Dream Day


Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!  I hope you all had wonderful days and a great Mother’s Day weekend.  After I got home from work on Saturday evening, two cards were waiting for me.

Mother's Day cards

Mother's Day cards

I loved the embroidery work on the card Scott gave me.

Mother's Day cardsNice goin’, babe!  (he doesn’t read my blog so he’ll never see this unless I tell him) I love embroidered things from dishtowels to sweaters so this card was right up my alley!

This was Skylar’s card to me with the message she wanted Scott to write to me:

Mother's Day cardsIt all comes back to the “you always give me yummy yummy good snacks” doesn’t it.  Men or kids, no matter what people say, I think the way to their heart is through their stomach.

In terms of my day, I wish I could say that I:

Took a break from laundry

washing machine and dryer

Read a book

Ate Bon-Bons.  Or at least ate some No Bake Vanilla Cake Batter Chocolate Truffles

No Bake Vanilla Cake Batter Chocolate Truffles

But none of that happened.

What did happen:

Skylar hugged her bunny


And I hugged Skylar

Skylar and Averie

I Ran Errands

Packed a little bit for our trip

I got in a couple nice runs and a couple 2o minute at-home yoga/weightlifting sessions over the weekend.

Unfortunately, the weather here wasn’t nice this weekend.  Gray and overcast, windy and cold.  The flowers are blooming, though.  

Various flowersI took this picture a few days ago when it was still sunny.

Thanks for all the great comments regarding my Fudgy Nutella Brownies with Cream Cheese Frosting. Yes, they are super fudgy.

Fudgy Nutella Brownies with Cream Cheese FrostingFoodgawker and Tasteologie took that picture.  So far Tastespotting rejected it but I have another shot pending. I bet if I brought them the brownies to sample, they’d accept my submission.

Thanks for sharing your fave brownie recipes and the Happy Mother’s Day wishes!  Thanks to those of you who continue to chime in with such heartwarming stories about your moms.


1. What did you do to celebrate Mother’s Day?

Other than opening my cards and having some extra hugs and snuggles with the family, it was business as usual for me.

Saturday and Sunday afternoons are precious times of the week for me because Scott takes Skylar for a few hours so I can slam and jam with errands, housework, cooking, blogging, you name it.

While he’s in charge of Little Miss, I’m able to be really productive and try to get a headstart on the week and get organized.

Young girl sitting on couch looking off at something

2. What does a Perfect or Dream Day include for you?


sleeping more than 5 hours and all in one stretch, i.e. 2 hours here and 2 hours there, not ideal

not being woken up with this phrase: “Mommy, I pooped.  Wipe my butt!”

no housework

cooking for pleasure only with ample to time to take tons of photographs.  As opposed to cooking because I actually have to feed the hungry troops and picture time is limited because everyone’s hungry.

not going to paid work

reading books and magazines

laying out and working on my tan

opening up a blue box from Tiffany

getting a massage

having a great run + yoga session

reading blogs

being un-productive in general

Those are a few items on my dream day list.  None of that usually happens, though.

What’s on your Dream Day list?

P.S. If you’re just catching up on posts from the weekend, here are mine since Friday:

Have a great week!

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  1. Not sure what up but your humor lately in your posts has me cracking up. Great candor. Dang those Nutella things are calling to me right now.

  2. Skylar (and her sweet card) are absolutely adorable. I had a lovely, relaxing day with my husband and two boys. Have a wonderful trip – it sounds positively idyllic.

  3. I refuse to feel sorry for myself. I love my 2 children (now all grown) and have made umpteen sacrifices for them. We are supporting the younger one who hasn’t had a job in years. We babysit for the older one’s youngest child without asking for pay (it’s a joy but also work). This year and last year I did not even receive a “Happy Mother’s Day” comment. No cards, no gifts, nothing. We all met at the circus for benefit of the 3 grandchildren, where my husband spent too much money, which we really shouldn’t do, on junk for the grandkids to eat or whatever. It was fun being with them, and my granddaughter gave me a card and a gift :) She’s the only one who seems to be appreciative. My question is: am I the only one in this situation??? Everyone I know or read about has kids who are grateful. Ironically I got my daughter a gift certificate and a small gift since she’s a mother of 3. It is very confusing to me, and I wonder what on earth did I do wrong? Any words of wisdom from anyone?

  4. Aw, sweet cards! Too funny on Skylar’s, so cute! Sounds like a wonderful day.

    1. Took my mom to brunch, then shopped.
    2. An open schedule in a fun, exotic location with loved ones.

  5. Happy happy Mother’s Day, Averie! I’m glad you had a magical day… you certainly deserve it :-D

    My mom and I celebrated last week by going to brunch, a beautiful sculpture garden, and Japanese sculpture museum. It was really nice. Yesterday, Ari’s family was here so we all went out to a fun brunch… and saw Thor.

  6. oh my gosh, so sweet! I love it :) I agree- food is where its at! The cards are so cute. Glad you had a nice mamas day. I got to spend the majority of the weekend with my Mom- which was just so much fun :) My ideal day= a good workout or teaching an awesome class, time outside in the sunshine, LOTS of time with Frank & Josh, baking, frozen yogurt & sleep!

  7. Aww, Happy Mother’s Day Averie! You clearly love that Little Miss so much and deserve a fabulous day (or year…years, you know!). I also laughed out loud at the wipe my butt comment – I worked in day care for 4 years and babysat my way through college so I totally heard those comments all the time. Kids are so funny/gross! :)

    My perfect day would be waking up after a good night’s sleep, breakfast at my favorite diner, a sweaty yoga class, hanging out and strolling around a city with my dude and ending the night in a sauna/hot tub combo!

  8. I was spoiled ALL weekend! It was awesome, I have to admit! Love Skylar’s card. Gifts from the kids always trump all, IMO….