Cookie Monster


I received four boxes of cookies from Enjoy Life

Enjoy Life cookies

Just what I needed.  Four boxes of cookies.

Enjoy Life cookies

But I’m not complaining, of course!

I wonder how I’ll ever eat that many cookies?  No, I don’t wonder, actually.

Enjoy Life cookies

Enjoy Life cookies

I’ve already started sampling them and am happy to report that even though Enjoy Life is known for making foods free from many common allergens, they don’t taste like they’re “free from” or “healthy”.

You can read about my thought on “healthy desserts” or “healthifying” desserts here.  <– That was quite a popular post with lots of opinions on the matter.

If you don’t have any Enjoy Life Cookies on hand, I have some easy make-at-home suggestions and baking and turning the oven on is optional:

Rather than the Enjoy Life double chocolate cookies cookies, you could try my Raw Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip CookiesYou can oven bake or dehydrate these.  Or just eat the dough raw.  Just sayin.

For their sugar crisp cookies, try my Raw Vegan Sugar Cookie Dough Balls

Raw Vegan Sugar Cookie Dough Balls

All you need is a food processor, Magic Bullet, or Vita for all my cookie balls and bites recipes.

In place of their chocolate chip cookies, you could tr my Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls instead.

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls in clear containerI have never met anyone who didn’t love these and they take less than 10 minutes to make.

And for the vanilla honey graham cookies, well you could try No Bake Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars with Chocolate Frosting if you really want to get your graham on.

No Bake Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars with Chocolate Frosting stacked on plate

I also can suggest Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies (Vegan, GF) if the cookie monster strikes.

Hand holding one Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie
So many cookies, so little time.

From my last post about my new camera bag, thanks for sharing what your favorite bags are.  I love purse and bag talk, what can I say.

Green colored camera bag

And thanks for the compliments on my new bag setup.  I’m really happy with the way it all came together!


1. Favorite kind of cookie? (or narrow it down to a couple because just picking one is way too hard!)

I love cookies that are underbaked, soft, and chewy.

If it’s dry, I won’t even bother.  Ick!

The only exception to my hard and crunchy cookies rule is that I like are crunchy gingersnaps.  But I actually prefer my raw vegan gingerbread cookie dough balls because they are soft and chewy.   I always go back to soft and chewy cookies. I hate biscotti for those very reasons: hard and dry.  Just not a fan, personally.

And even though I do love chocolate, an oatmeal raisin, snickerdoodle, peanut butter, or non-chocolatey cookie can be divine.  It all comes down to the cooking/baking process, for me.  And of course warm and right from the oven always makes my heart go pitter-patter.

I also don’t want to eat things that taste like “health food” when I’m eating cookies!  I don’t want the cookie to taste healthy!   The sweeter the better, for me. Embrace some dessert eating.  <— Everything in moderation.

2. How’s your weekend going so far?

Mine has been flying by!   I’ve been in the kitchen and created something wonderful.  Recipe to follow, soon.

And I ran some errands in this gorgeous weather!

Side walk lined with palm trees

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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  1. Favorite cookies are haystacks hands down so delicious. I learned the recipe from my grandma.
    Just picture this ;) 3 stick pretzels plaed down to make a triangle (nuts can be added if desired), drizzle melted chocolate over the haystack, and place in the fridge over night.
    Oh my gosh YUMMM!!

  2. Sweet swag score. The cookies look good, are they vegan? Yum, so many other great dessert recipes here!

    1. Anything with chocolate I guess.
    2. Going by too fast, not thrilled about going to work tomorrow! :-P

  3. Oh I am so the same way. An underbaked, soft, chewy cookie is perfection! Biscotti is just about the worst idea in all of creation.

    Yesterday morning was much better than last night. Got my errands and weekly food prep done, hung out with my husband and then….my temperature reached 104 and stayed there as I shivered with weird feverish dreams. Feeling better this morning, but still a little “off.” Hoping for a much less crazy day!

  4. Enjoy life does make some smaller, softer cookies that are really really good. I have the lemon flavor right now and they are soft and chewy just as you like cookies. But with all your baking, I don’t think you have a need or want to go out and buy even more sweets to add to your stock pile!

  5. i’m getting those cookies sent too and i know there will be NO PROBLEMS eating all four boxes! my fave cookie is from momofuku milk bar, where i went last night in nyc. weirdly, i didn’t get any cookies.

  6. My favorite cookies are anything homemade. Besides taste and texture, the uniformity of store-bought cookies bothers me! I want bumps and shapes that are a little bit not-perfect.

  7. I like chocolate chunk cookies (unsweetened chocolate, of course :P ) haha! But honestly, love any kind of cookie as long as it isn’t sweetened…hahaha….

  8. Its interesting that the cookies are called ‘handcrafted’. I know microbrewers call their brew hand crafted but cookies is a first. I suppose companies are really trying to differentiate and make their products sound more delicious

  9. Honestly, to me there is no substitute for homemade cookies. Favorite-chocolate chip!

  10. Is that a camera bag?! I love it! And I second the “healthy” tasting cookies – nonono. Except: I like SOME cookies from coarser flour, but that’s because I think they have more bite and taste, so the “graham” cookies there really turn on my munchies…especially when I see the “gluten free” in the corner! Hope you’re having a great w-e :-)

  11. Probably anything with chocolate! Although classic chocolate chip with crispy edges and a soft and chewy middle are probably my all time favorite.

  12. my favorite cookies: snickerdoodles (trader joe’s came out with soft baked chewy gf, soo amazing!!)…i love ginger snaps and chocolate chewy cookies!

    went to the SF giants baseball game was such a gorgeous day and it was so nice to be out there!!

  13. Those nutella & pnut butter bar pictures are gorgeous! And they look absolutely divine.

    That green bag is your camera bag? I need to go read that post! I love it.