No Power


I’ve never blogged from my iPhone until this post. There was a power plant explosion or power lines severed and almost two million people in San Diego county are without power. The outage also involves parts of Orange Co, Tijuana and northern Mexico, and east to Palm Desert. This is serious.

They do not know when it will be back.

It’s pandemonium here. The streets are gridlock and there are sirens and ambulances and chaos everywhere in my neighborhood.

We will live by candlelight and flashlight until further notice.

It’s also 92f and no AC of course.

We are fine but please pray for the elderly and the sick. The last time i saw the city this way was the 2007 fires.

On lighter matters thanks for the smiles when you told me what items of yours have been discontinued from my last post. At least I’m not the only one that happens to!

Fingers crossed we get power soon! You don’t realize how much you need it til it’s gone!

Have you ever been without power? Situation?

For how long? Were you scared?
I’ve already prepped skylar for how dark the house will be very soon here….

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  1. Oh my goodness! I am praying with you for sure, and I am also praying for you! I know that you will be fine, but still, you are in my prayers. I hope you all sleep well tonight at least! <3

  2. Good luck tonight!
    Hopefully they will get the power on sooner than later.
    Temecula is a zoo with all the people from San Diego County coming up for gas, groceries, etc.
    I’m hoping the power outage doesn’t hit us here too.
    I’ll be keeping you and all my family in SD county in my thoughts!

  3. Oh my goodness, that’s so scary. I hope everything turns out ok!
    Back in high school we were without power for a day. The light pole right outside my house was hit by lightening, caught the yard on fire, and left us without power for the rest of the day. It was so scary, you could feel the electricity going thru your body, it was wild!

  4. Averie, you are in our prayers. I hope you have power soon! Growing up in Alaska, we often were without power for short periods of time when there were blizzards. It was usually short periods of time because it was Alaska and the crews were prepared for the storms. I can recall, however, when I was about 8, it was January (the coldest month of the year) and it snowed for days. My family – 2 sisters, Mom, Dad, grandma and aunt and uncle and their 3 daughters, who all lived next door were over for games and
    popcorn and hot chocolate when we lost power. It was snowing too hard to even open the door so everyone stayed the night and we lit a fire and candles and had a giant sleepover. It was fun for us kids. Not so much for the adults, though! :-) If memory serves, that outage lasted for 3 days.

  5. Oh my goodness! I hope this all gets resolved soon. Back in Georgia we used to have power outages quite frequently during tornado season. I hated it – because it was always accompanied by horrible thunder storms and lightening. Of course – that would at least cool it off. I couldn’t imagine being in Phoenix with no power! I would likely just pack up and go somewhere else until it turned back on…

  6. I’ve heard about the power outages! It’s pandemonium all over America! No power in the west, flooding in the northeast, and wildfires taking over Texas. It’s sad…The fires are so close to my home that when I walked out of work today it was raining ashes…Sad/scary..Hopefully every part of America stays strong and can get through all of these circumstances .

  7. Thats Crazy!! Hope you are doing well in the dark – staying safe & cool! I’m sure your fridge will need re-stocking afterwards, I always worry about that whenever the power goes out. Good excuse to eat everything before it goes bad! ;) Thinking of you and everyone in the dark and heat out there

  8. Wow Averie, that’s crazy! I hope you aren’t without power too long. Definitely praying for those who need help.

  9. oh, wow – that sounds super scary! i’m used to power going out for more than just a couple hours, but due to an explosion?! that’s just crazy. i hope it gets fixed soon; hang in there!

  10. Oh my goodness, I will keep my fingers crossed that everything gets up and running soon! That can be so scary – and I hope that you and your family stay safe! We’ve had many power outages around here, mostly short except for the 2003 one that has been mentioned already in the comments.
    I do hope that you have enough supplies to get through at least a few days, and that you have some bottles of water just to be safe (Idk if public water is affected by electricity – excuse my ignorance :P).
    The good news, if you can see a silver lining, is a lot of family time! :) Best of luck, I’ll keep you in my thoughts.

  11. When my husband told me this happened, you are the first person I thought of because you are the only person I know currently living in SD. I hope it comes back on soon! I haven’t really been in a situation where we lost power for that long, but I can only imagine how horrible it would be for some.

  12. i’m so sorry friend! I can relate. We’ve been without power for days here! its scary. Actually, we got evacuated this week due to the fires and had no power when we returned too. I am prayin it all gets worked out for you. Its not fun!!

  13. Man, scary! I grew up in the country, and we lost power a lot due to storms. It’s a lot scarier in big cities.

    Good luck – I hope you get power back soon.

  14. We lost power for 9 days after an ice storm we had when I was in junior high (97 or 98 maybe?) It was in January and we had to sleep in one room around our wood stove (central Maine we are talking about here). The only “up” side was that it was cold enough to keep food outside to minimize spoilage. Oh and the high school kids had their finals cancelled.

    Hope the lights come back on soon!