Kelp Noodles


How’s Sunday treating you so far?  Any football fans in the house?   The reason I love football is it’s an excuse to hit up the malls and they’re usually less crowded.  So yeah, I’m a fan, of sorts.

Anyway, muchas gracias on my dessert & sweet treat recap post from yesterday.  Glad you enjoyed it and that it jogged the ole’ memory banks of just how many ways you can make some yumminess.   Raw and vegan not withstanding.  Whenever I tell people I am high raw and vegan, gluten & soy free too, they look at me like I must live on carrot sticks.  Clearly, they haven’t seen my epic dessert posts!

Veganmofo III Logo

VeganMoFo in the house of course!

Onto a Gena inspired meal….Kelp Noodles.  Gena mentioned the Sea Tangle Brand in this post.  I found them at my local WF.   

Kelp Noodles in package
Nutritional Facts on back of Kelp Noodle Package

Super easy to prepare:  Crack the package open, dice up a few other veggies like zukes & cukes, carrots, red & yellow pepps…

Kelp noodles white plate served with mixed vegetables

…Toss with my homemade Thai-Inspired Peanut Sauce

Ingredients to make Homemade Peanut Sauce in blender


Blended up Peanut Sauce

…And voila, dinner is served.

Kelp Noodles with vegetables and Peanut Sauce

Bonus, I got another meal outta that one little package.  This one was lettuce & kelp noods, tomatoes, yellow pepps, carrots, tossed with balsalmic, EVOO, maple syrup, and black pepper.

Mixed Greens and Vegetable Salad with dressing
Close up of dressed salad

The verdict?  Really good, neutral tasting, and would be excellent as a filler in a collard wrap or a raw cuke wrap.  

 Container full of Raw Cucumber Wraps

You know those thin little Asian noodles that are often in fresh (not fried) veggie spring rolls? The kelp noodles remind me of those and they’d be great in a wrap.  

But I have to say, I still love my Zuke Noodle Creations doused in Peanut SauceZucchinis are readily available, a bit more hearty, and I think I like the texture better.  That’s not discounting the kelp noodles, but kelp and zuke noods are just different animals vegetables and I guess you probably can’t really compare. 

Zucchini Noodles with vegetables and Peanut Sauce

Just like it’s hard to pick whether you wanna kelp or zuke noodles?  Well, for dessert it was hard to decide whether I should finish up the Vegan Blondie Macaroons or whether or I should work on the Raw Vegan Cheesecake.  It was a tough call…

So rather than tax my decision-making abillities, I just got to work on both.  Yummmmm.

Vegan Blondie Macaroons and Vegan Cheesecake in clear container

And also for dessert, I nibbled on one of the Maple Flax Pancake-Cookies too.  It was a smorgy-board kinda night.  And a good one at that!

One Maple Flax Pancake-Cookie on plate with maple syrup

Yoga today is everyone’s favorite Crane, aka Bakasana

Woman doing Crane yoga pose

Tip of the Day:  Michele’s Chia Seed GiveAway!  Go show her some love and get yourself entered!

And Alisa’s Cookbook Giveawaydon’t enter this one, cuz I really wanna win. 

And An Apple A Day’s Granola Bar Giveaway.  

Whew, that was allotta stuff being given away!  I hope you saved some loot for me to win!

Stay tuned tomorrow for a lil’ chia seed action I had going on over the weekend….

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Wow, Averie, this DOES look good. ;) This rivals my breakfast for sure.
    It looks much sweeter though, haha

  2. that apple crisp does look good! :) I don't mind link dropping if it's something wonderful and helpful!! :)

    Have a beautiful day!!! :)

  3. I made your raw apple crumble tonight – except I used raw honey instead of agave, and buckwheat groats instead of oatmeal! :) I also squirted some lemon juice in there for kicks – delish! ;)

  4. Av baby you have got to slow down with the recipes – this chick can't keep up! Just kidding.. keep 'em coming – where else am I going to get my daily dosage of food porn yoga lovin' amazingness? Love how chocolately your recipes have been lately.. you know the way to my heart :)

    lovelovelove to you!

  5. I will have to try the apple crumble, looks yummy! The salon is a must for me every few months. I have a trusted friend that is awesome with it. Nothing boosts my spirits like a great cut and style! I would NEVER cut my own hair, I like it too much!

  6. Oh wow, that crumble looks amazing!! I am definitely going to try and make that with the millions of apples I have in my house after a recent trip to the orchard. Great post- thanks!!

  7. hey! i found you from the lovely pb&jenny!! you are a yoga beast i am so incredibly jealous of your amazing skills!!
    & yes a picture of the new do is very important ;)

  8. Thanks girls for all the sweet comments this morning! I've been around to lots of your bloggies this morning (well, doin' my best) and have tried to answer questions that way cuz I dont know who (if anyone) checks back on my comments here.

    Anywhoooo…..I have my big DMV day day. Yesterday was hair. Monday was passport and social security card after my legal name change. So not sure if I will be back on here til later today so til then, Happy Humpity Hump day.


  9. haha I am actually going late tongiht, so that I can see my salon guy before I move!! I used to think it was too much money, but once i realized how great it made me feel it's been worth it

  10. Oh gosh, Kelly Clarkson's chunky highlights were a DON'T!! I usually get my highlight touched up twice a year – my hairdresser is AMAZING though. I love her!

    I can't get over how delicious that crumble looks – especially doused in CINNAMON!!!

  11. wowww looks amazing! the chia pudding kinda scared me when I looked closely at it! dont ge tme wrong i LOVE chia, esp inmy oats, but when you look closely at them they look very strange haha

    I just went to a new hairstylist too! didnt like her as much as my original one, I shall be going back to my gal

    you won my giveaway! send me your info girl!