Halloween 2011 Pictures


I hope you had a Happy Halloween.  We did!  And it was busy.

In the afternoon, I went to Skylar’s school for their Halloween party and mingled with the other parents and kids.

Skylar under green plastic awning in sleeping beauty costume smiling

It was so much fun seeing all the kiddos decked out in their costumes.

Skylar under green plastic awning in sleeping beauty costume smiling

And then it was off to the local Mall for Trick or Treating which is what we did last year.

Parking lot of local mall with palm trees

Our neighborhood is urban and although there are some single-family homes, there are lots of apartments, condos, and high rise buildings which aren’t conducive to running up driveways and ringing doorbells for trick-or-treating like I grew up with.

Skylar getting candy from an employee at the bath and body works storefront

The stores at the mall pass out candy and for us it’s the perfect solution.

Skylar in sleeping beauty costume holding candy bag

I like that it’s in broad daylight, it’s safe, the kids can go from store to store very quickly and without any long driveways to run up, and before you know it, your pumpkin…

Skylar getting candy from an employee of clothing store

Skylar in front of hay display in sleeping beauty costume

…or your Princess Bag is filled.

Inside of bag of candy

Sees passed out gold coin candies to the kids.  Nothing super fancy.

See's Candies storefront with Skylar in front of it

But gave the parents each one of these.  Cha-ching!

Hand with chocolate square in itI love, love, love Sees Candy.  It’s the best.  And this free dark chocolate toffee made me do a happy mommy dance.

Skylar had a great time and she’s enjoyed a few pieces of candy.

Skylar eating lollipop

Skylar eating lollipop

But she seemed to love the thrill of the hunt and obtaining the candy just as much as she enjoyed actually eating it.  Running up to people and saying “TRICK OR TREAT, PLEASE!” seemed to be more than half the fun.

Skylar in sleeping beauty dress eating lollipopWe came home and ate kale and broccoli salad for dinner.  It all balances out.

After she’s done with her candy, the leftovers and rejects will make a starring role appearance in Scott’s lunchbox.  That’s what dad’s are for: taking the leftovers.   He won’t complain, I’m sure.

She loved being in her Princess costume and it was fun to see how much she’s grown from being a Princess in 2009 and in 2010.

When I asked her last  month what she wanted to be, she immediately said, “A PRINCESS!”, as if there was any other thing to be other than that.  Duh.

I wonder if she’ll want to be a Princess again next year?

Skylar making a fake frowny face at the camera

I wouldn’t be surprised.

Skylar smiling in sleeping beauty costumeI loved this day.  This is what being a mom is all about for me.  Watching my little Princess have a ball.  I may have shed a few happy tears today.

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for a homemade Butterfinger.  Scott and Skylar can have the store bought candy if they want.   I’ll take one of these since there’s no more Sees around.

homemade Butterfinger with candy corn Use your leftover candy corn to make these in the microwave.  Easy.  A little too easy.


1. What did you do for Halloween today? 

2.Did you get many trick-or-treaters in your neighborhood?

Thanks for the Gourmet Pretzels Giveaway Entries

P.S. Please Vote for Me in the Biscoff-Delta Bake Off.  I would really appreciate your vote and it just takes one second to click.  Thank you!

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  1. There was one year when we did the mall thing – NEVER again. It was like we were all cattle. You got in line, went to one store, got a piece of candy then got in another long line. Wait five minutes. Go in the store, get a piece of candy. It took forever and there was just a HUGE mash of people. Worse than around Christmas-time. NEVER again. That’s what my friend and I kept saying to one another. And she has twice as many kids now, so there was absolutely no way we were going to do that.

    But we did go to a…I’m not sure what you even call it, not an outlet mall, but just a block of a bunch of stores. Then went to my mom’s old neighborhood and did more there. Although I feel bad for my nieces and nephews because of their mash up of allergies, they pretty much can’t eat ANY of the candy!

    1. yeah ours is nothing like what you describe. some of the stores run out of candy but they put a big sign up and that’s that, you just move on to the next one, but there’s no line waiting thank goodness.

  2. She looks so BEAUTIFUL in her outfit! We have to go to malls etc for trick-or-treating now too, it’s mainly for safety but also with so many people living in condo buildings that you can’t get into, it just makes more sense. In some ways it’s sad but it’s also fun because the shops put on a great show usually, often better than houses would, so there’s that! lol

  3. first comment. I love you’re blog! such an inspiration : ) and aww! you’re little girl is too cute!

    1. my yoga studio pumpkin lit classes all day which was really cool!
    2.had very few trick or treaters the last two little boys were in white pillow cases with arms and head cut out like little ghosts!

  4. I LOVE Sees candy! We used to have a little stand in our mall (in PA) but they took it away. So now my relatives from CA send it home to us on occasion!

  5. Awe what a cute lil princess!!
    We took my daughter out, and she LOVED it! SHe ran to each house! Sadly, she can’t eat the candy, but my husband was also more than happy to take it off her hands lol!

    And homemade butterfingers!! I have to check that out! I can’t believe I missed it!!

  6. Aw, so cute! I was a princess for about 7 years running…and, in fact, haven’t really outgrown it. I’m so intrigued that y’all did trick-or-treating in a shopping mall – as a Manhattan-ite I always wondered what the kiddies did for Halloween – and ever, actually. Not having a yard to run around in boggles my mind! I know things are a bit more spacious in California but it’s still so interesting to see how urban families navigate traditions – looks like fun! {and I’m sure I would’ve tried to trick my mom into getting more than just free candy…}

  7. what a fun {and safe} idea to trick or treat at the mall! She is simply adorable…looks like you had a great day together!

  8. Skylar’s hair is getting SO long!! Does she ever want to cut it? my mom would NEVER let us cut ours…it was about that long.

  9. She looks SO much like you, Averie! I love all these photos. And this totally cracked me up: That’s what dad’s are for: taking the leftovers. Its funny because its true.

    I read a bit in that book about making candy and my suspicions were confirmed – I heated them too much – they probably got to the “hard cracked” stage (over 325 degrees) which turns the sugar molecule into a toffee like texture. You don’t want to heat them past the “soft crack” stage, to get the flakey business.

    Next time.

    1. soft ball and hard ball stages…yep, that’s the ticket right there. that’s why I never make candy with candy thermometers b/c things can go from soft to hard and you can ruin $20 worth of really good butter and sugar in 1 second. at least these were a 25 cent situation if they were ruined.

      you’re the only person who’s said she looks like me :)

  10. Skylar looks so grown up in these pictures (despite being in costume, ha)…can’t believe how fast she grows!!

  11. Bless her sweet little heart, I love the costume :) Halloween really is one of the most exciting holidays for both parents and kids!

  12. I much prefer the idea of trick-or-treating at a mall.

    Those butterfingers look superb! I completely agree that I wish I could just have centers!

  13. I absolutely can’t believe how big she’s getting! I remember going to the mall for trick-or-treating a few times, especially if it was bad weather.