Credentials & Making Things


Yesterday I opened the mail to find my new Yoga Alliance registration card for 2011.

Yoga Alliance Registration Card

I completed my original 200 hour training back in 20o2

And in 2009-2010 topped it off by completing my 500 hour trainingDoing my 500 hours along with coffee meetups with Madeline kept me sane while living in Phoenix.

Although I am not actively teaching yoga at the moment, I believe it’s a smart move to keep my credentials active and good standing so if I do want to start teaching again, I could right away.  Not to mention, I worked ten years to accrue those 500 hours, both on and off the mat, and I am proud of them and want to keep “them” active.

Two questions I know I will get asked:

Why am I not teaching right now?

Yoga is a beautiful thing but it doesn’t pay the bills to the extent that is right for my financial situation or for Southern California and the cost of living here.  Therefore, I work in another field.

Do you have any information about yoga, hot yoga, teaching yoga, new to yoga and need advice, yoga clothes, yoga dvd recommendations, etc?

Yes, I have a massive, extremely comprehensive post in my Yoga Tab called Yoga FAQs

And another post called Yoga in the House

Moving On to the things I made yesterday…

I made Skylar’s bed after changing the sheets

Girls bed with black, white and teal bedding

I made some Homemade Trail Mix for lunches and on-the-go snacks

Bag of Homemade Trail Mix

Inside bag of Homemade Trail Mix

And I made Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls for the Winner of the Bake Sale!

Overhead of Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls in clear container

I put them in a container to be mailed and also have a few more goodies I am enclosing, too.

For the kind of dough the winner spent ($200), she deserves more than just raw dough.

Close up of Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls in container

From my last post about Organic Cheaper than Conventional, it was good to hear what organic items you’ve found that are cheaper.

And most of us wish grocery stores would incorporate the organic food with the conventional food rather than having it walled off in its own little section.

1. Do you have any credentials and do you have to maintain them?

Let’s see, I have plenty but not all are maintained…

B.A. in Psychology

Graduate work in Psychology

RYT-500 Yoga Teacher.  Active.

California Real Estate License.  Currently inactive but easily re-instate-able.

Certified Lactation Educator & Counselor.  Active but not insured so I’d have to get insurance if I wanted to practice.

CPR & First Aid Training. Lapsed.

And a few more professional licenses and certifications, too.

I have pursued so many different goals and passions and have dabbled in many things.  In the process, I have amassed various credentials but keeping up with the continuing education units (CEUs) on many of them in terms of time and expense is not worth it, at this time, for most of my credentials.

Plus, I got some things “for me” and never intended to work in the field.  It was to enhance my own personal knowledge base.

2. What have you made recently? A bed, a meal, a dessert, a quilt, a blog post, a make-out session? What have you been making?

I’m also making something in the oven and don’t want to burn it…See you later!

TGIF and enjoy your weekend!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Do you miss teaching yoga? Probably a good excuse to unwind yourself, huh? The thing about all these certifications is yes you have to keep them up. Weird that you’d need insurance to be a Lactation Consultant.

    I have a certificate and Masters in Teaching. The certificate requires a lot of upkeep but I am off the hook if I am not actively teaching.

    Good think blogging does not require an certificates to keep up!

    1. I dont miss teaching yoga at all. It’s extremely physically draining and many ppl that go to yoga are not interested in truly learning. Which could be said for any type of class ppl attend. It can be wonderful, but it’s a lot of hard work and energy that i dont have to give right now.

      Malpractice insurance. If something happened to a baby, i.e. failure to thrive and the lactation consultant didnt catch it or if the mother got a nasty infection and something happened to her and the LC didnt catch it or refer for tx, you could be held liable and be sued. Big time.

      Btw i have been trying ALL DAY to comment on your pain post. Disqus is not liking me. I can’t get in.

  2. That’s great about yoga, but too bad it can’t pay the bills. I hear so many people tell me to do what I love and the paycheck will come, but it doesn’t seem to work that way in today’s economy. :-(

    1. I have a few computer certifications I maintain and update.
    2. A huge salad and that’s about it over the last few days sadly. Looking forward to more time at home.

  3. 1. My credentials are:
    B.A. in Political Science, Minors in Religious Studies and Human Rights
    CPR instructor- lapsed
    Certified Holistic Health Counselor- just completed my certification from IIN and have certification from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners

    2. i just made a pizza

  4. Whew-you just put my Pilates certification process into focus. I’m feeling frustrated that I’m only halfway done, but it’s a 500 hour certification and I’ll be done by September – 500 hours IS a loooong time!! Soo yeah I’m a little more than halfway through my Pilates certification (I’m getting certified through Balanced Body and I *love* the program). I have 2 BA’s – English and Jewish Studies. I’m back in school finishing my BS in Nutrition (right now, it really feels like BS too…but that’s another story).

