I Say Potato…


Earlier in the week when I was out, I stopped and smelled the roses


Stopped and smelled the rosemary in front of TJ’s




It grows wild here like lavender does so I don’t buy it but I do love to cook with it.

Nothing beats the combo of roasted potatoes with some rosemary

Or roasted potatoes with dill

Lemon & Dill Roasted Potato Sticks

Lemon & Dill Roasted Potato Sticks

I also noticed all the frozen potato varieties that TJ’s has

Trader Joe's frozen potatoesLots of options

Now that the weather is cooling off, I think it’s time to think about firing up my oven and roasting some taters.

I know Scott will be happy because he loves potatoes in any way, shape, or form.

I prefer mine to be sweeter such as:

Cinnamon Sugar & Ginger Roasted Potato Sticks

Cinnamon Sugar & Ginger Roasted Potato Sticks

Or just Roasted Sweet Potato Fries with a sprinkle of cinnamon, ginger, or even brown sugar

Roasted Sweet Potato Fries

But Scott prefers more savory tater recipes like Coconut and Olive Oil Roasted Potato Sticks (i.e. Baked French Fries)

Coconut and Olive Oil Roasted Potato Sticks

But he’s not picky.  At all with potatoes.
I have a whole Potato-Themed Recipes Post for more ideas and ways to use potatoes, including in soups, chilis, and more


1. Do you buy pre-made bags of potatoes?  If so, any favorites?

I never buy bags of potatoes because it’s they’re easy to make them at home.

Plus it’s cheaper to make them at home and I am not a fan of added sodium, garlic, or onions and most pre-made or frozen food tends to be high in one, or all, of those items.

But let me know your favorites.

Has anyone tried these?

Skinny Fries

I’ve heard great things about them!  As in, one bag per sitting kind of great things.


2. And, you know that old expression, “I say potato, you say potato”.

I say po-TAY-toe.

Does anyone say pa-TAH-toe?

3. What’s your favorite way to eat potatoes?   

I like potatoes, they’re fine.

But I don’t get super excited over them the way Scott does.  Or the way my dad does.

What’s the quickest way to a man’s heart?  Through his stomach.  <– Preferably with potatoes, I’ve determined.

If I am going to eat warm carbs, I’d like it in the form of this kind of warm carb

Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies


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  1. It is amazing how many pre-made po- TAY-to things there are out there! My Love is OBSESSED with potatoes, perhaps it is a guy thing? I make them garlic roasted and then mashed, or I slice them on my spiroolie and make curly fries! I don’t really like them myself though. OH! And I posted about all the treats I made this week today, if you want to see them! <3

  2. I am with you on making my own potato dishes. Potatoes are so cheap and easy to make, they’re almost idiot proof.

    All your TJ pic’s make me miss not living closer to a TJ’s anymore.

  3. Easy question… favorite way to eat potatoes = homemade baked fries!! Mmmm I could eat endless supplies of them!

  4. Oh how I love potatoes, in any recipe in any form!!!! They can be sweet, they can be salty, cooked, baked, oh my GOD so many options!! :)

  5. Lol I always thought it was “You say tomato I say tomahto” and then the potato thing was just a joke. Guess I missed the boat… :S! Love sweet potato fries! I don’t go nuts over regular potatoes though I do like them. Sometimes though, if I’m craving comfort food a really good, smooth mash is great! Wish we had Trader Joe’s up here in Canada :(!!

  6. I absolutely love potatoes, but only in a savory fashion. I like Cascadian Farms pototo wedges, I love that they don’t have any weird or freaky ingredients. It’s much cheaper to just use a regular potato, but I love that they take less than 15 minutes in the oven. And sooo good!

  7. Other than trying TJs sweet potato fries once (they were terrific) I don’t buy them prepared because of the high price mark-up, and because of all the ingredients they add that I don’t want. Well worth it to me to peel and cut my own. I cut and peel a week’s worth all at once; they keep just fine in the fridge.

