Cinnamon Ginger Popcorn


Hi Friends! How’s Your Day Going? I may have gone a little overboard with all the produce I picked up at the grocery store.  But it all looked so good.  The bounty of summer is upon us!

Various produce on countertop


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    Close up of strawberries and grapes on countertop
    Apricots.  How I Adore Thee.
    Apricots on countertop

    And even “in season” you little devils are still expensive.  But that’s ok, you’re worth it.  Your “season” is all of about 3 weeks.

    Close up of Apricots

    Cherries and apricots are the same:  Short season, still expensive compared to bananas or apples but I love cherries, too!

    Fresh Cherries
    Close up of green and red grapes
    Strawberries $2.50 for 2 Pints
    Strawberries in container

    Broccoli Crowns.  I eat this is a sitting.  Daily.  Raw.  Dressed With Vegan Slaw Dressing using Reduced Fat Veganaise.  I just dip straight into the jar and devour.  Classy, I know.

    Hand holding head of broccoli

    I love broccoli!  Did you know that the nubs on broccoli clean your teeth, gums, and your intestinal tract.  I always think of of the broccoli as scrubbing my body on the inside.  TMI but it’s true.

    Vegan slaw dressing next to ingredients

    And Corn was 79 cents and ear so I picked up a few to do Over-Roasted Cornagain

    Corn husks in foil lined panCorn in oven
    After Roasting
    Corn after being roasted in foil lined pan
    Side view of oven roasted corn in husks
    This method is so easy!
    Roasted Corn with husk open

    And Scott has begged me for corn.  Which I will stretch as him begging for vegetables even though corn isn’t really what I think of as a “vegetable” it’s close enough.  I’ll take it.

    If you missed my Post on What I normally Buy at the Grocery Store, Click Here.  Everything from stocking a Vegan Pantry to What’s in my Shopping Cart.

    I wanted to touch on yesterday’s post and thank you who chimed in letting me know if you feel like Blood Type is an accurate indicator of Personality Traits or if you put much stock into Eating Right for your Blood Type or Blood-Type Based Diets.  Many of you told me you do believe in these things and though nothing’s perfectly accurate, much of it was accurate for many you.  It was for me!  Not perfect, but food for thought.  Pun intended.

    And thanks for congratulating me on having my Recipe Published

    No-Bake Coconut Oil Flaxseed Cookies recipe photo

    Reading about your history with pressure and expectations, be it parental or self-imposed, was interesting and informative.  Some of you feel as adults that your parents are still pressuring you, even if they don’t come out and say it, but I wonder, will we ever shed this feeling of wanting to please or satisfy parental expectations?  Does this ever subside?  I am seeking a balance with Skylar as discussed of some expectations but nothing that is unattainable.  Here are more of my thoughts.

    And thanks for congratulating me on my progress in training for my show, and for recognizing that yes, I did it the vegan way.  The way that doesn’t compromise my standards or my values, and that my way proves you don’t need to chug whey shakes and eat chicken breasts and egg whites.  Thank you all for saying the nice things you said!

    After the Regular Grocery Store where I buy my non-organic produce, I went to WF’s and I found this beautiful Tri-Colored Organic Popcorn.  I was there picking up some Veganaiseand couldn’t resist this pretty popcorn.

    Tri Colored Corn kernels
     Purple Corn.  Nature is Beautiful!
    Close up of Tri Colored Corn Kernels
    When popped, the corn all just looks “white” or barely yellow.   It doesn’t look purple.  Darn.
    I decided to tweak my nearly nightly Popcorn Fest with Ginger!
    Some Previous Popcorn Recipes:

    1. Chocolate Coconut Oil Protein Popcorn

    Chocolate Coconut Oil Protein Popcorn
    It’s a Good Recipe to Add about 35-40 Grams of Protein if You Think You Need it!
    Close up of Chocolate Coconut Oil Protein Popcorn

    2.  Peanut Butter Coconut Oil Popcorn

    Hand holding open jar of peanut butterPeanut Butter Coconut Oil Popcorn
    Melted nut butter and coconut oil are wonderful!

    3. Maca, Nooch, and Coconut Oil Popcorn

    Maca, Nooch, and Coconut Oil Popcorn
    Maca, Nooch, and Coconut Oil Popcorn with chocolate chips
     Including Tips on how to Pop it in the Microwave in a Brown Paper Bag!

    Today’s Version….
    To 2 Tbsp of Popped Corn, add:

    Coconut Oil or Spray-On Coconut Oil
    Jar of Coconut Oil and Coconut Spray Oil

    Cinnamon & Ginger

    Jars of ground Ginger and Cinnamon
     I put my bulk online cinnamon and nooch order from last week to good use!Multiple jars of cinnamon on countertop

    Add Stevia & Nooch

    Nutritional Yeast and White Stevia Powder

    Yum.  Just a little heat from the ginger and cinnamon, the cheezy flavor of the nooch, plus the sweetness of the stevia.. it may be random, but it’s full of Vegan Protein from the Nooch and the Ginger and Cinnamon are anti-inflammatory.

    Finished Cinnamon Ginger Popcorn

    And the Coconut Oil is a great fat source.  Plus the flavor of the coconut oil rocks.  I like to go heavy-handed on the oil and seasonings.  Why not, right!  You only live once!

    Close up of Cinnamon Ginger Popcorn
    And some chocolate chips never hurt, either!
    Cinnamon Ginger Popcorn with chocolate chips

    I’ve been doing cinnamon and ginger flavored foods frequently lately.  Like Roasted Coconut Ginger Peanut Butter Carrots

    Roasted Coconut Ginger Peanut Butter Carrots

    While at WF’s for the Veganaise, in addition to the pretty popcorn,  I was tempted by these Nutiva Hemp bars, too.  I hate that place because I buy things I don’t need, but hey, hemp makes you happy, right?  haha!

    Various Nutiva Hemp barsBack side of Nutiva Hemp bars

    And I picked up a couple boxes of Mary’s Crackers that I told Daniellethat I wanted to try.

    Two boxes of Mary's Crackers

    Black Pepper.  I’ve had them before but it’s been 6 months.  Time to get my pepppah on.  They do pack a bit of a punch but I love pepper so that’s good.

    Mary's Crakers in Black Pepper

    And Caraway which apparently tastes a bit like rye.  I don’t like rye so and after tasting these was not really impressed but if you like rye, get these.  You will love them.  Sometimes what things are “supposed to” taste like and what they actuallytaste like differ greatly, so it was worth a shot to try them.

    Mary's Crackers in Caraway

    After our shopping adventures, I packed.

    Various kitchen appliances in boxes
    And Skylar danced!
    Young girl in pink shirt smiling
    Young girl in pink shirt dancing
    Young girl dancing
     Powered by Plants with energy to spare!
     She just has to stand there and look cute while I wrestle with boxes.  Oh, the joy.
    Young girl in kitchen smiling

    Dessert was the high Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowballs from yesterday

    Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowballs in white bowl

    Do you have any fun popcorn recipes?

    Leave a Comment

    Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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