Blueberries & Popovers


Today is National Blueberry Popover day. I almost bought a popover pan about a month ago. I had it in my hand, but decided not to purchase it because it’s a big clunker of a pan. Long, with metal wires and very deep cups, so stacking it with other pans would be next to impossible.

Chicago Metallic 6 cup popover pan

In addition to being awkwardly shaped, I wondered just how I’d really use it and wondered if it would be a one-hit-wonder one-hit-popover pan. Basically make my one batch of popovers and then never make them again, so I took a pass on this biggie-sized pan that would overwhelm my already stuffed cabinets and non-existent kitchen storage.

My dad used to make popovers when I was growing up and it’s been ages since I’ve had one and blueberry popovers sound fabulous. I just love blueberries.

No popovers here, but I do have frozen blueberries on hand at almost all times.

Bag of frozen blueberries

Never know when I may want Microwave Blueberry Banana Oat Cakes (Vegan, GF)

Microwave Blueberry Banana Oat Cakes

Or Blueberry Streusel Muffins (Vegan, GF)

Blueberry Streusel Muffins mix

Blueberry Streusel Muffins in panBlueberry Streusel Muffin

They will have to suffice for my blueberry cravings for now.

blueberries in container

Do you like popovers?

I haven’t had them in years but their puffiness, their warmth and lightness when they come out of the oven with some butter and jam, the way they make the house smell when they’re baking, good stuff.

Do you like blueberries?

I love them and spring means blueberry season and locally grown blueberries at the farmers market.

table of blueberries at farmers market

Thanks for the $50 Visa Gift Card and Peanut Butter Giveaway entries

Have a great weekend!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I don’t think I have ever had a popover, but I definitely love blueberries! I miss my mom’s blueberry muffins.

  2. I am TOTALLY not a cook but can’t an unlined muffin pan make a popover? That’s probably sacrilege but this is coming from she who made challah for the first time this week — in the bread machine :-/

  3. I’ve been making my son popovers for years. You don’t need the popover pan- I use little baking dishes I got at Ikea- they actually work better.
    My dad used to make them when I was little- he’d sometimes put little pieces of bacon in them for variety.

  4. I don’t think I have actually ever had a popover. They don’t look that tasty to me, but then I wouldn’t know! Now microwave banana cakes are yummy and muffins are the best!

  5. I LOVE blueberries – these look absolutely delicious :) I have never even heard of popovers.. very interesting!

  6. love blueberries! i pop some in my oatmeal when i can and always have some in the freezer for convenience. I’ve also experimented pairing them with some savoury herbs which has turned out delightful as well. such a yummy superfood

  7. Do you know, I don’t think I have ever had a popover! They look so fluffy and yummy though!

    Blueberries, I love. We make muffins, pancakes, smoothies, fruit salads…you get the idea! They are a favorite around here. My favorite way to eat blueberries, though, is to freeze them (or buy them already frozen), pour them in a bowl, drizzle coconut milk over them, which freezes to the berries and becomes almost like coconut ice cream and sprinkle cinnamon and a little vanilla stevia. YUM! Soooo good!

  8. Love Blueberries!! I have only had a cinnamon and sugar popover and it was good!! Are you going to make popovers?

  9. Hey girl! Busy week here with Zoe’s birthday and such so I haven’t been able to stop by. I love your new blog title! It’s more fitting now.

    As you know, I love popovers and our popover pan has gotten plenty of use. I actually use it at least once a month if not more. My kids love popovers for their school snack or with dinner. They also love the sugar crusted popovers that I make that taste better than donuts. Sooo good.

    Did you hear that lightroom 4 is on sale for $149? If you want to upgrade from 3 it’s only $79. I think I may just have to get number 4 since it’s so cheap. I have 2 more days left on my free trial, so I have to make a decision soon.

    All right, I am getting weary eyed so I am going to sign off. Zoe played in 2 back to back lacrosse games today and I was the “official” score keeper so my eyes are ready for bed ;)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. I downloaded the free LR4 trial but never played around with it to really figure out what was different or better than it than LR3 so I don’t know..but I’d just get LR4 and that way when they come out with LR5, you’re only one step, not two steps, from the most current version. For 80 bucks or whatever extra it would be, worth it. Keep me posted on what you end up doing, thoughts, etc.!

      1. Hey girl! I just purchased it because it was so cheap (well, not really) and your right about being one step closer to lightroom 5. Lightroom is like an apple product, where there are probably going to be new versions every 6 months or so. I don’t even understand all that lightroom has to offer but I will learn over time I assume. Right now, I just use the white balance and tone control buttons. Pretty simple but it is doing the job thus far.

      2. I just went back to this to see your tips. Lightroom 4 is set up a bit differently than 3 so I am getting use to the new settings. I have not used blacks yet so I will give that a try. I think I have gone to far on a few pics with the clarity setting as I previewed them on my post and they are a bit to detailed, like grossly detailed. I will have to go back and tone those puppies down. Glad to see that you don’t use anything else on LR that is to different than what I am using!

      3. It’s easy to go too far but usually if you add blacks, you increase exposure. If you increase one thing, you can increase another. It’s all an art of playing around with it and practicing. A year and a half later, thousands of images later, I am still learning. And depending on where I plan to use the pic, I will edit it differently, i.e. food sites, my blog, prints, etc.

  10. Can’t say that I’ve ever had a popover. I guess it’s something I should try. Blueberries I’ve grown to like over the years. Maybe one day I’ll even love them. Who knows. All of your blueberry goodies look absolutely fabulous!

  11. I have never heard of a popover before, but now I’m intrigued. It looks like something that could go seriously messy if it didn’t work out. Still… mess in my kitchen? Wouldn’t be first.

    Your new blog layout is great and it feels more authentic to what you have become as a blogger.

    1. more authentic to what you have become as a blogger = couldn’t have said it better myself! Thank you!

  12. You should come to NYC and visit the Popover Cafe on Amsterdam. Though veganism changed my popover consumption there, I do remember them as having had the best popovers in the whole world.

    Also, I have been meaning to comment upon the new blog look and title. Well done, Averie! It’s so important to evolve as a blogger, and I love how you (and the language) of your blog have evolved.

  13. Love the new style of your blog. The one and only time I’ve had popovers was in Acadia, Maine at the famous Jordan Pond House. Their popovers are legendary and delicious with blueberry jam and butter :)

  14. I haven’t had a popover since my teenage years. I just looked at the recipe in Joy of Cooking which says you can use a muffin tin or small ovenproof custard cups but to grease and flour them so the batter has something to climb as it rises. It also says to make sure the popovers are crusy and well browned to keep them from deflating. Hmmm–I think they sound like fun!

    1. I wrote to another friend/reader who wrote in to say that about muffin tins but I’ve always worried that the surface area/depth of the tin won’t give the puff ‘n pop that the popover pans do. If you try making any in a muffin pan, LMK!