Dream Day


Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!  I hope you all had wonderful days and a great Mother’s Day weekend.  After I got home from work on Saturday evening, two cards were waiting for me.

Mother's Day cards

Mother's Day cards

I loved the embroidery work on the card Scott gave me.

Mother's Day cardsNice goin’, babe!  (he doesn’t read my blog so he’ll never see this unless I tell him) I love embroidered things from dishtowels to sweaters so this card was right up my alley!

This was Skylar’s card to me with the message she wanted Scott to write to me:

Mother's Day cardsIt all comes back to the “you always give me yummy yummy good snacks” doesn’t it.  Men or kids, no matter what people say, I think the way to their heart is through their stomach.

In terms of my day, I wish I could say that I:

Took a break from laundry

washing machine and dryer

Read a book

Ate Bon-Bons.  Or at least ate some No Bake Vanilla Cake Batter Chocolate Truffles

No Bake Vanilla Cake Batter Chocolate Truffles

But none of that happened.

What did happen:

Skylar hugged her bunny


And I hugged Skylar

Skylar and Averie

I Ran Errands

Packed a little bit for our trip

I got in a couple nice runs and a couple 2o minute at-home yoga/weightlifting sessions over the weekend.

Unfortunately, the weather here wasn’t nice this weekend.  Gray and overcast, windy and cold.  The flowers are blooming, though.  

Various flowersI took this picture a few days ago when it was still sunny.

Thanks for all the great comments regarding my Fudgy Nutella Brownies with Cream Cheese Frosting. Yes, they are super fudgy.

Fudgy Nutella Brownies with Cream Cheese FrostingFoodgawker and Tasteologie took that picture.  So far Tastespotting rejected it but I have another shot pending. I bet if I brought them the brownies to sample, they’d accept my submission.

Thanks for sharing your fave brownie recipes and the Happy Mother’s Day wishes!  Thanks to those of you who continue to chime in with such heartwarming stories about your moms.


1. What did you do to celebrate Mother’s Day?

Other than opening my cards and having some extra hugs and snuggles with the family, it was business as usual for me.

Saturday and Sunday afternoons are precious times of the week for me because Scott takes Skylar for a few hours so I can slam and jam with errands, housework, cooking, blogging, you name it.

While he’s in charge of Little Miss, I’m able to be really productive and try to get a headstart on the week and get organized.

Young girl sitting on couch looking off at something

2. What does a Perfect or Dream Day include for you?


sleeping more than 5 hours and all in one stretch, i.e. 2 hours here and 2 hours there, not ideal

not being woken up with this phrase: “Mommy, I pooped.  Wipe my butt!”

no housework

cooking for pleasure only with ample to time to take tons of photographs.  As opposed to cooking because I actually have to feed the hungry troops and picture time is limited because everyone’s hungry.

not going to paid work

reading books and magazines

laying out and working on my tan

opening up a blue box from Tiffany

getting a massage

having a great run + yoga session

reading blogs

being un-productive in general

Those are a few items on my dream day list.  None of that usually happens, though.

What’s on your Dream Day list?

P.S. If you’re just catching up on posts from the weekend, here are mine since Friday:

Have a great week!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. what GORGEOUS embroidery on that card, averie. just beautiful! and love the photo of you and skylar.
    i went for coffee with my parents for mother’s day fun, gave mom a GC to a local specialty shop (a smaller “whole foods” type store).
    glad you had a good weekend despite the rain and normal To Do’s. Just focus on The Trip that awaits!!!

