No Power


I’ve never blogged from my iPhone until this post. There was a power plant explosion or power lines severed and almost two million people in San Diego county are without power. The outage also involves parts of Orange Co, Tijuana and northern Mexico, and east to Palm Desert. This is serious.

They do not know when it will be back.

It’s pandemonium here. The streets are gridlock and there are sirens and ambulances and chaos everywhere in my neighborhood.

We will live by candlelight and flashlight until further notice.

It’s also 92f and no AC of course.

We are fine but please pray for the elderly and the sick. The last time i saw the city this way was the 2007 fires.

On lighter matters thanks for the smiles when you told me what items of yours have been discontinued from my last post. At least I’m not the only one that happens to!

Fingers crossed we get power soon! You don’t realize how much you need it til it’s gone!

Have you ever been without power? Situation?

For how long? Were you scared?
I’ve already prepped skylar for how dark the house will be very soon here….

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  1. I’ve been camping and backpacking for weeks at a time without power, but that is different. I was prepared for it and expecting it. It does make you realize how much you rely on power though!

    So glad you are all safe!! Hoping the power is back ASAP!

  2. Oh gosh, that sucks! Yes, I’ve been without power during that East Coast blackout of 2003. Unforgettable, that’s for sure! Hang in there. Will be thinking of you guys.

  3. Longest I’ve been without power was for 12 hours, during that infamous blackout of 2005 or sometime around then.

  4. Oh no! Hang in there and I’m glad to hear you and your family are safe. I was affected by the 2003 blackout that affected large parts of the northeastern US and Ontario (where I’m from) and it was “fun” for a little bit but quickly became not so much. Of course, it was fun for some people who had babies 9 months later! :) And you raise an excellent point about the elderly and sick…my prayers are with them and with you! Stay safe!

  5. Oh Averie, I’m thinking about you guys and I hope they get it fixed soon! Tony and I had an outage for a week when Jay was really little. There was an ice storm and we burned through all our wood. Tony actually had to get gas logs for the fireplace due to that. It was horrible. Luckily we had a gas stove so we could cook. I’m thinking about you.

  6. oh dear – take care, averie. so sorry to hear this news – so many people affected.
    i’ve never been without power for more than a few hours, but it is a total wake-up call on how much our lives rely on instant power.
    all the best to san diego and i hope you get power as soon as possible. hang in there.

  7. So sorry to read about this Averie!!! I’ve never been without power for longer than a few hours — and thankfully it was at nighttime so we didn’t really notice.

    I’m thinking of you, your family and others around you. Very scary.

  8. The 2007 fires were horrible and today the fires here in TX reminded me of the time we had to evacuate back in San Diego (eastlake).

  9. As you know, yes, I’ve been without power. Lived without it daily for quite some time — too long! LOL! ;-)

    So sorry you don’t have power. And, yes, I’ll be praying to the elderly and sick. Praying your power is back on ASAP!


  10. I just happened to be online & on twitter & saw a tweet about the power outage. I sure hope you are your family are safe & get your power back soon. I was in a power outage due to a winter storm here in Missouri a few years ago. We ended up going to stay with relatives because our fireplace was not working. We got it fixed (lined) so now we can be better prepared. Hang in there, and know that you have a lot of friends who are concerned and thinking of you.

  11. Oh dear! I will praying for all of you!
    I was without power for a few days back in July in the northern suburbs of Chicago after a big storm. I think it was a day and a half and the power temporarily went out a few times after that. There were others in neighboring towns that were out of power and water for over a week! I never realized how quiet the house was until the power went out.

  12. First of all, thank god you’re okay.
    Second, I was living in Detroit six summers ago during the huge “blackout” that affected six states and part of Canada. Scariest thing I’ve ever been through, as I lived in the heart of the city, and seeing the streets powerless, hearing the sirens, etc. was so eerie. No ones cellphones worked for two days, it was 95 degrees, gas stations shut down and no one knew if it was terrorism or why it happened. Not having a phone was the most panic-inducing, so thank god you guys all still have that signal.

    Hang in there and thank god you’re okay.

  13. eep! I hope it gets fixed soon, especially for the sick and elderly, like you said. (and hope it’s not TOO hot there for you!).

    we live out on a couple acres, and we are out of the city limits, past the county line… I think we are the only house on our street (four total!) that loses power whenever something goes on… we also have no streetlamp out here, so we’re used to pitch black. thankfully (knock, knock…) it doesn’t happen TOO often!

    take care!

  14. So sorry to hear this, I’m praying that everyone in the city stays safe. We were without power 3 days when Irene rolled in and it was hard. You certainly appreciate the daylight a lot more when it happens though!