    I have sweet potatoes a few times a week. I cut them into chunks and fry them in coconut oil with a variety of other veggies: onion, red bell pepper, snap peas, etc.

  8. My husband loves po-TAY-toes too! Surprised? hehe. I have a a bag of baby red potatoes begging to be roasted tonight. Last time I made some, I used TJ’s garlic olive oil, fresh rosemary (from my garden!! woot), smoked salt and freshly cracked black pepper. He was loving every minute of it.

    Two Sat’s ago we stopped into TJ’s after grabbing some ‘bucks for a couple things and saw a huge table of all kinds of herbs. I’ve been wanting an herb garden for AGES. I had planted a thyme plant which had been doing well, but when the bee exterminator (scary story !!!) came he sprayed bee poison all over my plant. Obv I needed to throw it out and start over. Esp when the new little leaves coming in had funky yellow spots on them. Yeah, no good. So… long story short, I got several new plants. I got a new thyme plant, basil, rosemary ^-^ and Greek oregano. They’re all thriving. :D I hope I didn’t plant them too late and close to winter. Do herbs grow in winter ? Guess I will find out.

    I saw on a post of yours a bit ago a pre-chopped bag of lettuce and was remembering when you had ‘ragged’ on pre-chopped veggies and fruits a ways back. But you know, sometimes it’s just easier to buy the pre-made/ pre-chopped stuff even if it does speed up the rotting process. Just eat it faster, right ? lol I’ve never bought any of the pre-made potato mixtures at TJ’s, but they do look good.

    1. sometimes it is easier to buy pre-cut, yes, totally agree

      I am more thinking of those tiny containers of pre-cut fruit in the cold-bar section of certain grocery stores where you get about 10 little chunks of cantaloupe and the container is $5 or $7 for like…two bites! Those are the times when I just want to say, you could buy an entire melon, or two, and do it yourself. But to each her own :)

  9. I usually make my own. I love potato and sweet potato wedges! I also love them mashed…especially mashed sweet potatoes with a bit of brown sugar on top!

  10. I don’t LOVE po-TAY-toes, but I do enjoy them in a soup for thickness or in a veggie stir fry. The boyfriend absolutely loves home fries! I never buy them frozen though, fresh all the way. I do really like sweet potatoes!

  11. I love rosemary! I rarely buy bagged potatoes but if I do it is a bag of sweet potato fries for it we are having a crowd over. I make homemade sweet potato fries all the time but they are a bit time consuming.

    I definitely say poTAYto. When my husband and I first got married I used to make boxed mashed potatoes all the time! Sometimes dinner for us would be boxed mashed potatoes topped with velvetta cheese topped with ranch dressing topped with popcorn….Wow my eating habits have come a long way in 5 years of marriage! I did learn how to make some awesome homemade mashed potatoes! Though now that I am (cow) dairy free mashed potatoes just aren’t the same so I prefer to stick with roasted potatoes or sweet potatoes.

  12. I don’t buy pre-made potatoes. They are easy enough to do. Our neighbor has a “victory garden” gave us a bag of fingerlings. Toss with oil (I will most certainly try coconut oil), celtic sea salt, pepper and fabulous rosemary. btw, thanks for yet another addiction :P I was tired last night, but blended up a double batch of pumpkin latte mix. Oh so wonderful, had a cup of autumn :) Have a great day!

    1. thanks for lmk you like them. the 1st commenter on this post said she didnt. So it’s one to one, yay to nay.

  13. Very rarely (once a year maybe) we buy bagged potato fries and make them in the oven.
    The rest of the time my husband makes them for us. So tasty with rosemary, or sea salt, or ginger, or plain & dipped in home made spicy mayo. He cuts, boils, “chuffs”, and them bakes/roasts them in the oven. Devine! I prefer them mixed in with other roasted veggies: carrots, parsnips.