

I saw Chelsey post this fun little diddy and figured, what the heck.  My turn!

Last five people I talked to on the phone:


my sister

a telemarketer (who somehow got my cell phone number)



I basically don’t talk to anyone on the phone anymore.  I have 20 second phone calls with Scott coordinating logistics or a quick hi/bye but everyone else sends me an email or a text.

Last Five Things I Ate:

Popcorn with cinnamon & stevia

Popcorn with cinnamon & stevia

A salad with sugar snap peas, tomatoes, broccoli, green beans, cucumbers and carrots

salad with sugar snap peas, tomatoes, broccoli, green beans, cucumbers and carrots

Edamame dipped in vegan slaw dressing


Green Grapes

Caramel Apple Bars

Caramel Apple Bars stacked

Last five places I’ve traveled:

Aruba, December 2010

Aruba beach with white sand and blue water

Regional southern California day trips, i.e Orange County, L.A., Long Beach for Real Food Styling & Photography

Burger with tomatoes, cheese, mushroom, and lettuce

Aruba, May 2011

Aruba beach with post with chains

Mexico City Tour, July 2011

Man holding fryer bucket with fries in them

Boulder, Colorado Food & Light August 2011

Chocolate cupcake with yellow frosting

Next five places I will go:

Skylar’s school to drop her off

Skylar’s school to pick her up

the grocery store


and longer range, Aruba in December  Tickets booked!

Last five workouts:


Black yoga mat with hardwood floor


San diego street with palm trees

Core work on my yoga mat

Repeat those three items.

Plus lots of daily walking in my neighborhood, running errands, and just walking to and fro in daily life.  That counts as exercise even if it’s not a structured workout, per se.

That’s all I do and have discussed where I’ve been with workouts and my fitness journey, what I do now, and why (see this post or this post)

Five things making me happy right now:

Knowing it’s Hump Day and the week is halfway over

Listening to Skylar’s jokes.  They seem to revolve around burping and farting (4 year old humor) but they make me laugh

Skylar smiling

Knowing that Scott is on an airplane coming home, and he’ll be home for 24 hours, and I get to see him tonight

Anything on This List

Vanilla Baileys Slushies

Vanilla Baileys Slushie

Your turn! 

Pick a top five list and go to town.  Sharing is caring.

P.S. Reminder to enter the Hoodie & Leggings Giveaway

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  1. Top 5 Concerts I want to Go to:

    – Pink
    – Counting Crows
    – Aerosmith
    – Eminem
    – Lil Wayne

  2. I think the last five people I’ve talked to on the phone are all from my husband. I agree, I don’t really chat on the phone much anymore!

    The last five things I’ve eaten : apple, oatmeal, green smoothie, Black bean salad and a green salad. All of which sound really boring when typed out, but were all delicious!

  3. Those caramel apple bars look so good!!
    The next 5 places I will go…
    To the vet with my greyhound
    To lunch with my Dad
    To the grocery store for veggies
    To my computer for some work
    To the park for a walk with the hound
    (and then to the kitchen for some cookin!)