Green Day


Saturday, August 15th, 2009 is a day after my own heart: International Green Smoothie Day! What are you going to do to celebrate? The Green Smoothie Queen is having a contest where you can win either a Blend-Tec blender or an Excalibur 9 Tray Dehydrator. May be worth the $5 bucks to enter…

I’ll be celebrating by having a green juice, kinda like the one I made today, which both Scott and I agreed was my best concoction so far. Practice makes perfect. You can read about yesterday’s blend here.

Here’s what was in it:
*1/2 head romaine
*3 huge kale stalks
*1.5 cukes

*3 carrots

*2 apples
*1 scant inch of ginger

Various vegetables, apples and ginger on countertop

30 ounces of green goodness
30 oz of green juice from juicer
…which we split.
But since I was the one doing the pouring and measuring, I may have had a few extra ounces, ya know, for flavor sampling purposes. So good. I am hooked.

The only thing I am not lovin is the cleanup. For those of you who juice, what’s your cleanup routine? Do you just realize it’s gonna be 5-10 mins of washing, drying, and putting away parts? Do you run it through the dishwasher? Give me the 411. For the moms who are reading who ever nursed and pumped, when I am cleaning juicer parts it feels like I am cleaning pump parts. Not so fun. Tips to make this faster and easier?
Juice split between two shaker bottles
Well let’s backtrack my day a bit…

I went for a run.

Then I came home and did some yoga.

Then, I had some Jay BRPP (brown rice protein powder) in my handy dandy shaker cup that I mentioned yesterday. Did I mention I stocked up majorly on these cups and I am totally digging them for protein as well as juice storage, even though I know you’re not supposed to store juice…I have been. Shhhh…Don’t tell.
Brown Rice Protein Powder mixed with water in shaker bottleMy other shhhh…is that I ordered some Sun Warrior BRPP today. I’m going to start cheating on Jay. Well, maybe it’s not cheating because I ordered the Sun Warrior in Chocolate and my Jay is Vanilla, so that’s really like apples and oranges. You know you’re cheating when you start explaining yourself and rationalizing…haha. I will let you know my verdict next week.

After the BRPP shake I had some fruit. I was not really that impressed with the organic pear I bought from TJ’s yesterday, but whatevah. The blueberries, that aren’t organic ironically, were delish and totally made up for the meh pear.
Containers of blueberries, watermelon and a pear on countertop
Later on, a Plate ‘o Raw Veggies:
*Mixed greens
*Orange & Yellow Peppers
Mixed vegetable and green salad in shallow white bowlAnd later yet, more greenery:
*Yellow peppers and a couple orange stragglers
*Chunks of oranges
*Juice of 1/2 orange, agave, and crack black, aka My Standard Dressing
Mixed vegetables and oranges in bowl with dressingDid you all know that consuming Vitamin C with your green vegetables helps your body absorb more nutrients? But, if you are a true food combiner, I don’t really think eating fruit with your veggies is the best idea. Hmmm…what to do?

Tip of the Day Time: Notice our hair. The yoga is padmasana (bound lotus). BTW, my daughter’s name is Skylar Lotus, quite fitting that I am kissing my little lotus blossom while I’m in lotus, but I digress…The point is to notice our blonde, wavy, easy to tangle, very hard to comb out the tangles kind of hair. Our hair is fine and we have enough of it that we usually have a Rat’s Next Goin’ On! Those people who tell me that they can tell a Raw Foods Person by their sleek, shiny healthy hair and clear eyes…well, bring some of that shiny hair over here!
Woman and child giving each other a kissEnter secret weapon to the rescue: Organic Hair Detangler. It’s the Giovanni brand, Direct Leave-In Weightless Moisture Conditioner. I bought it from Whole Foods for $8.99 because I was in a jam but it’s much cheaper if you order it from Vitacost, here. It’s not a food item, but I love that it’s organic, and let me tell you, as the Queen of Tangles, this stuff works better than any product for getting out tangles that I have ever used!

And no more crying to comb through the little one’s tangles, either. And, it doesn’t leave your hair greasy or with build-up. It combs smooth and the tiniest dab will do ya. I am not kidding when I say that this bottle will probably last me at least a year and probably two.
Giovani Brand Direct Leave-in conditioner bottleSo tell me, what are your beauty or food products that are your serious go-to’s that you’re like ahh….I have just discovered a little piece ‘o heaven??


