Chit Chat Meetup


Today I met up with my dear friend Marla

We met at our usual hangout.

Starbucks storefront

We were majorly overdue for a chitchat session.   It had been far too long since our last meetup.  Two months!

We caught up on each others’ lives and Marla’s been quite the busy lady.  She went to FoodBuzz and she’s a finalist in the Alexia French Fry competition.  Please vote for her here.  She went to Colorado, was just presenting at en event in L.A.,and has her two adorable kids to look after.

She and I both cram so much onto our plates that it’s a little tricky finding time to coordinate our schedules but since I’m leaving soon, it was now or…next year.    How crazy does that sound?

So we dished.

And we sloshed.

Two hot cups of starbucks drinks

And it was fabulous.

And if you want to see pictures of us, you’ll have to check this post because we were too busy talking and had limited time with each other and just kept our iPhones in our purses rather than going on a clickity-clickfest.  It was a chatfest instead.  And ironically the man sitting next to us overheard us talking and turns out, he’s a photographer and we swapped photography stories and info.  Small world.

After our chitchat sesh, I did exciting things like going to two grocery stores.  The stores were packed!

Blue sky and palm trees

I stocked up on lots of fresh produce and also picked up some more Enjoy

Grocery haul with fruits, tissues, and other products

And more cranberries.

Bag of Cranberries

I’ve been loving every sweet ‘n tart second of the Cranberry & Orange Ginger Mango Chutney

Cranberry & Orange Ginger Mango Chutney on crackerYes, I’m addicted to it.  Better that than more coffee, right?

They liked it too which was a bonus.

I like it almost as much as homemade Butterfinger Bars (No Bake, Vegan & GF options).

Butterfinger Bars with candy corns and chocolate


1. Who was the last friend you met up with and what did you do?

2. Have you started your Thanksigiving grocery shopping if you’re cooking?  Or planned your menu?

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  1. I was driving dowtown today and got all angry about there being Christmas lights up all over already. And then I realized that Christmas is in a little over a month! WHAT?!?!

    I’m not cooking on Thanksgiving. That’s my mom’s deal. But, I’ll probably get roped into doing something. Guilt-fest.

    More cranberries, eh? Me too. ;)

  2. I just went out dancing with my best friend this weekend. We don’t even drink, per se, just dance. A little reminiscent of our teenage years, I guess, because we spend all night on the dance floor, never sit around or socialize or anything.

    Starbucks is a great, relaxing way to reconnect!

  3. I haven’t done all of the shopping for Turkey day, but I realized I have about 10 lbs. of apples in the fridge, so I think a crisp/crumble is in order!

  4. sorry i have not been commenting on your blog as often as i would like to, but i do get and read your blogs!

    i love cranberries–i stock up this time of year and freeze at least 6 small bags…i throw the frozen cranberries into smoothies just like any other fruit–especially when i want to round out a smoothie that is just too sweet….

    and i also seem to make the cranberry coffee cake at least twice a year….

    i love the idea of the anti bacterial or is it anti viral properties of the cranberry….

  5. Meeting up with a friend in the middle of the week is such a nice little break :-) Glad you had a good time!

  6. Yay for girl talk, especially over coffee! I never cook for Thanksgiving because my fiance’s aunt insists on cooking the same. thing. every. year. (She’s had a hard life though so it’s owed to her to have her favorites.) However, come Christmas, every single dish and pan in my house will be used and dirty!

  7. When I first saw your comment, “it was either now or next year,” I thought I had missed some huge announcement where you were going to move to Australia for an entire year or something….took me a while to realize that we are THAT far into 2011! EEK!

    Friend catch-ups are the absolute best. I wish I spent more time focusing on those than on so many of the irritating errands that consume my time – considering it’s almost 2012, I should make that a resolution! :)

  8. So nice to have a rejuvenating gab sesh! Sitting with my friends chatting right now in fact :) And no thanksgiving meal for me but can’t wait to read all about the beautiful meals and get togethers!

  9. I am so jealous you can go to Trader Joe’s all the time. There are several in NY, but they are all very crowded after work (and usually certain sections like the freezer sections are completely empty) and the lines are so long that it’s a major time commitment. Add that to the fact that I have to either get delivery or take a cab (since the time factor rules out weekly trips) and it’s not much of a savings anymore.

    The last friend I met up with was my friend Kristin for a dinner at this place called Academia de Vino. It was actually a really great dinner, which surprised me since yelp didn’t seem to have high ratings on it.

    1. Im lucky that my reg groc store and the TJs share a parking lot. Now mind you on a random Tues I will have to circle the parking lot like a vulture and troll for a parking place and yes, the stores are ALWAYS a zoo….it’s urban and hectic. But probably not like NYC urban :)

  10. Ahhh…love girlfriend time! Last Friday I went to a yoga festival and tea after with my good friend. We laughed hysterically rehashing our crazy night out on Halloween. Can’t wait for this Saturday, it’s girls’n’gays night out to see Kathy Griffin in Atlantic City.

  11. I love grocery store-hopping — better than bar hopping!
    Meeting up with friends is so crucial — I feel like sometimes so much time goes by before I remind myself that I need that interaction with people. 2 weekends ago my best friend came up and visited — we got tea and walked around downtown, and it was so lovely.
    I’m cooking thanksgiving and have a few things lined up – but I keep changing my mind!

  12. Last I friend meet up was last week for a drink. Nothing too exciting, but good to catch up!
    I just bought tons cranberries and pumpkin last night! So excited to make pie…