Drink Your Protein


Howdy everyone, how’s your day going so far?  Thanks for the yummy feedback and comments from yesterday’s post about my Raw Vegan Chocolate Pie.  Seems like it was a hit.  Sure was around here!  If anyone makes it, let me know how it turns out for you.

My friend RawJuiceGirl also sent the link for this dairy free, sugar free raw chocolate creation.  Now that looks good!  But, the recipe calls for a boatload of coconut oil and I am just not that into coconut oil.  I feel like it makes everything taste like a pina colada.  Not that that’s a bad thing…just an I-don’t-want-it in-my-chocolate thing!  Does anyone else think that coconut oil totally overpowers everything else, or am I just weird?

Moving right along to Protein Powder Chatter…

As a vegan, I am conscientious about consuming enough protein.  I realize most American’s are over-proteined.  I ain’t one of them.  I need to make sure I get enough.  So I like to drink my protein.

Recently I posted about buying some Sun Warrior Chocolate Brown Rice Protein Powder and I compared it to Jay Robb’s Vanilla BRPP.

Sun Warrior Chocolate Brown Rice Protein Powder in container

 It’s sort of like comparing apples and oranges because chocolate and vanilla are just two different animals, but you can go read all about it in this postBottom line, I really like the Sun Warrior Chocolate BRPP.

Protein powder mixed with water in blender cup on countertop

But my life just got a whole lot better.

I was thrilled when the kind folks at Sun Warrior sent me some of their Vanilla Brown Rice PP to try.  Here’s the nutrition info for the Inquiring Minds Wanna Know set.  Interesting factoid that I noted was that the vanilla has 10 less calories per scoop than the chocolate but the same amount of protein, 15g.  Chocolate has a smidge more fiber though.

Nutritional information on Sun Warrior Chocolate Brown Rice Protein Powder container

 I never thought I’d say this because as you know I’m a Choc-aholic, ummm hello raw chocolate pie from the last post anyone, but I like the Sun Warrior Vanilla Brown Rice Protein Powder better than either the Sun Warrior Chocolate or Jay Robb’s Vanilla.  There you have it, Vanilla Sun Warrior stealin’ the show.

You ask, Why Do I Like It?
Well there is no stevia taste, the mixability seems really good, and it’s a thicker and creamier powder when blended solely in water.

Just to reiterate if you missed my last post on the topic of BRPP’s is that I mix my PP’s in 4 oz of water. 

In the Blender Bottle cup with solamente agua (i.e. only water.  That’s about as much Spanish as I know)

Blender cup with mixed protein powder and water on countertop
And here’s a look inside the cup
 Inside cup showing protein powder mixed with water

You can pretty much make sawdust palatable if you add enough frozen fruit, almond milk, agave, gogi berries, raw cocoa nibs or whatever the latest and greatest thing to put into a protein shake is…but water doesn’t lie and doesn’t mask grossness.  And so for my taste testing, and also for my daily routine most of the time, it’s just a shot of water, scoop of protein, shake ‘er up, and done.

But I thought I’d try the Vanilla Sun Warrior with a banana, dash of agave, dash of vanilla extract, and 1/4 c vanilla almond milk.  It was really good comin’ outta da Vita-Mix

Vanilla protein powder with a banana, agave, vanilla extract and vanilla almond milk in blender

 Anyway, there ya have it.  I dig the Vanilla Sun.  

Since I know some of you aren’t into PP’s, I will wrap this convo up and move along to some of my grub for the last 24:

Call the Chia Pet Police.  There was a Chia Failure.  Things didn’t fully solidify, despite being in the fridge for 18 hours.

Chia seed pudding on spoon

 I think it’s because the “dash” of vanilla extract that I put in turned into about an ounce and the alcohol messed with the seeds’ developement.

That’s all I can think of…everything else was the same as in my previous post about chia pudding.
2 tbsp chia seeds, 1/2 c almond milk, 1/4 c water, dash agave & dash stevia.  And then the Whoops! dash of Vanilla, which is what I think did ‘er in.  Nothing that an hour in the freezer couldn’t fix.  Extremely excellent flavor.  So good, you could get drunk off all that vanilla extract!

Next up I got some organic brocoli slaw mix from TJ’s and I rocked out a yummy brock slaw-n-raw creation.  Thanks Hungry Hippy for the Brock Slaw inspiration.

Trader Joe's Organic Broccoli Slaw in packaging on countertop

Big handful of the Brock Slaw, Yellow Squash, Orange & Yellow Peps, Zukes & Cukes, Agave, OJ, & Pepper

Broccoli slaw salad with mixed vegetables

And there was another pile o’ rabbit food: Greens, red peps, cukes, tomatoes, & raw corn.

Green salad topped with mixed diced vegetables

And last but not least, some Chocolate Brownie Sludge, I mean Choco Brownie Love

Raw Vegan Brownies in clear container

Yoga time.  Time to be a butterfly or a bound angle.  Depends who your teacher is.  Baddha konasana is the Sanskrit name ‘o the game.  Spine straight, and open your feet like a book.  Chest forward but not too forward, stay straight up-n-down.

Woman doing yoga pose

Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend.  Quads flexed not limpy while you’re bending foward.  A little tricky at first but work on keeping your legs strong not passive.

Woman doing seated forward bend yoga pose


Tip of the Day: GiveAway Time!  Go check out Lil Veggie Patch’s contest, but hurry, it’s ending at 10pm eastern Today!

P.S.  Tomorrow’s post will be bringin’ back the Green.  Stay Tuned…

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. That ice cream looks amazing! I have to try that STAT. It is, however, a little chilly today, and our AC is forcing me to pull out my fall sweaters! But, it's always a good day for a frozen treat :-)

  2. Oooh great recipes (as per usual). I luuurve making Raw Ice-Cream and I favour Gena's Banana Soft Serve with Cacao & Agave Sauce, and I also freeze pineapple, and oranges (you can use mangos too) and either process them or push them through my Champion Juicer (homogeniser blade). Ok this is more like a sorbet but really refreshing in the heat. Also Kristen has some num num recipes for icecream in her Desserts recipe book. I'd LOVE to get an ice-cream maker. :D

  3. Holy moly you are flexible! Wow. I am impressed :)

    And I must get a vitamix soon. I have never made ice'cream' but I have a sneaky feeling I will be when Summer rolls around next year…