Crunch That Vegan Granola


This has been a surreal day, and not in a good way. We’ll just keep it at that. When things are sorted and even I know what’s going on, I’ll be sure and let everyone know.

The highlight of the food day was the dinner raw veggies, but I admit, I had to force down what little I ate today.

Raw veggies with greens

Tonight’s medley included:
*B.S. (Brussels’s Sprouts, not to be confused with all the B.S. that preceded them today)
*Sun-Dried tomatoes that photographed really dark and almost look like dark red leaf
*Standard dressing recipe of juice of 1/2 orange, agave, and crack black

A couple different times, here and here, I’ve mentioned the homemade vegan GF granola that I really enjoy. Now, this is not raw, it’s not necessarily the most healthy stuff, but as granola goes, I think it’s infinitely healthier than most of what is store-bought, and the ingredient list is small. And, I think you could keep it more raw if you had a dehydrator, or alot of patience with your oven. I have neither, but am strongly considering a dehydrator purchase. For those of you with them, give me the good, bad and the ugly, I’m all ears. Do you love it, think it’s over-rated? 411 please!

The Ingredients & Instructions for Vegan (and Gluten Free) Granola:
*1/2 c Earth Balance (dairy/soy free) OR feel free to use 1 stick of butter if you’re not vegan

*1 c brown sugar OR feel free to experiment with agave, molasses, even dates or date paste. Just adjust your ratios of water and/or oats if you don’t use the sugar.

*1/4 to 1/2 c water

*Combine these 3 things (buttery spread, sugar, water) as shown on the stove
Buttery spread, sugar in water in pan on stove with spoon stirring

Now, add a dash of vanilla (or a ton as I do) and cinnamon to taste (I prob use 2 Tbsp) to the mixture
Bottle of vanilla extract and container of cinnamon

Next, add in 4 c whole, rolled oats (not quick cook) & stir to combine.
Oats added to the butter sugar mixture in pot on stove with spoon

Spread mixture onto a parchment-lined, raised-edge cookie sheet just in case it gets melty or splooges out, you want something with a lip.
Granola spread on out parchment paper lined baking sheet

Bake at 375F for anywhere from 8 to 15 mins. I take mine out at about 8-9 and it’s still practically raw looking, but it hardens as it cools (so keep that in mind and don’t overbake if you like chewy granola thinking oh, this doesn’t look done enough…it magically seems to cook itself a bit more than you’d plan on). With the shorter baking time the granola is similar in texture to what I’d call Quaker Chewy Granola Bar texture, if anyone remembers those HFCS-laden treats of yesteryear.

If you want a crunchy, crumbling, cracklin’ type of granola, definitely bake on the longer end like 14-15 mins.

You’re done, take it off the cookie sheet about 10 mins after you take it outta the oven and let it cool in a container with a lid. Sweet, you’re set for the week! Or less if this strikes your fancy and you go on a granola eatin’ streak! But it will keep for a nice long while in a covered container.
Closeup of finished granola showing oats
For all the non-raw purists, I hope you enjoy it!


Tip of the Day: When the chips are down, start breathing. Today has been one of those days that I have nearly broken down numerous times, but I caught myself because I know I need to stay strong and positive right now. What helped get me over the humps was my yoga breathing. Or, just nice slow, deep, controlled inhales and exhales. For even more relaxation and stress-relief, try to make your exhalation somewhat longer than your inhalation. I think that any deep breathing helps, but that’s just even an added bonus. Take even 3 minutes to just sit and breathe, shut off the phone, the email, the computer, just sit there. The world can wait. It will be calming and centering. Om to all :)

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Hiya,
    For a few years we've used the "Breville BJE200XL 700-Watt Compact Juice Fountain" and it's served us very well and is efficient (if a little loud!). We just moved country and so gave it to a friend to start her juicing journey with. We are now looking to upgrade to the very one Gena recommends. I am not sure if this is helpful at all, but there you go :)
    As an aside, I'll soon be purchasing my very first Vitamix, so was happy to read you've made good use of yours!
    Have a great day,

  2. "How does everyone manage their grocery shopping between going to multiple stores for various produce, products, or specialty items."


    I feel like I go grocery shopping almost every single day at various grocery stores around my area! I kinda wish there was an all purpose store that had everything I needed right on my way home from work. Then I wouldn't mind so much going shopping every day…I think it's the fact that I kind of have to drive out of my way a bit that is a bummer.

    Anywho, love your blog!!! So glad I discovered it!

  3. Oh Justine, I so hope you make the chocolate delight. Seriously, it's my crack :) LMK how it turns out for you and if you like it. On the juicer, I think I'm just gonna Go Big, good re-enforcing what I already know I should do. And as for the groc store, soon I am going to start doing more Costco runs for their organic produce but you get sooo much and I don't necessarily want 10 lbs or apples or 10 lbs of carrots, all on once, I can't store it and I hate it when my fridge is too full and messy and then i can't see what I have in there and I end up wasting (rotting) produce. So…trade off is going every day or if I'm lucky, every other or jackpot is every 3rd day. Rarely happens though :(

  4. I need tips myself for all the grocery stores!! I am constantly at the grocery store. I have been the last 4 days in a row!!! Love TJs brussel sprouts!! I bought some Fri. I bought some walnuts also just to make that yummy choc. stuff but I am low on dates. Dang! Wish I could help you with the juicer. If money isnt an issue then I say go big baby!!


    P.S. My husband is addicted to Netflix and I hate it!!!

  5. OH, my hubs found for me a Jack LeLaine one…at Costco.

    I really love it. easy to clean and quiet. I know I will burn it out in a year or two…so I am sure then I will upgrade to a Breville. Hearing such great things about them!

    but for now, my stainless steel Jack LeLaine it is!

  6. I am so glad you've been enjoying the posts, Cindy! Thanks for your great comments. What kind of juicer do you have? Congrats on your treadmill, yay!

  7. I Soooooooo agree with your tip of the day. I give up a lot of things I don't find necessary and completly splurge on things I KNOW I will use all the time…like my blender and juicer and food processer.
    right now I am drooooling over a dehydrator.

    see! OH and I just finally ordered a treadmill…. makes me so happy and my husbands always comments on how happy he is to see me use my "things" so much!

    it's all about priorities… it's good when your focus is healthy living!

    I am sure you will love whatever juicer you pick!