Keyed Up


Yesterday I had to stop by the hardware store and have a key made because over the weekend Skylar managed to drop one of only two house keys down the crack of the elevator shaft.

You couldn’t replicate the randomness of it if you tried a hundred times.

She and Scott were locked out of the house until I made it back home and could let them in.

two keys on keychain

Total fluke and it will probably never happen again, but I definitely wanted a backup key for those just-in-case moments.  Or just-in-case elevator shafts.

Other things that have me keyed up:

1. Our Trip.  Next week.  Can’t wait!

Aruba beach with small sailboat in ocean

2. I’m not keyed up about cooking Thanksgiving dinner or making sure all the pieces of my Thanksgiving menu come together tomorrow.

It’s work, yes; but it’s not stressing me out.  Then again, I’m cooking for a man who is grateful that I’m even cooking at all and for a four year old who pretty much eats anything, so not exactly tough critics.

Roasted Rosemary Almonds

3. I am a little keyed up about packing.  I hate packing.  I always feel like I’m going to forget something. But truthfully, the majority of what I pack I could live without or ends up not being used anyway.  So I probably shouldn’t stress over it but I do.  Just a little bit.

Two large suitcases

4. The winner of the Reusable Bamboo Bottle Giveaway may be keyed up by the news.

Ari@ThE DiVa DiSh November 21, 2011 at 6:17 pm

“I have just a regular water bottle that my husband got at a conference for free! :-) and it’s really lame! haha. So basically this idea sounds awesome!” :-)

Congrats to Ari!

5. I’m always keyed up by chocolate.  I was looking over my Chocolate Recipes and think I need to make some No-Bake Vegan Turtles for the holidays.  Super easy and fast.

No-Bake Vegan Turtle
No-Bake Vegan Turtle


1. Are you keyed up about anything?  Or not keyed up about something?

2. Have you ever lost your keys or dropped them somewhere and couldn’t retrieve them?

Scott actually managed to drop his keys down the elevator shaft at his office building about two months ago.  And Skylar did it over the weekend.  Since I usually take the stairs rather than the elevator, I doubt I’m next.

The last time I locked my keys in my car was about 10 years ago.  I still shudder to think of doing it again and make a conscious effort each and every time I slam my door to think to myself “I have my keys in my hand”, check.   Sort of like, the stove burner is off, check.

Some people say it’s impossible to lock your keys in your car with automatic key locks.  But it’s not impossible to slam them in…the trunk.

Happy Thanksgiving!

And thanks for the Enjoy Life Snack Bar Giveaway entries!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. My keys fell out of my coat pocket one time as I was running for the bus. Of course, I didn’t realize this until much, much later. Oy vey. And yep, I’ve locked my keys in the car more times than I care to admit. A couple of time with (wait for it), the car still running. Really smart. You’re right, a little mindfulness and focus goes a long way to prevent this sort of thing.

    1. I have known MANY people who have locked their keys in the car while running, too. A common theme :)

  2. I’ve tried making your turtles twice now and I keep messing them up. The sweet layer always seems to not set up. They still taste AMAZING though!

    1. I just use nuts, smucker’s caramel sauce and then pour hot, melted choc chips over the top of that on parchment paper. So easy & never had any issues but LMK if you keep trying & the results.

  3. My grandmother died when I was 8. The realtor that was selling her house lived down the street from us and one day Mom had me go get the house keys from him (can’t remember why now). As I was waiting to cross the street the keys fell down the sewer! I’ll never, ever forget how horrified I was. My parents ended up having me crawl through the bathroom window to get in the house…. :/

    1. Oh my goodness. I am sure you felt awful and nothing like remember it in vivid detail decades later, eh? :)

  4. Hope everything goes smoothly for you between cooking, baking, and taking pictures tomorrow for you! I’m sure you’re going to have a wonderful day with your family, and how exciting that you’re leaving so soon for your trip. I’m keyed up about traveling later today and seeing my brother in Amsterdam!!