

I hope your Monday has gotten off to a good start.  My weekend was crazy and hectic and Monday is turning out to be the same.  Scott was traveling all weekend, so I was juggling my work, Skylar, babysitters, errands, single parenthood, my blog, my workouts, and just life.

I was able to juggle up a good plate of greenery, though.

Mixed salad with vegetables on plate with fork

I made a dressing use 1/4 c mashed avocado + 1/4 c Vegan Slaw Dressing

Hand holding one Avocado

Jar of Vegan Slaw Dressing I could have just drank the dressing.  It was so good. And it made use of my 67 cent each avocado stash.

Nut pates are great for when the weather warms up and I can’t be bothered with turning on my oven to make tofu or roast chickpeas or juggle anything else.  A quick blend and they’re ready.  No oven juggling required.

Try Sweet & Tangy Chicken-less Salad
Close up of Sweet & Tangy Chicken-less Salad


I snacked on some dried mango and raisins.

Bags of Jumbo Raisin Medley and Soft & Juicy Mango

Reminds me that I need to make another batch of No Bake White Chocolate & Mango Cookie Dough Bites

Plate full of No Bake White Chocolate & Mango Cookie Dough Bites

I juggled a few workouts in.  I run outside for 20 to 30 minutes and then do 10 to 20 minutes of yoga/core/pilates moves indoors.  In, out, and done in 40 minutes.

The weather has been so-so.  This picture was taken when it was sunny, but we’ve had lots of overcast and dreary, windy, cold weather the past week.  However, by the middle of this week, it’s supposed to be in the low 80s!

Pink flower

From my last post about Flax, I am glad so many of you love your flax.   As mentioned, so many benefits to it.

And I’m glad you liked the flax recipes I shared.  The no-bake flax cookies I mentioned seemed to be popular in the comments.  Let me know if you make those.

Hopefully you have time to juggle your schedule and make Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding (No-Bake, Vegan, GF)

Close up of Chocolate Chia Seed PuddingTakes 1 minute of active work to make.  Then the chia seeds go to work and do the rest.  You can squeeze that in, right?



1. Best thing you ate or did over the weekend?

I savored a few No Bake Nutter Butter Special K BarsSo good.

2. Can you juggle?

I can’t.

Hand holding lemonsAs a kid, I really wished I could but it’s not exactly something I practice trying or care much about as an adult while I am juggling real life.

3. What are you juggling lately?  How do you feel about it?

Life is one big juggling act for me!  Work, child, husband, household, workouts, money, cooking, cleaning, errands, my blog, fitting in ‘me time’.  It makes me dizzy some days.

But somehow I am keeping most of the balls in the air, most of the time, so to speak.

However, I’ll admit, there are times when I just want to stop, drop, and let the balls fall. But that’s not in my nature; that’s not who I am.  I am the proverbial juggling act with 17 irons in the fire at all times.  I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t have countless projects, people, and things to juggle.  That’s where yoga comes in.  It grounds me, centers me, and recharges me to go back out there and keep on, keepin’ on.  Keep on juggling, baby.

I know I will look back on this phase of my life just like all the other working moms who have raised their kids and wonder how I did it, but that I did it, and it all worked out.

What or Whom is in your juggling act?

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  1. I can’t juggle. I used to try when I was a kid and the balls would always hit me in the head. I decided to give up before I killed too many brain cells.

    Right now I’m juggling full time school and two part time jobs, plus other commitments with regards to health, family, friends, etc. It’s a balancing act, but we get through it somehow, right?

  2. Wish I could juggle, but I’m the least coordinated person on the planet! Mike can, though, which is kinda cool.

    Sometimes I feel like I’m juggling college with the “real world.” I think your early 20s are a really fun but kind of confusing time, because you have the responsibility to take care of yourself and start to make grown-up decisions, but at the same time you’re kind of in a bubble. To be honest, I’m ready to be in the real world 100%- people always tell me I’m crazy for saying that, but the people that know me best all agree that I’ll actually be less stressed once I have more structure in my life, and can surround myself with more maturity in general!

