Dark Chocolate


I’ve never met chocolate I didn’t like.  I mean, it’s chocolate.  How bad can it be?

But I definitely prefer dark chocolate over any other type

I was thrilled to received this Ghirardellli Intense Dark Chocolate in conjunction with being a FoodBuzz Featured Publisher

Multiple bars and packages of Ghirardelli Dark Chocolates

The darker the better

Close up of dark chocolate bars

72%, 86%

Bring it.  I can handle it.

Some people saw that dark chocolate is bitter.  I would say that it lacks overt sweetness (and boy, do I have a sweettooth) but I wouldn’t call dark chocolate bitter, per se.

It’s just not sweet.  But it’s dark, smooth, rich, and just melts in your mouth.

The Ghirardelli was perfect.  I liked both the 72% and the 86%.  The 86% being less sweet than the 72% but both were smooth and made me want to open a bottle of red wine and blow off the rest of the day and lovely.

I am not a fan of salt in any way, shape, or form, so I gifted the sea salt soiree chocolate bars to Scott and Skylar who happily took them off my hands.

sea salt soiree chocolate

She was excited about it!


Thanks, GhirarhelliThis was a rough assignment but somebody had to do it.


I know you could use the Ghirardelli bars in recipes in place of chocolate chips (but I’d prefer to just eat them plain and savor them on their own)

If you want to make something dark & chocolatey, may I suggest

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies (GF, you can bake them in the oven, dehydrate them, or just eat the raw cookie dough)


Raw Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies

Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowballs (vegan, GF, no-bake, freezer friendly)

Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowballs

Coconut oil, coconut flakes, maple syrup, and dark cocoa powder may not look pretty but I can assure you it tastes pretty

Fudgy Nutella Brownies with Cream Cheese Frosting

Fudgy Nutella Brownies with Cream Cheese FrostingThe richest, best brownie recipe I’ve ever made.  And I am really picky about brownies.

Flourless Chocolate Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Flourless Chocolate Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip CookiesEasy, Gluten Free & Vegan-adaptable.  And dark.

Also see my Chocolate Recipes Compilation Post

peanut butter cup

And my White Chocolate Recipes

White Chocolate cups

I know white chocolate isn’t “really” chocolate, but it is to me


What kind of chocolate do you like?  Dark?  How dark? Milk? White?

I love dark chocolate and yes, I like it very dark.  It’s not bitter to me.  It’s just not sweet.

I am not a fan of milk.  At all.  I would eat it on a desert island but I wouldn’t go in search of it otherwise.

White is not “real” chocolate, I realize, but I love it regardless.  The uber sweet quality will always give it a place in my heart.  These bars are possibly my fave dessert in recent memory.

I don’t like flavored chocolate other than possibly mint-flavored

But fruit-flavored, i.e. raspberry truffles or orange-infused bars of chocolate, is a 100% no-way for me!  Just cluttering up the beauty.

I don’t like nuts in chocolate as a general rule

I do like the combos of:

peanut butter + chocolate (such as Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars with Chocolate Frosting – No Bake)

caramel + chocolate (such as homemade vegan, GF Chocolate “Turtles” – No Bake)

marshmallow + chocolate (such as Deep Dish Double Chocolate Golden Grahams Smores Bars – Vegan & GF options)

Ahhhh, so many ways to enjoy chocolate, so little time.

How do you like your chocolate?

P.S. Keep the $50 Whole Foods Gift Card Giveaway entries coming!


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  1. Your desserts are the BEST looking Averie!!!! I want to bite right through the screen!

    I love both milk and dark chocolate. I was once interviewed for a magazine … about chocolate! It was a fun interview to do :-)

  2. I had a 90% dark chocolate Lindt bar last night that my honey brought me back from Germany. It was delish…barely sweet and the PERFECT post dinner-and-wine-drinking snack. YUUUM!

  3. I love dark chocolate as well! I, too, dont really like flavored chocolate things except combinations like peanut butter and chocolate. I actually go back to my university tommorow and am going to be doing the chocolate class where we make the chocolate that is sold on campus. It is Fair Trade and organic. I did it last quarter and it was really fun! We make smores, pb cups, peanut butter chocolate, peppermint, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate covered macademia nuts and hopefully chocolate covered espresso beans this year! The downside is that is is 12-6 on Fridays, but it is fun and worth it, plus there’s an hour of lecture and clean up. We don’t get paid, but we get paid in the form of “rejects” due to ugliness or pb oozing out of pb cups ect, and there is a tray we can snack from all day if we wanted :)

  4. Growing up, I was never a chocolate kind of girl, but that has changed for sure! The darker, the better. Although I do love white chocolate too!

  5. I adore dark chocolate and the fact that it’s not too sweet – mmmmm! Sweet Ghirardelli score, reminds me of childhood trips to San Francisco. Yum, great chocolate inspiration here.

    Dark the most which is why I love raw chocolate desserts so much, there was something phony and not right to me about milk chocolate when I did eat it, like it was too sweet. I love dark chocolate with a little spice or used in savory dishes.