Flowers in the Park, Perfect Weather, Hair Washing, Paid vs. Unpaid Work


Hi Friends!  Happy Labor Day Weekend!  I hope you are all having a glorious weekend, spending it with friends, family, and loved ones.  That’s what it’s all about!  I have been working and am pretty beat but did trek around Balboa Park with Scott and Skylar.

Woman and child standing in front of plants and grass smiling

Close up of woman and child smiling

The weather has been perfect.  76F with a light breeze and the skies have been crystal blue

Tree line with blue sky

The Flowers Are Pink

Pink Spiky FlowerClose up of Pink Spiky Flower
Close up of pink flower
Close up of pink flower showing inside

And some are orange but are starting to show signs of Fall are a little wilty

Multiple Orange Flowers
Peach colored flowers

It’s been a nice day with my family and now I am off to spend some time in the kitchen, catch up on housework, and run some errands.

From my last post about scents and perfumes, I loved hearing your favorites!  Some of you also liked Chanel.  Aww, we’re BFF’s for sure then!  haha!

Bottle of Chanel Perfume
And I enjoyed hearing your stories of how smelling a scent you hadn’t smelled in a long time just took you back to a former time in your life.

To the question of Back Rub or Foot Rub, I think back rub won, by a narrow margin, but as I said, massage + me = always perfect, so either one works for me! 

Thanks for the sweet compliments about the pictures I posted yesterday of Skylar and I. 

Woman and young girl between her legs smilingWoman with arm around girl smiling
 She really is growing up.  And I am wearing the same clothes in today’s pictures as I was in yesterday’s, but I washed them.  However, I still haven’t washed my hair and need to do that, asap!

Dessert: Vegan Maple-Nut Chocolate Oaties

Four Vegan Maple-Nut Chocolate Oaties in container
Close up of Vegan Maple-Nut Chocolate Oaties in container
Close up of one Vegan Maple-Nut Chocolate Oatie

Tip of the Day:  My Kroeger Herb Natural Supplements Give Away for 2 Winners!

Three bottles Kroeger Herb Natural Supplements
Have fun everyone!  Thanks Kroeger Herb!
***The contest ends on Tuesday, Tuesday, September 7, 2010*** 


For Everyone: Receive 20% Off for your entire order at Hanna’s Herb Shop.  
Good through Sept. 7. Enter Code AQIBW

1. Best Thing You’ve Done or Ate All Weekend?
Me = done with work for a few days now, and our walk around Balboa Park.

2. What’s the longest you go without washing your hair?  What’s the longest you’ve ever gone?
I’m about there at 4 days.  Haha!  Normally I wash it every 2 or 3 days but I’ve pushed my limits.  I just tie it up daily when I shower and I have been putting off washing it because I didn’t want to take the time to deal with it, but I can’t push my luck anymore!

3. What’s your definition of Perfect Weather? 
Mine is pretty much what we’re having right now, mid 70s, no humidity, not a cloud in the sky, however I wouldn’t mind if it was low 80s, though.  Basically right before I crack a sweat is perfect by me!  Cold and snow, rain, cloudy, gloomy, no way, not for me!

4. Monday-Are you off work or not?
I’m off from paid employment on Monday, but I will still be busting my ass around the house, taking care of Skylar, and handling all of the cooking and cleaning, laundry, and everything else, for freeThere’s two types of work as a wife and mother: paid and unpaid.   All moms know the unpaid labor is way harder!  But more rewarding!
Do you have paid and unpaid work?  What’s harder?  What do you like better?

I realize this is question hodge podge, that’s ok though, and I’m just going with it.

Enjoy your holiday Monday and I’ll see you tomorrow!

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