Never Turned It On


As most of the rest of the world was settling in to watch the Super Bowl, I was pumping gas at 3:15pm Sunday afternoon.  While my tank was filling, this was my view.  Gotta love iPhones.

Blue sky

There as no way I was going to watch grown men ram and slam into each other when I could be doing far more productive things.

Like doing some online banking and bill paying, organizing my closet, folding laundry, mindless Pinterest surfing, and mindless eating.

Golden Grahams cereal scattered

This beats tailgating food in my book.

Deep Dish Double Chocolate Golden Grahams Smores Bars (Vegan & GF options)

Deep Dish Double Chocolate Golden Grahams Smores Bar

Did you watch the Super Bowl?

I didn’t watch it and I had to look online just to see who won because I didn’t even turn the tv on all day until I hit up some recorded DVR shows.  I haven’t seen any of the Super Bowl commercials, either.  I wonder if I missed any good ones.

Scott went to Transcendental Meditation after listening to the game on his computer, which is a far cry from the man I met 13+ years ago, but I loved it when he told me there was a TM ‘party’ he wanted to attend.  He went and TM’ed and I closet organized.  We’re such party animals.

What was the best thing you ate or did over the weekend?

On Saturday, Scott wanted to take Skylar to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D, which is the first movie she’s ever seen in a theater and in 3D no less, which just blew her away.  The glasses make you feel like you’re really there and she’d try to talk to Belle.  It blew me away that my husband wanted to sit through a Beauty and the Beast movie just to see the joy on Skylar’s face.  That’s a Best Of.

The weather was glorious here all weekend, 70-75F and sunny, no clouds, light breeze, just perfect.  That was definitely a best of.

The Homemade Twinkies were also a best of.

Homemade twinkies with marshmallows

Hope your week is off to a good start!

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  1. Oh.My. Gawd. Homemade Twinkies??? You blow me away! I didn’t watch the game either. I went and got a tattoo! Good conversation with the artists who couldn’t care less about the Superbowl either, and a quiet peaceful art session. :)
    Love your blog!

  2. I did watch the Super Bowl – I’m a huge football fan, and my team was playing so I pretty much had to :) Sadly, not the outcome I wanted, but ah well.

    How sweet of your husband to take your daughter to the movie!

  3. I’m not a huge Superbowl fan and the commercials weren’t even that great. But it was fun hanging out and drinking with friends. So sweet of Scott to watch that movie for Skylar, I liked that one as a kid.

    The best thing for me over the weekend was the VegFest.

  4. I did watch, although I didn’t pay much attention to the football. I did watch the commercials though! I loved the yogurt commercial with John Stamos. Hilarious through the very end :)

  5. We had the game on in the background, but my husband got called out to work, and I had other things to do. So I didn’t really watch. But then again, I don’t usually watch football, anyway!

  6. Did not watch the Super Bowl. Gag me.

    Best thing I ate this weekend? Hmmm…probably zucchini spaghetti with pesto and a yummy green smoothie sweetened with DElicious NuNaturals Vanilla Stevia and cinnamon. LOVE that stuff.

    I can just see Skylar’s face. How awesome that her first movie was a 3D version of Beauty and the Beast. What a perfect movie for a little princess who just loves princess movies! :-)

  7. You are too cute. I knew the big game was coming up, but we aren’t big football fans, so the day went by without a notice yesterday. The TV never turned on here. We’re finally getting that CA sunshine up north! So excited to have it and to go back south when it leaves :)

  8. I love how your hubby has turned into a zen guy since moving to California. Since moving here I have gotten into the whole spiritual and meditation groove. There’s just something about California :)

    Zoe and I skipped the game and took advantage of deserted downtown SF and shopped :) We had to get her a dress for her cotillion dance. Didn’t find anything but had a great time anyway. Makes me realize I need to get in the city more.

    1. The city is nice but Marin isn’t too shabby :) And yes, life in CA does change people; so does age and wisdom and an overall greater consciousness about all things Zen that you just find here more often than you find in say, rural No-WheresVille USA, so to speak :)

  9. I am completely apathetic about the Super Bowl. The best thing I ate this weekend was the lentil burrito from Ranchos in North Park. Man, that is my new favorite restaurant.

    1. Hi fellow San Diegan!! :) Ranchos..gosh, it’s been AGES since I’ve been there. When I was pregnant, ummm 6 years ago!…we lived off Adams Ave in Univ Hts/Normal Hts and we used to go there. Gosh, fun memories!

  10. Kinda stayed in the kitchen during the superbowl but did catch Madonna! The best thing I ate: gingerbread cake- YUM! and those twinkies- CRAZY……………goood!
    Thanks for the blue sky- needed some of that. Cheers!

  11. Nope, didn’t watch the Super Bowl. The best thing I ate over the weekend was BBQ ribs at my friends’ wedding.

  12. I watched the half time show but not much else. I feel a little guilty–the game was in my home state 2 hours from where I live. But…I’m just not that into it. I would rather see Beauty and the Beast than a football game and so nice of Scott to take Skylar!