  2. Happy Mother’s Day! Skylar is so advanced for her age! You are an excellent mother. You have written posts in the past about your unique parenting style. Well, it is obviously working! Well done!
    My dream day:
    – AM Dance Class
    – Picnic lunch w/ my hubby
    – spending time creating in the kitchen
    – catching up on blogs
    – painting my nails (never happens)
    – reading while Dickens runs around the dog park
    – having friends over for dinner

  3. I recently stumbled upon your blog, and have really enjoyed reading it so far. :) As a new reader, I have just one (silly?) question. To me, it appears that the comments on most of your older posts are “closed”, meaning that I can neither read nor post comments. I understand closing the comments section for new comments, but I was wondering if there would be any way that you could leave the old comments visible, for reading only? I was specially looking forward to reading the comments/recommendations to your DSLR-related posts, as I’m looking to buy a new camera myself. ;)

    1. Hi Anna thanks for reading…two issues
      1. i moved my blog from blogger to wordpress in Jan 2011. Unfortunately comments didn’t make the move. Major frustration but it was a tech glitch. So that’s why you’re not seeing them prior to Jan 2011. Lost forever :(

      2. I close comments after 1 week b/c I am hit with MASSIVE spam. As in about 10,000 spams per month as it is and closing them cuts down on that. I figure anyone will just email me or comment on a current post like you did.

      Thanks for reading and dont be a stranger.

  4. Awww, Skylar’s card is so sweet and Scott’s is so pretty!!

    My dream day would entail not regretting what I ate the previous day upon waking up… followed by a day where the phone never rings and the doorbell never chimes and humidity is at 0%.

    The cats don’t scratch their butts on the carpet… actually, we’re in a house with absolutely NO carpet. The carpet vanished overnight.

    Work for money not required, completely optional. I cook and eat what I like and photograph it all perfectly. TS/FG and the bunch accept on the first try.

    Trolls also vanished in the night; swallowed by a black hole.

    I go shopping and there’s so little traffic that bad drivers are virtually nonexistent. And the produce at the store is gorgeous and they have everything I want freshly stocked. Oh, and I have $1 off coupons for all my items.

    My iPod plays every song I want to hear that day.

    And I end the day with a deep tissue massage followed by reading in bed cushioned with 1500-thread count sheets in my low-humidity room.

    HA!! :)

    1. Best.Comment.Ever.
      TS/FG and the bunch accept on the first try.
      Trolls also vanished in the night; swallowed by a black hole.
      only 1500 t.c. sheets? :)
      deep tissue. omg. love.
      no humidity. move to san diego :)

  5. A perfect day would include:

    Breakfast with family around my table.
    Blog reading with a cup of coffee.
    A long, long massage and facial at the spa.
    A walk around the lake with a fresh juice and a good friend.
    A dinner party.

  6. those brownies look great! sort of like an oreo cheesecake! yummyummyummy snacks ;)

  7. Happy Mothers Day!!

    My dream day – sitting at a beach in the tropics with a book. And a drink preferably, but that’s not even necessary. Just ocean, sun, and a good book. I’m easy.

  8. We spent time with Jason’s mom and grandma yesterday — mom got a big bag of birdseed (we get her that every year and she loves it) and grandma got a super delicious smelling mojito candle from bath and body works. Today we visited my mom for a bit — gave her the People magazine all about the royal wedding. We get her magazines every year — she loves them so much but never buys them for herself.

    I’m glad you had a nice Mothers Day!

  9. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! It sounds like you have a great day with your beautiful family :)

  10. Happy Mother’s Day. Yes, eating bon-bons. haven’t done that in a while.

  11. I had a really perfect Mother’s Day. My husband did absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G including cooking me breakfast and an amazing multi-course dinner, plus sweet cards and flowers. I lucked out for sure. :)

    Gorgeous cards you got there, Mama! I know a lot of people think cards are a waste but I looooove sweet, sentimental cards. Happy Mother’s Day, Averie! Try not to work too hard this week :) Us mommies often do not take enough time for ourselves. Easier said than done, huh? ;)

    1. happy mothers day to you too! you SCORED with your day it sounds like :)

  12. Happy, happy Mother’s day! It was my first mother’s day, and being with my baby, hubby and dog was enough for me (though they got me wonderful gifts and we spent the whole day together with my brother and his girlfriend which was awesome).
    A dream day would be a full spa day… getting the works!
    So I’m going to be in Aruba next week…we leave Tuesday. I would love to meet you for a drink or a walk or run or something if we could make that work!