Bringing Food on Trips, What Do You Bring?


Hi Friends!  Well this week is going by at warp speed and I feel frazzled and fragmented and am running around like a chicken with my head cut off!  I am in the midst of packing for our trip.  As the mom and domestic engineer of the home, I am responsible for everyone’s QTips, Shampoo, Sunscreen, nail clippers, Neosporin, random just in case medications, 3 pairs of shoes each, enough snacks and toys to last for a day of airplane travel, making sure we have the car rental reservation paperwork for the other end, hold onto the Passports, make sure the mail has been put on hold at the Post Office, make sure the bills here have been stamped and mailed in advance, it just goes on and on and on the things that I have to do.  But let’s not think about that for a minute.

I stopped at TJ’s and picked up a couple quick items to bring with. 

This is my the cloth grocery bag I got on my Food Buzz trip.  If you missed my Food Buzz Photos, they are Here

Food buzz bag, bars, raisin medley and bag of mixed greens on countertop


Can’t go wrong with raisins and bars.  And I will pack plenty of apples, carrot sticks, bananas, cucumber wedges, and whatever fresh produce is still in the fridge that I need to use.  Wouldn’t want to leave “presents” behind in the produce drawer that would go all science experiment on me while away!

Jumbo Raisin Medly bag and clif bars on countertop

I know it sounds crazy but on an island, one never knows what kind of produce will be shipped in.  And sometimes the island runs out of greens, lettuce, kale and the like.  So I am enjoying my last bag of Sorrento Blend for awhile.  I won’t actually bring this with, but will bring some other diced veggies.

Close up of mixed greens blend in bag

I’m also bringing NuNaturals White Stevia Powder, Probiotics, and two flavors of liquid stevia

White Stevia Powder, Probiotics and liquid stevia

I like this stevia as a change up from my good old standby…

Close up bottle of Sweet Leaf Liquid Stevia

 ….but this truly is my favorite flavored stevia.  It’s just the best. 

Close up bottle of NuNaturals Liquid Vanilla Stevia


 I get my stevia, probiotics, bulk spices, body wash, vitamins, you name it, from
If you need any of the above or a million other items, try and never pay retail prices again!
Enter Code AVE630 at checkout to save $5.  
Click Here to Shop

I also just got the new issue of YJ to bring with

Yoga Journal Magazine
 Peace Inside?  God, let me dive in because travel is the farthest thing from peaceful
Article in magazine titled Peace Inside 10 Poses to soothe your spirit

And I am bringing the books I wrote about here.

From yesterday’s post about Why you make what you make, and the reasons you cook, whether it be for a creative outlet, for fun, because you just have a taste for something, or you just simply need to throw a meal together, it was fun to read your reasons.  Lots of you cook as a creative outlet it sounds like.

And most of you who are bakers and do a lot of baking, also don’t eat everything you make.

As I said yesterday, neither do I.  I love chocolate and all, but even I can only handle so much sugar!

I mean, there’d be no way I could eat everything I make, in entirety.  A bite or two sometimes is all I want.

Snack: No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Bars  
These come together in 5-10 minutes with just a bowl and a spoon.  And no fancy or specialty ingredients.   I should have whipped up a batch of these for the plane but that hasn’t happened yet.   Oh well.

Ingredients for No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Bars in silver bowl


Overhead of one cut No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Bar
Side of No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Bar
Close up of end of No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Bar

1. Do you bring food with you on trips? 
Yes, I do bring some, but not tons.  I’d rather try to just wing it and figure out what I’m going to eat when I get to my destination, but there are a few things I’d rather not leave home without.  Like stevia!

2. What do you bring with that you just “can’t live without”?
When traveling for long distances having some bars or whatever is portable and can tide you over until a better option comes along, is just using common sense.

I truly try to embrace the local culture and eat what is served as much as possible.  The When in Rome thing.  With food allergies and being vegan, this can sometimes be tricky and does require a bit of luck and a prayer.  But, for me, so far not overthinking, being open to trying new things, and not overpacking too much “stash food”, i.e. forcing me to just dive in to the local cuisine, has worked out okay for me.

I realize not everyone is as comfortable with this notion though based on your allergies, dietary restrictions, emotional issues with food, etc.

I did a whole post on my top 20 Travel Tips, too.  If you missed it, check it out.

3. Are you a fan of Christmas Music?
I have been hearing it played everywhere already from the grocery store to the bank to even Top 40 “popular” radio stations are throwing in some Ruldolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in between Usher and Katy Perry.

I am okay with Christmas music up to a point, but it’s like pumpkin recipes for me; a little is fine, but more is not better type thing.  I know some people truly get super into holiday music and that’s great, but I guess I don’t get super into it.

Time for my 20 minute at-home workout and then working on my to-do list.  Have a great day everyone.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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