Cheese Recipes


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Say Cheese!  They were sampling this cheese at Trader Joe’s last week and normally I try to refrain from in-store sampling because one sample leads to four which leads to a cart full of impulse purchases.

Last week I left the store without buying it, but I had been thinking about this cheese ever since.

Trader Joe's thousand day gouda Cheese

Yesterday I went back and purchased the cheese and doesn’t that say something about the power of sampling. Samples do apparently work for their intended usage of driving sales, rather than for the (unintended) usage of feeding children and tiding them over so mom can buy herself another 4.37 minutes of concentration and shopping time.

It’s got a really intense flavor because it’s been aged 1000 days, but it’s not “bitey”.  Just mature and well-aged.

Trader Joe's thousand day gouda Cheese with plastic open

Cheese and grapes, cheese and dried fruit, this cheese platter, oh yes, Cheese Please.

cheese platter with grapes and nuts

Cheese and wine

Wine bottles on shelf

More cheesy recipes to follow that you can add cheese to, add vegan cheese to (Daiya or similar), or keep “cheezy” with nutritional yeast:

Cheddar Cheese and Olive Oil Savory Muffins

Cheddar Cheese and Olive Oil Savory Muffins

Cheesy Taco Casserole

Cheesy Taco Casserole

Spicy Baked Eggs and Hash Brown Casserole (add cheese to it)

Spicy Baked Eggs and Hash Brown Casserole

Spinach and Red Pepper Frittata (add cheese to it)

Spinach and Red Pepper Frittata cut in four

“Spicy Doritos” Cheezy Dip (vegan, GF)

“Spicy Doritos” Cheezy Dip

“Spicy Doritos” Cheezy Dip on crackers

Kale Chips (Raw, Vegan, GF)

Kale chips on pans
Kale chips on pans with orange veggies
Kale chips on pans with orange veggies

Spinach & Artichoke Dip (Fat Free, Vegan)

Spinach & Artichoke Dip with pretzels

Cheezy Vegetable Bake (vegan, GF)

Cheezy Vegetable Bake before cooking with yeast flakes
Cheezy Vegetable Bake

Salsa & Cheezey Baked Beans & Vegetables on pan

Salsa & Cheezey Baked Beans & Vegetables in bowl

Baked Savory Cream Cheese & Herb Donuts

Baked Savory Cream Cheese & Herb Donuts

Mini Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches

Mini Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches

Chips and Cheese Chili Casserole

Chips and Cheese Chili Casserole

Ritz Cracker-Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups (No-Bake, Vegan, and a little nutritional yeast for added cheezy-ness_

Ritz Cracker-Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups


Roasted Grapes and Balsamic Reduction with Cheese and Crackers (vegetarian)

Roasted Grapes and Balsamic Reduction with Cheese and Crackers

Avocado, Cream Cheese, and Salsa-Stuffed Puff Pastries (vegetarian)

Avocado, Cream Cheese, and Salsa-Stuffed Puff Pastries

Do you like cheese? What kind of cheese, or cheeze, do you eat?

 Favorite cheese recipes or ways to eat it?

I grew up in the Minnesota where dairy cows and cheese are plentiful. I moved on to plenty of wine sampling and cheese plates as I got older, but for the five years or so that I was strictly vegan, I really didn’t miss cheese. Once I just wrote it off, I didn’t miss it (I could never write off chocolate or coffee, but cheese was easier).

It’s rare that I actually buy a block of cheese and just eat cheese, because, well, one bite leads to the block. Not necessarily something one needs to be doing tons of, so you see, the free samples will get you, every time.

I also am a fan of nutritional yeast. I buy mine here (use code AVE630 to save $5 on your order)

I’ve never really used much Daiya or soy-based cheese. It’s either brie or bust, so to speak.


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  1. I do love myself some cheese! Smoked Gouda is one of my favorites… and manchego has a soft spot in my heart. I also love nutritional yeast to add cheesiness to recipes. But I appreciate it for its uniqueness. It takes more effort to melt a cheese down to make a sauce than it does to make one out of ‘nooch’.

    xo, much love to you!

