Fluffernutter Banana Smoothie


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It’s a bit of a funny name, but fluffernutter is just code for two favorites rolled into one:

Fluffer = Marshmallows

Nutter = Peanut Butter

Add bananas, and you’ve got yourself a fabulous treat.

Marshmallow Peanut butter and banana smoothies

This borders on dessert-in-a-cup and that’s just fine by me on this hot holiday weekend.

I almost added cocoa powder but would have had to crack the seal on a new container and figured it wasn’t necessary and as it turned out, not adding cocoa powder allowed me to concentrate more fully on marshmallows without chocolate clouding my judgment. We’ve all been there.

Marshmallow Peanut butter and banana smoothies

I love the top layer of hot chocolate with an abundance of softened marshmallows. It’s one rare situation in which I enjoy mushy and squishy food. And this smoothie is another.

Some marshmallows are blended into the body of the smoothie and a few more are added as a garnish. Slurping those softened little squishy white globes is so much fun.

Marshmallow Peanut butter and banana smoothie

I added enough peanut butter that this frothy little number turned amber-hued. I wasn’t complaining.

It was cold and creamy and went down fast and easy.

Marshmallow Peanut butter and banana smoothie

Bananas go from good to great when they’re frozen and then blended. They add so much creaminess and fluffiness to smoothies and this was no exception. Plus, peanut butter and bananas is always a good combo.

Nah, I never missed the cocoa powder in this one.

Marshmallow Peanut butter and banana smoothie


Fluffernutter Banana Smoothie (vegan and gluten free, as indicated below*)

Makes about 12 ounces

2 ripe small/medium bananas (previously frozen in chunks is preferred)

1/2 to 2/3 cup cream or milk (or vegan milk)

1/3 cup creamy peanut butter

2 tablespoons granulated sugar, optional and to taste

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/3 to 1/2 cup mini-marshmallows

Combine all ingredients except for marshamllows in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Add marshmallows and pulse or blend until just incorporated, allowing some texture to be retained. Garnish with a few additional marshmallows. Serve immediately.

Optional add-ins: 1 to 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, 1 whole graham cracker, 1/ 4 cup semi-sweet, peanut butter, or white chocolate chips or chocolate syrup; 1/4 cup shredded coconut flakes, 1 to 2 ounces marshmallow-flavored vodka or light rum, 1 scoop protein powder, add 1 scoop of ice cream for a milkshake, garnish with whipped topping or whipped cream, coconut flakes, graham cracker crumbs, dollop of peanut butter, or sprinkles.

*To keep vegan, use vegan marshmallows (here or here) and vegan milk (coconut, cashew, almond, soy, rice). Most conventional-brand marshmallows are inherently gluten-free but use those that are linked for certified gluten-free marshmallows.



Marshmallow Peanut butter and banana smoothie

Related Recipes:

Creamy Cookie Butter White Chocolate Banana Smoothie

Creamy Cookie Butter White Chocolate Banana Smoothies

Banana Cream Pudding Pie & Caramel Smoothie

Banana Cream Pudding Pie & Caramel Smoothies in jars

Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars with Vegan Chocolate Frosting (No-Bake, GF) – Excuse the photography; the recipe itself is scrumptious. Butterscotch, peanut butter, marshmallows, and chocolate. Fluffernutter at it’s finest.

Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars with Vegan Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars with Vegan Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars with Vegan Chocolate Frosting

White Chocolate Vanilla Marshmallow Cake Bars – One of my favorite desserts on my blog and top 5 for 2011

White Chocolate Vanilla Marshmallow Cake Bars

Marshmallow Peanut Butter Double Chocolate Pillowtop Bars (GF with Vegan options) – One of my favorite desserts on my blog and top 5 for 2011

Marshmallow Peanut Butter Double Chocolate Pillowtop Bars

Do you like marshmallows? Peanut butter?

The fact that many of my favorite recipes use marshmallows and peanut butter, and bananas, at least shows I’m consistent. Peanut butter recipes and comparing peanut butter never gets old. Nor do marshmallows. Or bananas.

If you have any great recipes with marshmallows or peanut butter, or any fluffernutter recipes, link them up.

The winner of the Taste of Home Best Loved Recipes Cookbook Giveaway is Anna @ Crunchy Creamy Sweet

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. This sounds sooo tasty and indulgent! Marshmallows and PB are definitely a match made in heaven! And since I have an abundance of bananas this week so I just may give it a shot ;)

  2. I’m not sure I’ve ever had fluffernutter, though I’ve certain enjoyed the two main components. This makes me want to try it! Gorgeous as always.

    1. Exactly. Which is why I provided links to TWO types of vegan marshmallows. Not much more I can do other than provide the info and after that, folks need to do their own homework and make their own choices.

  3. What a blast from the past! I don’t know if it’s carried in the grocery stores outside of the Boston/New England area, but Fluff was a staple for me in the ’70s.
    Yum, ice cream sundaes with fluff, and fluffernutter sandwiches in my Wonder Woman lunch box. it’s all coming back to me now…. Oh, but as I grew older and more sophisticated, I began to use Nutella instead of PB. LOL

  4. sounds amazing! growing up, I had a friend who always had a fluffernutter sandwich on fridays at school. i was always so jealous! haha

  5. I like the name: fluffernutter…:) As of your question… I think I am going to comment on another posts, I’ve missed a few… :)

  6. This is inspired, Averie— I love the idea of blending the marshmallows. And now I’m also craving your white chocolate marshmallow cake bars!

    1. I don’t know how inspired it is, but it sure is good. A little too good :)

      And okay those white chocolate marshmallow cake bars – the photography is a little iffy but seriously, one of the best desserts on my site. Totally ripe for improvisation, too. Make them for your girls!

  7. Great combination of flavors and textures. I never thought to put marshmallows with pb and banana! Plus, I love the photos looking directly down in the glasses. Could we just dive right in, please? ;-)

    Truth be told, my heart always skips a little beat when I look at the photos of those white chocolate vanilla marshmallow cake bars. White chocolate is probably one of my favorite things in the world to eat. Drool!!

    1. I knew you liked the white chocolate vanilla marshmallow cake bars but I didn’t realize how much until a few comments ago (I was in Aruba) and remember reading your comment about how much you REALLY loved them – good to know :)