Oats…


  1. I love the birthday pics!!

    my family never threw me big parties for my birthday :( and i always was really upset and jealous of my friends who did get that…birthdays arent really a big deal at my house…which is why i think that u are NEVER too old to have a birthday party! i love the one you threw for skylar…she is one very lucky girl! even tho it was just for 3 ppl i think it was better than any other huge party! she can def see her parents love her very much!

  2. I definitely think you are NEVER to old to celebrate a birthday! I love helping people celebrate their special days, especially with surprises! People say they don't like to think about getting old, but you should be grateful for every year more you have =)

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog the other day Averie. The conflict between yoga being trendy…but attracting more clientele, is definitely similar!! I fear I am probably one of those people, but I've been doing it for at least 5 years now. Ah well.

    I am on a mission to find that vegan white chocolate. Where did you find it?

  4. Happy belated birthday, Skylar! She looks so radiant, as do you (as per usual!).

    Look at all of those PB cups! (Did I tell you I had a little wino incident on Friday night and made FOUR?! No? Good… you probably didn't need to know that.)

    Who WOULDN'T want to receive homemade goodies in the mail from you?!

    Have a great day, my dear!

  5. You're 24th birthday sounded like such an amazing night! I think you're never too old for a big birthday celebration.

    Thanks for sharing all the sweet photos of the birthday girl!

  6. Aw, Skylar is adorable :)
    I have to say – I believe one is NEVER too old for a good birthday :) As long as you're is in the mood, surrounded by loved ones that make you happy….anything can happen. ;) My dad threw a big birthday thing for my grandfather a few years ago (his 80th) and from the pictures (I couldnt come cause I was in the Philippines at the time) it looked like a blast :)

    You know what's funny? Growing up I hated the taste of buttercream frosting. Maybe it's 'cause my mom never gave it to me…but I always thought cupcakes etc were so darn pretty…but tasteless :P Of course I went through my "rebellious" phase (lol last year) and gained like…20 pounds xDD but i'm back to vegan…hah…
    anyway I'm trying to incorporate more yoga into my life now :)

  7. Hey fellow HOTTIE!!!!!!!!

    I think I did steal your photo albums!! lol!! I want to see some pics of you in your wild days!!!

    I feel the same way about my son growing up too fast, your daughter is as well, I know those days are coming soon for me when he is to cool for me, he will be 10!! Geez!!!

    Greens Plus Bars I do like but yeah the price is just too high, I get them here and there : )

    I still love to celebrate my birthday like Im 5!! lol!! I love birthdays!!!

    Have a great day!! xoxoxo

  8. Your 24th birthday celebration sounded so lovely and romantic! I think you should celebrate your birthday for as long as you feel happy to. Over the last few years I've just got together with a couple of friends and had a few drinks. I prefer low-key celebrations.

    I think an "about me" page is an awesome idea! Call me nosey, but I love reading people's about page. Who were you in your former life pre-Skylar? I'm guessing that life changes MASSIVELY once you've had children. x

  9. Your blog is so vibrating, your energy is just burning through it (is it right like that?), so I think it is good as it is. It's great!
    Happy birthday to your little Skyler!

  10. i totally agree about the word verification thing!! it is so obnoxious to have to enter it like 3 times because blogger doesn't accept it the first time around. ugh! aww skylar, what a cutie! such a fun party for her, love all the decorations. and dessert. ahh those pb cups are so PERFECT how do you do it? amazing!

  11. i'm actually a firm believer in always celebrating birthdays at any age- why not :) it is supposed tobe the one day of the year about you, right?! haha. you have the cutest pictures of you and skylar- i love them!! i am so glad you feel so lucky to have a child, it is really awesome and inspiring.

  12. Hope your sweet birthday girl enjoyed every last icing-covered morsel of that special birthday cupcake :)

    The pictures…she is so precious, gazing up at her mama! She's darling in her new beads and cute little ponytail :)

    Your white chocolate pb cups look incredible – elegant and fancy! Gorgeous dessert as always…

  13. I loved the pics of Skylar's birthday. I actually remember my third birthday very well. We were traveling to Canada to visit my grandparents and we stopped at a McDonalds-I'm pretty sure I had NEVER had it before and it was years before I had it again. It was only my parents and one of my brothers who was an infant at the time, no fancy presents or cake, but I had so much fun and I was so happy!

    Three is truly a magical age.

    I'm SO excited to try out your vegan kefir, I'm saving the page so I don't forget about it! My Monday has actually been flowing very well, the baby gave a lot back today. She turns 10 months in three days and her personality is shining through more and more each day, she even gave me a several big kisses! I also reminded myself how important it is for me to meditate and did so while she slept. It felt so good, I really need to get back into doing it regularly.

    I'm going to get rid of the word verification thingy on my page, I don't think I need it anyway. I just went with what was already there. And yeah! I would love an 'about you' page or posting. I don't have any questions but I'd love to learn more about you :)

  14. Ut oh, you didn't like my what are you wearing email?!? lol Just Kidding!!

    I think EVERY birthday should be celebrated (I celebrate mine ALL month long! lol) at any age. Like I tell my friends and family, I am so greatful and Happy that they were born because they have been such a big part of my life. Besides everyone deserves at least ONE day a year that they get treated like the princess' they are!!!

  15. Little Skylar is SO cute…she looks just like you! So sorry you are in Phoenix because she and Maya could be good friends if you still lived in California! Come back!

    I never like to be the center of attention so I don't like big celebrations of my birthday. I am going to be 34 this month…can't believe it! The older I get the less I want to celebrate at all!!

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