Happy Mother’s Day


Instead of partaking in my usual chores and housework this weekend, I’ll be sitting on the couch with my feet up, looking into my very clean kitchen that I didn’t have to clean.

From my vantage point on the couch with a cup of coffee in one hand and a bowl of bon-bons in the other, I’ll be watching as anyone other than me does the dishes, prepares the meals, cleans up the peanut butter that’s on the floor and the crumbs that went everywhere because a peanut-butter-cracker was accidentally dropped.

Peanut butter and crackers are great in your mouth, not so great on the wood floor.


I’ll also be watching and waiting for the laundry fairy who will do and fold a couple loads for me.

And I’ll be on the lookout for my personal assistant who can do the grocery shopping and carry the grocery bags up six flights of stairs for me, fill out permission slips for the next school field trip, and re-do Skylar’s hair for the tenth time before noon because her ponytail keeps slipping out.

All while I am kicked back with a bowl full of bon-bon’s from the couch.

Oh wait.

Wake up from that dream.

The chances of that happening are about as likely as Hades freezing over.

I’d rather keep others out of the kitchen so nothing breaks, burns, or explodes and since I am well aware that red shirts and white sheets should never be washed together, I’ll be the one in charge of the laundry.

In all seriousness though, I don’t mind. I really don’t. As a mom, it’s just what we do. We keep things running smoothly, or we try to.

However, instead of any complicated menu plans, I will be giving myself a little break in that department and plan to keep things very easy.

Fresh strawberries

Fresh Strawberries in cartons

A Strawberries and Cream Smoothie

Strawberries and Cream Smoothie

Fresh watermelon

Half of a watermelon

Tempeh and cucumber sticks with balsamic reduction

Tempeh and cucumber sticks with balsamic reduction

Vegetables with Cheezy Coconut Sauce

Vegetables surrounding cheezy coconut sauce

Maybe I’ll fire up the oven for ten whole minutes and toss in some Mango Basil Personal Tortilla Pizzas

Mango Basil Personal Tortilla Pizzas

Instead of having Scott surprise me with dessert from a fancy boutique dessert bar or something from the Cheesecake Factory, I’ll happily go to town on my own cheesecake.

Coconut Spice Cheesecake Bars

Coconut Spice Cheesecake Bars

 I think Coconut Water Champagne Fruit Punch (Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free, No Sugar Added) is in order, too.

Sure beats water.

Coconut Water Champagne Fruit Punch

What are your plans for Mother’s Day Weekend?

We don’t have any formal plans other than to just spend lots of time together. A family walk, brunch at home, and then who knows what we’ll do.

It’s supposed to be in the low 70sF and sunny which is perfect weather to just enjoy the fresh air and watch my peanut run around at the park. That gives me more joy than anything. The simple stuff.

If I could get a foot massage or a back rub from Scott while sitting on a blanket watching Skylar run around, my day would be complete.

If you’re a mom, will you be “taking the day off”?

I’m not “taking the day off” but it’s actually easier if I don’t. That would just mean double the work on Monday since it would have piled up. No thanks.

If you missed my 15 Gift Ideas Under $25 for Mother’s Day post, you could always order something for yourself for that special mom in your life and let her know something special is on the way.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms. I hope your day is exactly how you want it. Hug your kids, put your feet up, enjoy those bon-bon’s, or whatever it is that makes your day special! Know that you are a fabulous mom and your kids and families appreciate all that you do!

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  1. Averie, you had me going there for a minute! I was thinking, “man, I wish I had the day off like she does!” A mother’s work is never done!

  2. No plans this weekend … but I will call my mom and I am going to visit her next weekend. I will bring her some flowers, some food, and anything else she wants or needs.

  3. I’m taking a break from the laundry folding right now! I’m keeping things simple in the kitchen today and using up the last of my vegetable remnants so nothing starts growing in there while I’m gone! All that is left are those Brussels sprouts for dinner tonight and I know they’ll be good! Happy Mother’s Day and have a relaxing weekend!

    1. LMK about the sauce/veggies…after all this “hype”, it may not live up to the expectations!

  4. Happy Mother’s Day! I’m the same way as you…it makes me nervous to have everyone else in my kitchen and doing laundry…we can dream though…

    1. Happy Mother’s Day to you, too! And yes, keep them all out of the kitchen or near the laundry…dangerous things can happen if they “try to help” :)

  5. hahaha. very nice. also I am still pining away for those pizzas! I think I have everything but the pineapple/mango. so they can probably become a reality for me and my kitchen as soon as I’m home.

  6. I am going to have my husband make your white and dark chocolate cream cheese chocolat cake bars for Mom’s Day. Can’t wait to try them!

  7. Like you, Averie, my kitchen will remain my domain, even on tomorrow’s special day…and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Part of what gives me joy about being a wife and a mother is the foods I prepare for all my guys and tomorrow, of all days, is no different! As a special addition, we are going to the wharf downtown in Santa Cruz for a nice meal together where we can watch the ocean as we eat (salad for me, awesome seafood for the rest of them) and take a walk on the beach after. Simple plans…which allow me to enjoy the people in my life who are responsible for making tomorrow a special day for me in the first place!

    I hope you have a wonderful and happy Mother’s Day with Scott and Skylar! :-)

    1. Simple plans are best and I hope you guys enjoy your day at the wharf…and yes, keeping your kitchen as your domain, smart :)

  8. Have a happy mother’s day Averie and to all mothers. Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  9. Wow, you had me going there for a minute Averie, sorry it was a dream. I was thinking before I got to the ‘dream part’ that you’d be stressed watching them clean in your kitchen though LOL. We’ll miss you details this weekend, although I could stare at those strawberries all day drooling! Take it easy and enjoy! Happy Mother’s Day OFF to you!

  10. Aww, I hope you do get to relax and do what makes you happy this weekend. Skylar is so lucky to have such an awesome mama. Happy Mother’s Day! <3

  11. hahahhahaha- please send the fairy my way when shes done at your house. So far today I’ve bathed Kaylin, done laundry, bathed the dog and ran out to pick up the last piece of Josh’s present for her Mom. So…ya know…just relaxing with bonbons over here too :) Happy Mother’s day!

  12. I’m waiting for the laundry fairy, dish fairy, well, at this point I’ll take any kind of fairy…
    Happy Mother’s Day, I hope you get a few bon bons and have a great day!

  13. Have a lovely day Averie :) I hope you get to enjoy at least a few bonbons and some extra hugs!

  14. Haha, very funny. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day Averie, and that you do get to put your feet up, at least a little. :-)

    1. Thanks…and also for the blog hop/beans/pins you did on a couple recipes of mine.