    What have I made lately? Does a cup of tea count?? haha.

    1. it’s sooo much work to amass 500 hrs, dont get down on yourself!

      and welcome back, all of a sudden, comments from you and i was JUST thinking about you yesterday. Psychic moments I guess :)

  5. I love, love, love when people take the time to take a course or a certification in something because its something that interests them, and not necessarily something that they HAVE to take. Life is about learning – over and over again.

    Recently, I’ve been putting alot of effort into my writing blog and also housework etc., I had a hip and knee injury, so I am off working out a bit- but looking forward to getting better and sunny days :)

    *Check out the Be Real movement on my site :)

  6. Huge congrats on getting the certification in the mail… that’s always a good feeling just to have that acknowledgement! I’m an active 200 hour, and I agree that it’s definitely something I want to continue to upkeep most likely for life, just because it’s a great job to fall back on “just in case” even if it’s not the best steady income.

    1. and just yesterday you were wondering if you should pursue it…it feels like it was just yesterday we were emailing…and it was almost 2yrs ago!

  7. I made a boca burger w/ kale for lunch and then ran 2miles after that :) Pretty good day! I also went skim boarding for an hour earlier today which was loads of fun until my friend hurt her knee eek!

  8. Skylar’s bed is GORGEOUS! It matches your blog. So pretty, I love it!

    I don’t have any credentials, not even a high school diploma. I’m a self-educated, self-made businesswoman. And have zero regrets. :D

    1. wait, no way!! i didnt know that about you!

      seriously, some of the smartest ppl I know are the ones without fancy letters. And YOU are in that group. You know i respect the hell out of you and what you have done and built for yourself :)

  9. i fully agree with you: it’s great to HAVE the credentials at the ready, IN CASE you would need them…you never know! ex: your real estate license that you could re-activate without too much trouble.
    man…where to start. i am a certified teacher for grades 7-12, here in ontario. that never will expire, though i am sorely out of touch/out of date, not having taught since the late ’90s. lapsed credentials: aerobics instructor, nutrition & wellness specialist with CanFitPro, CPR…we’ll leave it at that! education/bettering yourself is never a mistake, IMO.
    happy weekend! love skylar’s bed set!

  10. Holy smokes!! I knew you were a smart cookie, but seriously, you’ve got the goods lady!!

    I am THIS CLOSE to having my Education Assistant/Community Support Certification
    I also have countless kid/teen type training including;
    Suicide prevention
    an 80 hour inclusive leadership certification
    Non violent crisis intervention
    Beyond the Hurt – Bully and Harassment Prevention
    Discrimination and Diversity Facilitation 101
    Homophobia/Heterosexism and Transphobia Workshop Facilitation Training
    The “Village” Residential School Awareness
    Anti Response Racism Training
    Safe Harbor Training
    Youth Leadership Training Workshop
    Level One Gymnastics Technical, Theory and Practical Coaching Certificate!!

    PHEWF… that’s a lot! :) haha

    AS for the rest of life… I am SO close to being done!!!! Then I’ll be a blogging machine!! :)

    PS. your balls look delish ;) hehehe :)

  11. I was a certified teacher, but it has lapsed since I am staying home with my daughter right now. I can take a test to get it back (and probably a bunch of continuing ed hours) if/when the time is right.

    I just got done eating the roasted portobello fajitas I made for dinner. :-)

    Have a great weekend, Averie!

  12. Holy heck, you have a ton of letters after your name! So cool. The only one I have is a B.A. in psychology ;) …as far as making things… I have been ordered to REST bc I tore a muscle several weeks ago and have begrudgingly NOT making much :( …and if I have to find a positive, it would be that I’ve been making (hehe) myself read about photography & blogs that I wouldn’t ‘normally’ read. Ok, so I’m not making myself ;) It’s been a nice change to read blogs that I don’t normally get exposed to and expand the mind a little. I did make my bed, breakfast and some chicken soup today (against dr’s orders – a girl’s gotta eat! lol).

  13. haha love the make out session one :P

    I’ve definitely dabbled in a lot myself! its fun though

  14. I’m a board certified holistic health counselor and an (almost) certified intuitive eating counselor. I hope to one day also be a certified yoga teacher. I have done about a 100 of the hours but due to life circumstances had to leave training. One of my fav teachers is developing a program, though, so I am hoping it will come along in the next year or so.

  15. DANG i so wish you lived in the UK and i cudda bid on your balls! they look INSANE!

    1. the intl flights with customs and semi perishable food was why i didnt want to ship intl…sorry hon!! :)

  16. My credentials are my BA and MA and I have a few course completion certificates (work related fun stuff LOL). I’ve been making up my blog posts, daily dinners, and workout plans. Tonight I’d like to make nothing – as in relax!