

I love a good sale.  I mean, who doesn’t.  When I was at the grocery store over the weekend I saw one, lone, seasonal bottle of Peppermint Mocha Coffe-Mate Creamer on sale for 79 cents and, on a whim, tossed it into my cart.

Peppermint Mocha Coffee-Mate Creamer

When I got home and used it, I am kicking myself I didn’t load up on this stuff while the gettin’ was good.

I use French Vanilla Coffee-Mate like it’s going out of style and I’m very loyal to it.  I like a little coffee with my creamer if you know what I mean.

French Vanilla Coffee-Mate

Many times when I try other flavors, I am not all that impressed.

They’re either too fake tasting (some fake is okay of course) and taste nothing like the real thing (Hazelnut or Irish Cream), too intense and overpowering (seasonal Pumpkin Spice or anything with Cinnamon in it), or too boring (Creme Brulee) and at  the usual price of $4.79 each, I’ve learned to just stick with my beloved French Vanilla.

But this Peppermint Mocha is one I will definitely be snatching up next holiday season because although it’s minty, it does not taste like I am drinking a bottle of Listerine, which is always good when it comes to flavored creamers.

Peppermint Mocha Coffee-Mate creamer

I hate it when mint overpowers things and with mint, that’s easy to do.

The first time I made Creme de Menthe Bars (No-Bake, Vegan, GF) I learned that with mint, a little dab will do ya, and add slowly because you can’t un-do mint.

Creme de Menthe Bars

I’ve had just a couple itty bitty teeny tiny cups of (new) coffee over the weekend in the new coffee maker.  Best $25 bucks I’ve spent in awhile.

Open can of Cafe La Llave coffee

Tiny cups of coffee are so wonderful.  Or something like that.

Small cup of coffee

Gotta love the Big 20 ouncer.  I drink coffee at home in my go-cup because it’s a huge vessel and with coffee, the more, the merrier.

I drank hot coffee and enjoyed the 79F golden weather we had in San Diego all weekend.

Blue Sky and Palm Trees

It was picture perfect.

Not a cloud in the sky, no humidity, no bugs, no clouds, just 75 to 79F and sunny all weekend and today is shaping up to be the same.

Yellow Flower

However, I played nursemaid to a sick little girl all weekend and we didn’t get to spend very much time outside.  New school, new kids, new germs, but she’s on the mend.

I didn’t get any much sleep, thus the coffee.

Small cup of coffee

And there may have been a couple Ritz Cracker Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups (No Bake) involved, too.

Ritz Cracker Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups

The winner of the $50 Spa Gift Card & Tropicana Giveaway is:

Victoria @ The Pursuit of Hippieness

Do you use coffee creamer?  Any favorites?

I do like a little coffee with my creamer.  The creamier the better is my approach.

I prefer the Coffee-Mate line to the International Delight brand of creamers.

I’ve tried So Delicious Coconut milk creamers.  They’re fine but I prefer the highly processed ones to more natural coconut-based creamers, and the same can be said for Silk’s soy-based creamers.  They just don’t give me that ahhh feeling if I’m being perfectly honest.

But guessing from the fact that there are about 20 flavors at any given time with a constant rotation of seasonal flavors, and multiple different mainstream brands doing this; and sticker prices in the nearly $5 dollar range per quart (dictated by supply and demand), I know I’m not alone in loving my flavored creamers.  What are your faves?

How was your weekend?  What was the best thing you did or ate?

I’ve got to get to the oven and get this out before I have a burnt mess because it’s probably going to be one of the Best Of’s that I ate…

Mango White Chocolate Cookie Dough

Have a great week!

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  1. Well, I do like creamer in my coffee, but I am boring…I only use unsweetened, organic soymilk; 2 ingredients in it: organic soybeans and water. But, I steam it up and pour it over my freshly brewed coffee and yummmmm…..I love it!

    The best thing I did this weekend was sing some jazz tunes for a bunch of peeps…sooo fun! And the best thing I ate was probably my huge, green smoothie sweetened with NuNaturals Vanilla Stevia and Cinnamon. It was so thick from ice and good stuff that it was like ice cream.

    I am so sorry your precious Skylar was sick. I really hope she is on the mend soon. Sending hugs and well wishes her way! xoxo

    1. your coffee trick how you make it, ALWAYS always!! sounds so good. Easy, good, perfect. I have to try that, soon :)

  2. i showed kyle this post an it made him very pleased since his internship this past summer was with nestle and he was on the coffeemate brand. in fact, the ad that went out in the newspapers for the holiday flavor that you have above was his design. anyway. just to make you jealous, nestle now gives us wayyyyyy too many products for free but neither of us drink coffeemate.

    1. Oh wow, that’s crazy! I didn’t know he did anything of the sort. Why did I think he was in med school?! Or something like that?! And that’s why you guys are out here. Or maybe it was grad school, not med school.