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Isn't it fun to watch all of those veggies and fruit go into the blender and whiz up into a nutritious drink? I always feel awesome after I drink it! Time for yourself is so important! Every morning I get up early and enjoy the silence:)

  2. Yum, looks so good! I WAS like that with squash, I hadn't eaten any in a looong time and now I'm OBSESSED. They make a regular appearance in my blog and I may have a slight addiction! lol
    Great tip too–I need to put away some time for me!

  3. Justine & Kimberly-I would say the B.S. raw was kinda an experiment. Sometimes I undercook them accidentally and I've found a way to eat them so that night I just decided what the hell to go for all raw. Probably not something I will repeat b/c my jaw got a huge workout, but it was fine.

    Justine-me time = mommy sanity. Fa sure!

    Kimberly-It's b/c in camel you are opening your heart/throat chakra and are totally vulnerable and exposed in that pose. Sometimes it could mean you either have something to say (get outta your throat) or something that's weighing down on your heart. Emotional work than can bog down the physical. Then again, it could just be it's an odd position for your body and you get nauseous and nothing deeper :)

    Angela-I am touched you stopped by! Your blog and what you do is so incredibly inspiring and I love reading what you do and seeing the pics of your gorgeous food and life…so I am flattered you like my blog :)

    Emily-yep I just do what my body is asking, plus I am time-limited by my child's needs. I have to do what I need/want the most b/c she needs me so I cut to the chase. XG and GG, both available at WF in the baking section aisle. By flours. Ask them for help or look for the Bob's Red Mill brand.

  4. That dipping sauce sounds so good! DO you get the guar and Xantham gums at Whole foods? I don't think I've ever seen them…
    Another yoga Q: Do you do a set routine at all, or literally just do whatever your body feels like at the given moment?
    Hope you've had a good day with some me time too!

  5. Wow I LOVE your GM concotion! Totally awesome.

    I just love your blog…I can't believe I just found it recently!

  6. I've never heard of eating brussel sprouts raw. Are they good? Well, I guess they must have been–you said it was nummy:)

    For some reason EVERY time I do camel pose, I feel like I am going to throw up! What's up with that?

  7. Wow! Thats all I say to eating brussel sprouts raw. Now I have eaten a few little leaves that fall of when cutting but the whole thing raw? My jaw is hurting thinking about it! Me time is a must for me! In fact sometimes I need me days! haha


  8. VG–looks like great minds think alike, on everything from the squash and B.S. (I know you've got some of that too) to the Camel. Me Time…so important, isn't it!

    Cindy-I dont have a dehydrator so I can't compare but for an all around kitchen workhorse, dollar for dollar I dont think a VitaMix can be beat. I would get that first, fall in love, and when that wears off, you can always get the dehydrator. Well, that's my unsolicited advice :)

    Deb-I thought of you when I was scooping out the gums. I had previously only made it with XG and this time I used GG, too. So good, esp. on raw carrot or zucchini sticks.

    Michele-Amen sista, we got comments workin' for you, YAY! And most times I lightly steam my B.S. but tried em all raw. They were really crunchy and maybe a bit much but I did it :)

  9. What do ya know, I can comment now! Eeeeek!!!

    I LOVE brussel sprouts, but I have to lightly steam 'em. I drizzle a little coconut oil over 'em and add Italian herbs. YUM! :-D

    That green smoothie (er, MONSTER) does look delicious!

    I adore Child's Pose–haven't tried the other one, though. Not sure if I could do it yet or not. Hmmmm….


  10. OH, can't wait to see what you do with Chia Seeds.

    I think a Vita Mix might have to be my next kitchen goodie…or a dehydrator!

    well see.

    This Mama is going thru some scheduling CHAOS and I am struggling with getting my day all in!

    I could use some ME time. 40 hour days please!!!!

    My new treadmill is here and it's throwing my whole game plan in the preverbial vita mix! High speed!

  11. I did camel pose this morning – great for after a long walk :)

    Had dulse, brussels, zucchini, and squash today as well, haha.

    Amen for making "me time"!!