Breaking the Rules, Mailbox Finds, Favorite Seasonal Foods, Prop 8 Overturned


How’s your Hump Day gang?  I hit the gym this morning, ran a few errands, and came home and sold some Kombucha and a couple of Scobys.  Seems my Craigslist ad for Kombucha Scoby Mushrooms and Kombucha has taken off!

Jar full of Kombucha Scoby Mushrooms

My ad is working! The mushrooms are flying out of the jar like hot cakes.  
I actually am growing more, on purpose. 

I’ve been really enjoying my Kombucha from my Oak Barrel and am happy to share it!

Tap on barrel with cup of kombucha underneathInside glass of kombuchaOverhead of glass full of kombucha

Speaking of my day yesterday…
I did thoroughly enjoy my time with Jenny and her new baby!

Woman and young girl in swimsuit waving by pool


Woman and child sitting on couch holding baby

Thanks for giving me your stressbusting tips.  Everything from going for a run to watching random DVR shows you have waiting.  I am pretty much the same way.

And for those of you who answered the question about productivity in the beginning, middle, or end of the week, I guess I have some hard core readers since most of you said you’re always productive, day of the week doesn’t matter because you just get ‘er done, and pay no attention to day of the week.  I like your style!  Me too!

Thanks for sharing the exercises you like to do with exercise and medicine balls!  Check out the comments for some good ones!

Exercise ball
12 pound medicine ball

Finally, my car repair situation 4 Grand, I am still frosted.   No new information yet on that.

Bria summarized it all perfectly in one sentence:
“WTF do we have insurance and leasing for, if you’re somehow liable for some stupid defect in the car. Ugh, just sucks.”

That’s what I was trying to say yesterday about leasing vs. owning.  When the roof leaks on your rented house or apartment, the landlord pays, not you.  When you drive a leased vehicle and some major issue goes wrong through no fault of your own it should either be handled under warranty (whether you own or lease shouldn’t matter anyway if it’s a warranty issue) or, it should simply be taken care of under the terms of the lease.  That’s why people lease.  That’s the benefit!

Moving On…
I received some Dove Visibly Smooth Deodorant

Dove deodorant on countertopClose up of label of dove deodorant in wild rose
It reduces your hair growth.  Cool.  I am all about that!  I have mentioned before that I shave every day because I hate stubble so this is perfect for me.  Thanks, Dove.

I received some Raw Crunch Bars.  These are perfect for me!  Handmade, Uncooked, Unprocessed, Vegan, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free.

Box of Raw Crunch Bars
Label on box of Raw Crunch Bars
Open box showing individual packaged Raw Crunch Bars
Box showing flavors of bars
Stacked piles of Raw Crunch Bars
Flavors: Cranberry, Blueberry, Goji Berry, and Chocolate

So Far I’ve tried the Blueberry and the Chocolate.  They are so delicious!  I am always grateful to find bars that are Vegan, GF, Raw/Un-Processed, and also not supremely heavy or clocking in at 350+ calories like some raw bars do because of the dates and nuts in many.  I love the stats on these and they are perfect for a snack.

Nutrition Facts on Raw Crunch Bars box
Label of one bar showing ingredients
 Thank you Raw Crunch Bars!

If you don’t have any Raw Crunch Bars laying around, you can always make my No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bars that I mentioned yesterday.

One cut No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bars
 And the flavors of coconut, chia & flax seeds, mashed banana, oats, maple syrup, cinnamon, chocolate chips, well…they are really tasty in combination together!
Close up of end of one No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bar

While I was busy taking pictures of the bars, Skylar was getting busy with Blue Terra Chips.

Young girl moving hands
Bag of Terra Blues Potato Chips
Terra Blues Potato Chips on plateYoung girl eating one Terra Blues Potato Chip
She’s gone over to the dark side.  Gourmet Potato Chips.  But like 4 chips at a time makes her world.  And makes mine happy, too.  And silent.  Aside from her crunching.  And that’s a beautiful thing.  Whatever it takes some days.  I tell you.


Green Food:  A simple, fresh green salad with Spring Mix, Vine Ripe Tomatoes, Cukes, and Stevia Plant Leaves

Bag of Baby Spring MIx
Vine ripened tomatoes
Stevia Plant
Salad with stevia leaves
Dressed With Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing using Reduced Fat Veganaise
Vegan Slaw Dressing with ingredients in background
Salad with stevia leaves and Vegan Slaw Dressing
Easy.  Screams summertime lightness, freshness, and simplicity.

Dessert: Vegan Fudge-10 Minute No-Bake Recipe, Gluten/Soy/Tree-Nut Free (with Chocolate Sprinkles!)

Pan full of Vegan Fudge


Close up of slice of Vegan Fudge with sprinkles
Sliced gooey Vegan Fudge
 Vegan Fudge in 10 Minutes!

Gym & Weights Workout Today From This Tab: Upper Body Workout

Tip of the Day:  Did you see Who Won My TofuXpress Tofu Press Give Away?

Tofu Press


Click Here to See Who Won!

1. Did you hear that Prop 8 was overturned in California?  There is a huge rally about to start in my neighborhood and the news crews are out in full force.  I smiled and waved hello to a reporter on my way out of Kinko’s a half hour ago.  
From the Huffington Post
“SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge overturned California’s gay-marriage ban Wednesday in a landmark case that could eventually force the U.S. Supreme Court to confront the question of whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to wed.”

If you missed my post on my recent trip to the Gay Pride Parade, Click Here.

Woman and child crouching smiling at Gay Pride Parade
Two woman with underwear, suspenders and pasties
Firetruck full of men at Gay Pride Parade
  More Pics Here

I am so happy that there is equality and the right to marry for gays and lesbiands.  Seems so simple and a basic human right to me.   

What do you think about the Ruling? 

2. What foods scream Summertime to you?  Do you cook less, eat more raw, eat lighter and fresher in the summer?
I definitely do.  As a raw foodie, I have no strong personal urge to eat cooked or heavier foods, even in the winter.  I just don’t really crave them that much, and if I did, I would roast up some veggies or whatever, not a biggie to me.  Who cares if it’s not raw.   The Raw Police aren’t going to be issuing citations.  But in the summer, I love cucumbers and tomatoes and raw veggies even more than I do the rest of the year.  I eat a tomato a day, but in the summer, they just taste that much better to me!

Various fruits on countertopClose up of various fruits on countertop
 And of course, fresh seasonal fruit is always delish!

What do you like to cook or eat in the summer?  Is it different than in the winter?

3.  Selling Kombucha isn’t exactly a crime but whether I was selling chocolate chip cookies I baked or kombucha I brewed, I’m sure at some level one is supposed to have permits or licenses.  Then again, people sell food at farmer’s markets and they don’t have permits; they just rent a booth/stall and sell.  I’m sure that the trace alcohol content in the ‘booch just adds to the naughty factor.

However, our society as a whole should be more concerned with teen pregnancy, the AIDS epidemic, and the fact that kids consume HFCS as part of their school lunches than they should be with moms selling banana bread out of their kitchen type of thing.  In so many ways, Rules are Meant to be Broken! Especially the ones that don’t seem to be grounded in common sense or logic!

Some rules I admit to breaking:  I speed habitually, I don’t always use my headset when I talk on my cell phone, and I go through the Express Lane at the grocery store if I’m within a few items over the limit.  God, such a Bad Girl I am….ha!

Are you a Rule Breaker? What’s the last Rule you’ve Broken?  Any that you break regularly?

Stay Tuned For Recipe Updates…

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