Highlights of the Week & Peanut Butter Softserve


Happy Saturday Bloggie Friends!  How has your weekend been going?  Mine has been off to a great start.  I went to yoga this morning as part of my teacher training program.  I’ve been a teacher since 2001 but am currently pursing the highest level of yoga certification.  I’ve mentioned this info before, but what’s exciting now is that my graduation is next weekend!!  Meaning, I will have my 500 Hours and can register with Yoga Alliance at the highest level!  If anyone missed my mega Yoga FAQ Post this week and you’re curious what this means or what you should be looking for in a teacher, I covered it there.

I also previously mentioned that over the weekend I am doing a 2 Hour Live Cooking Demonstration and Q & A Session with Yoga Students and other teachers whom are in Teacher Training program, too.  As soon as I hit publish, I am off to give my Raw Foods Cooking Class and Presentation!  Thanks again everyone for telling me if you were attending, what topics you’d like to hear about, that helped to focus and center me soo much!

It’s my tradition based on everyone’s positive response about these recap posts to recap the previous week’s highlights from foods to events, so without further ado, here we go.  If you missed Last Week’s Recap, Check that Out Here.

This past week on Sunday I Made Vegan Fudge

Vegan Fudge in pan cut into squares

Close up close of gooey Vegan Fudge

Sprinkles Optional but Oh So Good!

Slice of Vegan Fudge with sprinkles
Vegan Fudge topped with sprinkles

And Reminded you that If you Need Chocolate like I Need Chocolate, my Chocolate Recipes Post is a Good One to Bookmark!

Chocolate Desserts like Vegan No Bake Creme de Menthe Bars

Vegan No Bake Creme de Menthe Bars

And Raw Vegan Brownies
Raw Vegan Brownies
And for some Greenery I Enjoyed
Salads with my Holiday Orange Spice Vinaigrette

Salad with Holiday Orange Spice Vinaigrette

My Holiday Orange Spice Vinaigrette Recipe is sweet and light.

Close up Salad with Holiday Orange Spice Vinaigrette

And Mixed Greens with Brock, Cukes, Brussels, Carrots, & Tomatoes

Bowl of mixed greens and vegetables

Dressed with a With a Fresh Batch of Vegan Slaw Dressing

Overhead jar of Vegan Salad Dressing
Lidded jar of Vegan Slaw Dressing

 And I had 3 Ingredient Vegan No-Bake Flax Seed Cookies for Dessert

Ingredient Vegan No-Bake Flax Seed Cookies
Close up of one Ingredient Vegan No-Bake Flax Seed Cookie

Monday I Started A Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Give Away

Tuesday I Had a Blogger Meetup

Woman holding baby and another woman with young girl smiling
Two women and young girl hugging and smiling

Picked up the Pottery Skylar and I Painted for Skylar’s 3rd Birthday

Woman and child wearing birthday hats
Young girl with birthday hat and white beaded necklace smiling

Such a fun painting day!

Young girl painting pottery

This was the Before

Semi painted pottery mug
Finished pottery mug saying Skylar's 3rd Birthday

And the After

Finished mug on countertop
Backside of painted mug
 Overhead of painted mug

And gave you Fast & Easy Valentine’s Day Desserts-Part 1
1.Vegan Fudge of course

Gooey Vegan Fudge with sprinkles

It’s rich, decadent, fudgy, wonderful.  Good vegan stuff.  And it’s soy/nut/gluten free which is a bonus in my book.

Slice of Vegan Fudge with sprinkles

2. Raw Vegan Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Container of Strawberries
snack bites

Including a Recipe for Homemade Raw Vegan Chocolate Sauce

Homemade Raw Vegan Chocolate Sauce in bowl with spoon

And a Recipe for Homemade Vegan White Chocolate

Homemade Vegan White Chocolate in bowl with spoon

And a Cesar-Inspired Salad.  Mixed greens, carrots, cucumbers, fresh & sun-dried tomatoes.

Cesar Inspired Salad dressed with Creamy Tahini Raw Vegan Dressing

And dressed it with my homemade Creamy Tahini Raw Vegan Dressing

Close up of salad with Creamy Tahini Raw Vegan Dressing

And Went on a Trip Down Memory Lane: Our Christmas Holiday Trip to Aruba

Beach and ocean in Aruba with boats in background
White sandy beach in Aruba with boats and people in water

For Newer Readers who Missed My Trip, Enjoy Pictures Here or Here or Here.

Wednesday I Began My “Installing-a-New-Commenting-System” Escapades
Take 1

Young girl in kitchen holding countertop smiling

Take 2 Was This
I used the opportunity to remind you about My Yoga and Raw Vegan Foods Retreat!
Yoga Studio with multiple fans and lights

Yoga Stuido

On the Beach in San Diego
San Diego Beach SurferBeachHotel.com by SurferBeachHotel.com.