      Anyhooo….My sister is in R & D for Wrigley and develops gum and her flavor was Maui Melon Mint that launched a few years ago. The irony is they chew so much gum in R & D that they don’t want to chew gum when they’re not at work.

      I’d love to take your Nestle surplus off your hands :)

  3. is that a Manager’s special sticker from Krogers?! do they have Krogers in San Diego?!?! You must remember Krogers from NC…. :)

    1. Ralph’s in San Diego is the same parent company I believe as the Kroger family is in NC, SC, Fla, etc. :)

  4. I didn’t know coffee mate had peppermint mocha! I loved that flavor at dunkin donuts this winter! I did find an eggnog creamer that I fell in love with this winter though. Why can’t they keep holidays flavors around all year?? I get so tired of vanilla, caramel, and hazlenut!

    1. I know…and caramel, and hazlenut, sort of taste the same to me the way they make them…there is a chemical/flavoring they use that seems the same…butterscotch, caramel, hazelnut all have some common ingredient. I wish there were more variety, too!

  5. OH man! Now I need a cup of coffee! What I do is I have a milk frother. Add a 1/4 cup of non-fat milk to frother, make coffee, add 1 shot glass worth of sugar free Torani syrup, like salted caramel, add frothed milk, sprinkles and I’m all good, only 20 calories a cup! I can live on this stuff! Now I am going to make some!

    I used to LOVE coffee mate coffee creamer, but I found I was adding way to much, consuming over 100 calories a cup, thats why I switched to the frother and syrup, way less calories!

    1. Ok that sounds like a plan because I can guarantee you I am using over 100 cals per cup between the Vanilla coffemate AND the half and half. At 50 cals a tbsp or whatever it is, and I use…ahem…multiple tablespoons, I should switch to something like what you do. Sounds like your trick is still thick enough to really give coffee a nice flavor…sometimes when I’ve tried almond milk or other milk with coffee that’s not half and half or the french vanilla stuff, it’s just kind of like “dirtying” the coffee. It doesn’t flavor it, doesn’t really cream it up, pretty much just ruins it…Lol.

      1. The coffee turns out just like a Starbucks Latte! It’s froth creamy and good. I bought my frother from Bed Bath and Beyond, one of my best investments ever!! I tried almond milk and soy milk and it’s just not good, not good at all! Blah!

      2. Ok wow, good to know. I bought a milk frother electric gadget with a wire tipped end, from BB & B years ago. Never use it b/c I feel like it just makes a mess and the results weren’t worth it (AeroLatte or something like that…it’s sitting in my kitchen drawer…) But I only tried it with almond milk. Will try again with regular milk or half and half.

        Have also thought about just making my own milky/syrups in the Vita on high, whizzing til they get frothy but that also seems like a canister to wash & that has never appealed to me…but I am sick of paying $4.79 and all those liquid empty calories…I could be eating more cookies.

  6. Well, I like my coffee blonde and sweet (and my chocolate dark and bitter) so while my first choice is almond milk in my cafe bustelo, anything will do in a pinch. As for flavored creamers, French vanilla would be my favorite. A highlight of my weekend involved a rutabaga (cut like French fries, roasted w/ garlic and rosemary). I’d never tried that veggie before and I’m glad I did!

  7. I enjoyed the Peppermint Mocha creamer all holiday season :) So good, and now I wish I still had some – so there, you can be happy you’re sipping it in January while the rest of us ran out!

  8. I use plain soy creamer. I used to use almond milk, but since I’ve ridden my house of a microwave, I needed something that takes less to make my coffee creamy (so that my coffee doesn’t get cold). I often add a scoop of cacao powder and peppermint extract to my morning coffee – which probably tastes similar to your peppermint mocha creamer :)

  9. Nice sale score, awesome flavor. I do use creamer, usually either homemade hemp milk or almond milk. And sometimes vegan vanilla protein powder.

    My weekend went by too fast, I needed more rest and play time. :-)

  10. I often add creamers to my hot cocoa. Gotta admit, I like hazelnut–both the fake-oh and the So Delicious brand (which is extremely sweet, btw. A little goes a LONG way with that stuff).

    I got some Cinnabon flavored creamer on sale last week, and I like it well enough, but I’m not hooked. Amaretto’s up next from that sale…we’ll see if I like that one.

    “Make your own creamer” would be a great blog post topic ;-)

  11. I’m lactose intolerant so I use the Silk vanilla creamers. Sometimes I’ll go for International Delight vanilla but I tend to fly through that stuff even faster and the taste is stronger, I find.

  12. I love my coffee with creamer. I usually stick to Sugar Free Vanilla but am a fan of some of the seasonal ones. My favorite seasonal flavor is Gingerbread. Just the other day I tried sugar cookie and it was YUMMO!!