

I hope your Monday has gotten off to a good start.  My weekend was crazy and hectic and Monday is turning out to be the same.  Scott was traveling all weekend, so I was juggling my work, Skylar, babysitters, errands, single parenthood, my blog, my workouts, and just life.

I was able to juggle up a good plate of greenery, though.

Mixed salad with vegetables on plate with fork

I made a dressing use 1/4 c mashed avocado + 1/4 c Vegan Slaw Dressing

Hand holding one Avocado

Jar of Vegan Slaw Dressing I could have just drank the dressing.  It was so good. And it made use of my 67 cent each avocado stash.

Nut pates are great for when the weather warms up and I can’t be bothered with turning on my oven to make tofu or roast chickpeas or juggle anything else.  A quick blend and they’re ready.  No oven juggling required.

Try Sweet & Tangy Chicken-less Salad
Close up of Sweet & Tangy Chicken-less Salad


I snacked on some dried mango and raisins.

Bags of Jumbo Raisin Medley and Soft & Juicy Mango

Reminds me that I need to make another batch of No Bake White Chocolate & Mango Cookie Dough Bites

Plate full of No Bake White Chocolate & Mango Cookie Dough Bites

I juggled a few workouts in.  I run outside for 20 to 30 minutes and then do 10 to 20 minutes of yoga/core/pilates moves indoors.  In, out, and done in 40 minutes.

The weather has been so-so.  This picture was taken when it was sunny, but we’ve had lots of overcast and dreary, windy, cold weather the past week.  However, by the middle of this week, it’s supposed to be in the low 80s!

Pink flower

From my last post about Flax, I am glad so many of you love your flax.   As mentioned, so many benefits to it.

And I’m glad you liked the flax recipes I shared.  The no-bake flax cookies I mentioned seemed to be popular in the comments.  Let me know if you make those.

Hopefully you have time to juggle your schedule and make Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding (No-Bake, Vegan, GF)

Close up of Chocolate Chia Seed PuddingTakes 1 minute of active work to make.  Then the chia seeds go to work and do the rest.  You can squeeze that in, right?



1. Best thing you ate or did over the weekend?

I savored a few No Bake Nutter Butter Special K BarsSo good.

2. Can you juggle?

I can’t.

Hand holding lemonsAs a kid, I really wished I could but it’s not exactly something I practice trying or care much about as an adult while I am juggling real life.

3. What are you juggling lately?  How do you feel about it?

Life is one big juggling act for me!  Work, child, husband, household, workouts, money, cooking, cleaning, errands, my blog, fitting in ‘me time’.  It makes me dizzy some days.

But somehow I am keeping most of the balls in the air, most of the time, so to speak.

However, I’ll admit, there are times when I just want to stop, drop, and let the balls fall. But that’s not in my nature; that’s not who I am.  I am the proverbial juggling act with 17 irons in the fire at all times.  I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t have countless projects, people, and things to juggle.  That’s where yoga comes in.  It grounds me, centers me, and recharges me to go back out there and keep on, keepin’ on.  Keep on juggling, baby.

I know I will look back on this phase of my life just like all the other working moms who have raised their kids and wonder how I did it, but that I did it, and it all worked out.

What or Whom is in your juggling act?

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. The best thing I did and ate over the weekend, was a cookie at VegFest with my Mom. It was peanut buttery caroby heaven.
    Right now I’m juggling school (6 more months), part time work, wife, homemaker, blogger, etc. Juggling is the perfect term for it. I’m doing alright keeping the balls in the air…it’s good to be busy and fun, but there are things that I would love to be doing that I can’t make the time for like reading for pleasure, movies, crocheting, and seeing my friends more often.
    I can’t juggle for real.

  2. Oh, do I ever juggle a ton of stuff in my life! But I don’t know that I’d want it any other way. I think I’d feel lost with “nothing” to do. I really thrive on routine and schedules, so I think I do a pretty good job of keeping those balls in the air!

    1. I KNOW you are a juggling Superwoman. And you do a great job of keeping all balls in the air :)

  3. I always wanted to juggle, and I realized I can…once. And then they all fall ;)

    Right now I’m just juggling work (part-time at my church), some health problems, and keeping up with bills. Oh and my husband, can’t forget about him, lol. I say “just” because I think mom’s do all of that and a whole lot more!

    1. yes us moms do juggle lots but we ALL do! Best of luck w/ your health problems. Hugs :)

  4. I can juggle with 3 items, but I am not good at it!

    I juggle work, grad school, blogging, and a social life …

  5. I can’t juggle – literally.
    But I’ve been “juggling” a lot – a lot of moving around and relative craziness.

  6. The best thing I did was perform in my gospel concert! The second, make muffins. And now you’ve given me a craaving for mango :)

  7. Mmmm…I love anything with avocados in it! That salad dressing sounds yummy! :)