Beach with ocean and cliffs in background
This Summer in August!
Bean filled with people and walkway surrounded by palm trees

Be there and get your Om Shanti Shanti on while eating your weight in veggies.
 Golden Statue surrounded by flowers and lit candles

Take 3 for the Commenting System Install was This

Young girl in kitchen wearing apron

And I was and am totally grateful for your patience!

Woman smiling with hands in praying position

Then I revealed Fast & Easy Valentine’s Day Desserts-Part 2
Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Chip Cookies

Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Chip Cookies in muffin tin
Close up of one Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Chip Cookie

and Dark Chocolate Carmel Chocolate Chip Cookies

Close up of Dark Chocolate Carmel Chocolate Chip Cookie
Dark Chocolate Carmel Chocolate Chip Cookies stacked in clear container

Non-Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies with Reese’s Cup Centers

Hand holding one Non-Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie with Reese's Cup Centers
Stacked Non-Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies with Reese's Cup Centers
Non-Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies with Reese's Cup Centers in clear container

And Non-Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies with Dove Dark Chocolate Caramel Centers

Hand holding one Non-Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie with Dove Dark Chocolate Caramel Centers
Close up of one Non-Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie with Dove Dark Chocolate Caramel Centers

And then there were Vegan Options too!
Whip up some high Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

And then make some Raw Vegan Chocolate for the Centers using the my Recipe for making homemade Raw Vegan Chocolate

Vegan Chocolate Sauce in bowl with spoon

Or make up a batch of homemade Recipe for Homemade White Vegan Chocolate Sauce 

Homemade White Vegan Chocolate Sauce  in bowl with spoon

Or just stick with high Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls I always love balls! TWSS!

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls
Close up of Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls on white plate

And Showed You Some Mailbox Finds:
Coconut Cream Concentrate

Coconut Cream Concentrate Jar
Backside of Coconut Cream Concentrate

And talked about how this product saves on wasting or opening cans of coconut milk when you only need a small amount, like in Vegan Fudge

Coconut milk in sauce pan with spoon
Overhead pan of Vegan Fudge

or Vegan Coconut Milk Kefir

Vegan Coconut Milk Kefir in large jar

Katie Also Sent Skylar an Adorable Apron for her Birthday

Childs pink and brown apron with cherries
Young girl in kitchen wearing apron

 If you guys want to see what Katie sells, check out her Etsy Shop.

Young girl in apron smiling

Dinner was a Green Medley:  Mixed Greens, Asparagus, Brussels’s, Cukes, Tomatoes, Sugar Snap Peas

Green salad with mixed vegetables

And dressed it with homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing

Overhead of jar of Vegan Slaw Dressing
Close up of salad with Vegan Slaw Dressing

Thursday I showed you some of my Favorite Kitchen Items and Lots of Recipe Links!!!
Coffee Pot with New Mug!

Cuisinart Coffee maker
Coffee Maker brewing coffee into homemade mug

Espresso Maker

Espresso MakerDigital Display on Espresso Maker

with Vegan Carmel Machiatto Recipe

 Vegan Carmel Machiatto

The drink makes me happy and warm inside.   In addition to the fact that I don’t have to rely on Starbucks’ overpriced drinks also makes me happy inside!

 Close up of Vegan Carmel Machiatto


Label of Excalibur Food Dehydrator

With Two Recipe Options for Kale Chips

Kale Chips on dehydrator tray

I’ve Got 2 Kale Chip Coating Recipes: One for a Moderate Bunch of Kale
and This One for a Really Big Batch of Kale Chips

Close up of one Kale Chip on tray 
Hand holding finished Kale Chip
Little Noochy Covered Tree
Cheese sauce covered Kale Chip

And I gave you my thoughts about Why you Don’t Really Need a Dehydrator

Dehydrator with tray pulled out

Microwave Do you use one?  Do you think it’s harmful, or not?  Or you don’t care and use it anyway?  Thanks for telling me your thoughts!

Stainless Steel Microwave
How else would I melt the chocolate for my Vegan Peanut Butter Cups??!!
Melted Chocolate with spoon in bowl
Split Vegan Peanut Butter Cup stacked on itself

My Vita-Mix is Probably My Favorite Kitchen Thing

Vita Mix Blender disassembled
Base of Vita Mix Blender

 I make Everything from Vegan Gluten-Free Pancakes in it

Ingredients for Vegan Gluten-Free Pancakes in blender
Batter for Vegan Gluten-Free Pancakes
Gluten Free Pancakes with syrup, butter and blueberries

to homemade Peanut Sauce

Overhead of Peanut Sauce in jar

Here’s a Recipe for Raw Spiralized Zucchini Noodles Tossed with Veggies and Homemade Peanut Sauce

This Meal is a Keeper!
Spiralized Zucchini Noodles Tossed with Veggies and Homemade Peanut Sauce
Especially because it’s tossed in Homemade Peanut Sauce
Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Balls 
Close up of Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Balls 

to Raw Vegan Chocolate Peppermint Donut Holes

 Raw Vegan Chocolate Peppermint Donut Holes

Good Knives
All the equipment in the world, however, can’t compare with good knives.

