

Today was one of those cold, overcast, windy, blustery days that felt like I was living in Cape Cod in November rather than springtime in San Diego.

Cloudy sky and palm trees

We went for a family walk and it wasn’t exactly my idea of fun. It felt windy enough that the wind gusts could have sent Skylar into flight.

Fun when it’s at your back at you’re 5 years old; my definition of  purgatory when it’s at your face.

Cloudy sky and palm trees

The wind had shook loose dozens and dozens of lemons from many of the lemon trees that we pass on our walk and there were lemons littered on lawns and sidewalks.

Lemon tree with bunches of lemons

The anecdote to a harsh windy walk is, of course coming inside and making cinnamon bun pie.

Cinnamon bun pie

It’s amazing what a little doctoring up can do for a tube of refrigerated cinnamon rolls and how good your house smells 15 minutes later.

And how good your belly feels.

Cinnamon bun pie

Coffee, lots of coffee, was my friend today.

Cafe La Llave espresso can

The best way to stay warm and awake so my eyes don’t glaze over while I’m editing pictures is plenty of java.

Tall thin cup of coffee

For those who workout outside, what is your biggest nemesis?  Rain, wind, cold, heat, humidity?

I can handle cold weather as long as I’m dressed for it (0 degrees F is about my limit when I was living in Minnesota and Chicago) and I actually like running in the heat and humidity (Aruba, Phoenix, Myrtle Beach)

I am not a fan of rain and wind. It just cuts right through me and the entire time I’m in it, I just want it to end. Those are the days when at-home yoga sounds better and better.

I do love to just get outside every single day, even for short durations. Nature and fresh air really centers me so I’ll usually tough it out, even if it’s just 10 minutes.

What did you do today?

Thanks for the Yumvelope Healthy Snacks Giveaway and the KitchenAid 7-Quart Stand Mixer Giveaway entries

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  1. We had a day like this in Detroit on Monday, and walking to school the gusts were like someone was aiming a fan at me, panning up from the ground so every piece of dirt and grit was blown into my face. There was also a gust that felt equivalent to a punch in the face. It was seriously the strongest gust of wind I have ever experienced, it almost knocked me over as I was crossing the street!! Global warming has some weird collateral consequences…. poor planet. We tried to save you.

  2. Oh man, the lemon tree. I’d kill to be able to grow one of those in my backyard! I am not a fan of cold weather, unless it’s accompanied by snow. I’m pretty much the only person who actually likes a good blizzard :)

    1. I am literally tripping over hundreds of lemons all over the lawns and city streets and sidewalks. There are some 100 year old trees with like, 250 lemons on them, each. They are the size of giant oak trees, COVERED with lemons!

  3. I would say it would have to be blistering heat, i get red so quick when its hot out!

    I love your mug btw!

  4. It was windy here too Saturday and that has to be my biggest annoyance when working out outside, it’s tiring for runs, kicks up dirt, and makes my nose run. :-)