Friends and Fitness


On Tuesday afternoon I met up with my dear friend, Marla.

We met at our usual hangout.

Starbucks outdoor storefront

A place where we can gab and get wired up on caffeine.

Sounds perfect, right?  And it was.

Two starbucks hot cups

It’s always a joy seeing Marla and I had not seen her since before the holidays.

Since then, we had both traveled to warm sunny places.

Aruba beach and ocean

And we’ve both lived lots of life the past few months and had plenty of stories to swap from life to blogging to husbands and kids.

After that I came home and learned that my Microwave Blueberry Banana Oat Cakes

Microwave Blueberry Banana Oat Cake

…were featured by Fitness Magazine in their 11 Ways to Wake Up Oatmeal feature.

Fitness magazine article 11 ways to Wake Up Oatmeal Blueberry Banana Oat Cakes slide

I haven’t made a microwave oat cake in ages but this reminded me to make my own recipe.

Naturally gluten free, vegan, microwave-able and ready in less than five minutes.  They’re also portable so you can make them ahead of time and wrap them up in plastic wrap and toss them in your lunch or into your purse for a snack.

Microwave Blueberry Banana Oat Cake

In the fitness front, I had a lovely early-ish morning run.

Road with palm trees and sky

Now that Skylar is in a new school that starts earlier than her former school, I can get my workout done earlier because we’re up and at ’em, bright and early.  Whether I want to be or not.

But it does feel great starting the day with a run.  Four miles, sunshine, 66F, no wind, beautiful flowers.

Purple and white flowers

Followed with 10 to 15 minutes of light yoga stretching at home and that’s that.

Black yoga mat on the ground

All in under and hour and done by 9:30 am with the whole day ahead of me.  Gotta love that.

Have you done anything friend or fitness-related lately?

Are you a morning, evening, or anytime you can get it in workout person?

I’m the later and as a busy mom with no two days ever being the same, being flexible and adapting my workouts to fit into my life is the only way I can be.

I naturally have the most energy about 5pm but it’s too dark in the winter to start outdoor runs at that time.

I don’t naturally have as much energy in the mornings and it’s a chore to get out of the house (and not get sucked into a cup of coffee. Or three. And my Google Reader…) but the feeling of having my workout accomplished and done for the day is a great feeling.  I wrote a post almost exactly one year ago with a few of my Morning Workout Tips.  I should read my own advice.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Once upon a time, when I wasn’t (still) getting up twice a night with a baby, I was a morning workout person. I never worked out in the evening. After trying for months to fit in workouts at some point earlier in the day, I now do weights at home around 8:30 or 9 p.m. Kind of a bummer, but I just can’t seem to find any other time.

  2. Congrats on the fitness article!
    Looks like a delish breakfast option.

    I am all about the monring workout and even got in a 30 minute run almost every morning on my cruise!

  3. I wake up at 6am every day for school so sometimes it gets pretty annoying but in the summer and on weekends I usually wake up at 7/7:30 because I don’t like wasting the day :) Last year my tennis class was moved to 5:15 AM before school. I actually loved it, except I had to go to school after. You’re so lucky that you can basically run outside all year long!

  4. Congrats on having your recipe featured on Fitness Mag’s site..though it’s not the first time for a pro like you.

    I am a morning workout person, but since my current job allows us to go to the gym during lunch, I’ve also come to enjoy lunch workouts. I think the main thing is, I like to workout before any big meals.

    1. thanks…you make me blush with your first sentence.

      And yes…working out before any heavy meals is key. Nothing like burping up the taste of whatever you just ate for the 4 miles. lol