Knife block

and I talked about why good knives are instrumental

Three knives on countertop
Close up of one knife

But My Favorite Kitchen Thing Person is this Peanut: Skylar!

Young girl in pink smiling

Dinner Was Mixed Greens, Asparagus, Brussels, Tomatoes, Carrots, and Cukes

Mixed salad with vegetables

 With a Batch of Vegan Slaw Dressing

Vegan Slaw Dressing in jar
Lidded Jar of Vegan Slaw Dressing
Salad topped with Vegan Slaw Dressing

Friday I revealed the Winner of the Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Give Away


If you Missed the Winner Announcement, Click Here

And Decorated Cookies With Skylar

Young girl holding tray of cookies
Decorate cookies on parchment lined baking sheet
 “Yummy, Mommy!”
Young girl sitting eating cookies

And Gave You a New Recipe for Soy-Free Peanut Sauce

Soy-Free Peanut Sauce in jar
Side of Soy-Free Peanut Sauce in jar

And Showed you The Recipe I Plan to Make for my Raw Foods Cooking Class & Demo on Saturday

Spiralized Zucchinin Noodles
Spiralized Zucchini Noodles with vegetables in peanut sauce

I received an Award and Mentioned Some Things that Bring Me Sunshine
Sunshine Awared
I also Received my Bloggie Secret Valentine’s Day Gift!

Valentines Day Gift set of kitchen utensils

Some Cute New Dessert-Making Gadgets

Red bowl and plate
Cupcake Paraphernalia: Love It!
Single Cupcake Holder

And I asked You if You Like to Read and If You Think Printed Books & Magazines will be replaced with Online-Only Reading?  Thanks for chiming in and letting me know what you think the future holds!

Today I’ve got a Quick & Easy Recipe for you. 
I was looking through my nut butter stash, and realized I had some odd-n-ends to use up.

Various Nut Butters on countertop
Butter Toffee Peanut Butter

Enter this Recipe!

Peanut Butter SoftServe:

1 Frozen Banana (freeze it in 1-2 inch chunks)

1 Tbsp Peanut Butter (or whatever nut butter you like)

Optional: 1 Tsp Agave (or honey, maple syrup, yacon syrup) 

Optional: 1 Tsp Vanilla or Hazelnut Extract

Blend & Devour!  (feel free to double, triple, quad the recipe!)


Overhead of blended Peanut Butter SoftServeClose up of Peanut Butter SoftServe

And if you like Rum, Bananas, Bourbon, or Vanilla, check out my rendition of
Raw Vegan Banana Bourbon Vanilla Softserve

 Bourbon Vanilla Extract bottle
Peanut Butter SoftServe
It was really thick and delish!
Blender held upside down showing consistency of Peanut Butter SoftServe


Or you can just stick with the Peanut Butter Softserve!  Good Stuff!Peanut Butter SoftServe in blender

Yoga Today is My Presentation!  I’ve Gotta Boogie, Bloggies!
In the Meantime:

                       Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Heart painting

“Don’t seek for love. Seek to find and remove the barriers you’ve built against love.” -Rumi

Have Your Tried Making Softserve?  What are your favorite things to put in it if you’ve tried it?  Or do you just stick with frozen bananas?

Did You Watch the Olympics?  What’s your favorite Sport? 

If you had to choose, would you rather be an amazing athlete who is famous and makes tons of money from endorsements and never has to work again in your life, but you hit your prime by your late 20’s and you don’t necessarily “help others”…

Or, would you rather be wickedly smart and not necessarily make much money, but your brainpower and your intelligence lasts a lifetime, and actually intensifies as you age, and you help others with your knowledge and information throughout your lifetime?

I pick the second option.  But I have to say, being a professional athlete and being financially set for life does sound kinda nice!  But life isn’t about the money always, now is it!  What do you think?

Stay Tuned For Alcoholic Balls (TWSS!) and They Are Amazing…….


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I am in love with your blog! I strive to become a cleaner eater and your posts inspire me to do so! When I make my softserve, I usually blend all the non-cold ingredients into the Vitamix first, and then add the ice. I find that this gives it a much smoother texture. I try to embrace the banana and made banana-chocolate-walnut softserve, a healthy rendition of Ben n Jerry’s Chunky Monkey!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and glad you’re enjoying my blog.

      I never add ice to my softserve. Just waters it down for me. I always use frozen banana chunks or frozen fruit, and just add cocoa powder, sweetener, splash of nut milk, vanilla extract, etc…never use ice though. Some people do but I don’t get good results when I do. Watery and soupy!