  3. Yoga is what keeps me sane also. When I have a bad day (like today..ugh) my yoga mat is the only place I can find solace. <3

  4. I know how you feel! Sometimes I wonder how I can handle everything at once! Crummy weather for sure! I am not loving the rain and the cold air…I NEED sunshine! :)

  5. Nothing like a fresh salad with an awesome dressing! Fabulous! And your tjs dried mango always makes me jealous ;) That stuff is addictive to me! Lots of balancing going on over here! Regular work, teaching, being a wife, Mom to Frank, pregnant lady, etc! But I’m loving it and wouldn’t have it any other way :)

  6. I absolutely cannot juggle – but I’m pretty good at juggling life! Between school, work, parenting, working out, blogging, and taking care of our house – I know exactly how you feel! Even though I’m super busy, I wouldn’t change anything! :)

  7. I can’t juggle :( And when I think of it I really don’t have that much to juggle in life. I mean I do my blog, but if I’m too busy I don’t have a problem skipping a day, I do it when I have the time. I do all the household stuff, dishes, laundry, cooking, picking up etc. which is juggled along with 2 kids and taking care of myself – workouts, showering, etc. I’m actually just starting my garden outside so add that to my list of household chores. I’m almost cringing at the amount of work it brings on me, but it’s so worth it. All in all not that much on a regular day to day basis. Some days are just nuts though!

    1. woman you are VERY busy! 2 kids and everything else…you are juggling lots but have a great attitude about it all, clearly :)

  8. That dressing sounds delicious!

    Best thing I ate all weekend — super good guac from Saturday and banana bread yesterday. It doesn’t get better than that!

    I cannot juggle — I tried when I was younger (I think my parents bought me a kit with a book too) — couldn’t do it. I try to juggle everything and keep it in balance — eating right, exercising, training, working, spending time with Jason, with friends, with family, keeping a clean house, errands, blogging, eat.

  9. We learned how to juggle in 6th grade but I don’t know if I remember. It was super fun though!

    I feel like a juggler right now too – packing the house, moving into a new apartment, work, blogging, working out, cooking and my post-cancer treatment in two weeks. Ack! But today is my boyfriend’s birthday and I’m concentrating on juggling some fun in there for him :) When I went to Kripalu, one of the teachers, Terri, is a psychotherapist and she said “When life seems really, really hard – stop saying it’s hard. Just say it’s easy. And it will be.” To which I was like omg, really? Who does/says that.” But I’ve started saying it and it really helps me to mentally just get through it. Keep on, keeping on! I agree, yoga helps me stay sane too!

  10. I can totally juggle! We had to learn in high school drama class…it was worth a good chunk of our mark!
    In my daily life I juggle work, manfriend, workouts, school, me time and sleep. Thankfully it’s not too overwhelming.

  11. Those mango bites look gorgeous! I think many women’s lives are defined by juggling! Thankfully many do it with grace & style!!

    1. I think we all try to do it w/ style and grace…never know how things end up for sure though :)

  12. My brother can juggle like crazy. He used to go to the park on weekends to randomly juggle with people. They’d throw around the things they were juggling, and it amazed me how someone would always catch it!

    Am I juggling? Yes, way too much. Full time job, two kids, one of whom is 6 months old, trying to get back in shape, blogging, laundry, dishes, cooking, romancing my hubby, too much!!!

  13. ah i just got back into classes so im juggling that, workouts, blogging and sleep!! im sleep deprived already!!! ahhah iused 2 be able to juggle two balls in one hand! woot woot! your mango cookie dough bites are just gorgeous!

  14. yum, avacado! i’m on a total kick of late – must get my daily fix.
    man, you DID have a busy weekend. kudos on keeping it all going…and staying sane!
    i cannot juggle at all. i’m stuck at toss one ball in the air, and catch!
    i’m trying to juggle lots of activities and stuff on my to do list with not enough time…extra hours in the day would be SO nice. i’m getting to bed later than intended every night because i’m trying to squeeze in a couple more tasks!
    hope that warm weather arrives – then send it up here, please!