    Ps got a vitamix the other day and I thought of you! I definitely want to revisit some of your recipes.

    1. Congrats on your Vita and thanks for saying hi! Always nice to hear from an old friend…can’t believe we’ve both been at 3 years?! :)


  2. Although I avoid store samples like the plague, I like cheese. I don’t enjoy eating processed cheese, but like good, flavorful cheese. Forget the oozing, melting greasy stuff. A bit here and there is good. I have more that goes moldy in my fridge than we eat, sadly. But fave? Fleur Vert. Holy cow — erm goat!

    1. melty, greasy cheese is best alongside some wine and good friends and lots of laughter :)

  3. Not a cheese fan at all. Too much growing up in WI, maybe? But my cousin had a great appetizer out that you would have died for – a wheel of brie, warmed, with hot pepper jelly on it! Served with crackers. It got devoured in seconds.

  4. We must shop at the same Trader Joe’s and I missed this – the older Asian man or the young mom? I have a “relationship” with them both!

    1. The older Asian man, yes! Same TJ’s in Hillcrest. That parking lot..SUCH a zoo. It’s like Xmas at Fashion Valley every day. But it’s just…a grocery store parking lot. Lol

  5. This probably makes me weird, but I really only like cheese when it’s melted and warm. I never touch the cheese on a cheese board. Gruyere is my favorite, especially in mac and cheese!

    1. Warm and gooey is always fabulous…makes me think of wine, parties, and very good times!

  6. You give me a 3 cheese fondue with cotswold, gruyere and havarti and I’m in heaven!

  7. Those peanut butter cups have got me running to your original recipe…I might just be caving in to this tonight! :)

    1. SUPER easy and if you don’t have nooch on hand, no worries. It adds a nice touch, but not ‘essential’ :)

  8. The cheese tray platter is beautiful!! Now I want cheese and crackers. Trader Joe’s has such a wonderful assortment of cheese’s, a person could go crazy picking out a cheese. It’s hard to but just one or two!

    1. I just walk QUICKLY past their cheese case and pretend it doesn’t exist. lol

  9. my favorite cheese is brie!!! I once had a brie wheel with carmelized/glazed walnuts over top. DROOOOOOL!

  10. I tried that and loved it.
    I always eat a full/big snack before going into trader joes.
    Next time you go, try this: Curry Naan bread, toasted, spread with the spicy hummus, then topped with any chutney. Heavenly!

    1. I try to go in there with a mission. I don’t just go for the heckuva it. If I don’t plan it out, I get trapped in there and it’s impulse buy city. lol

      And the cheese happened b/c I went there on an empty stomach. Whoops!


    trader joe’s has a delicious cinnamon toscano cheese — worth a try if you spot it in the case!

    1. Ok I will be dreaming of this cheese til I buy it. Just the name alone, it’s a must-buy, sight unseen!

  12. Brie or bust! I don’t buy cheese much anymore but do occasionally treat myself to a nice manchego or extra sharp cheddar.

    1. There’s a beach in Aruba called Manchebo Beach. I always confuse manchego & manchebo in my mind :)

  13. I need to try nutritional yeast — I bet it would be amazing on kale! I’m making a goat milk cheese soon — so lemony and delicious!

    1. My kale chips I linked are made with nooch. Can’t believe you’ve never tried it…you’ll love it!!! On any kind of veggies..seriously so good!

  14. I love a little blue cheese on roasted sweet potatoes with toasted pecans and feta on tomatoes and cucumber with basil and balsamic vinaigrette.

    1. tomatoes and cucumber with basil and balsamic vinaigrette = makes me want summer to be here, now!

  15. Love a good smoked gouda. Also a fan of goat cheese and feta. Love how they can pair with something sweet like apples or grapes and it can really change or enhance the flavors of both.