

I received these olive oil varieties from Crisco as part of the Food Buzz Featured Publisher program

olive oil varieties from Crisco

I think I am sufficiently stocked with oil until Skylar graduates from high school for at least a few months

olive oil varieties from Crisco

But you can never have too much oil for making any of these recipes:

Cinnamon Sugar & Ginger Roasted Potato Sticks

Cinnamon Sugar & Ginger Roasted Potato Sticks

Roasted Sweet Potato Fries

Roasted Sweet Potato Fries

Lemon & Dill Roasted Potato Sticks

Lemon & Dill Roasted Potato Sticks

Caramelized Ginger & Olive Oil Roasted Beets

Caramelized Ginger & Olive Oil Roasted Beets

Vegan Sloppy “Bean & Lentil” Joes

Vegan Sloppy “Bean & Lentil” Joes

Mango Balsamic Rice, Beans, & Mixed Vegetables

Mango Balsamic Rice, Beans, & Mixed Vegetables

Cheezy Vegetable Bake

Cheezy Vegetable Bake

Apple Glazed Vegetables & Edamame Stir Fry

Apple Glazed Vegetables & Edamame Stir Fry

Vegan Chili (Crock Pot or Stovetop)

Vegan Chili

Spicy Vegetable Corn & Bean Soup

Spicy Vegetable Corn & Bean Soup

Mango Ginger Maple Tofu

Mango Ginger Maple Tofu

Peanut Sauce Baked Tofu

Peanut Sauce Baked Tofu

So yes, Crisco, thanks for the olive oil.

I will for sure get greasy with it put it to good use.

In any of the recipes I just highlighted, I either use oil and it’s listed in the recipe or it’s mentioned as an optional add-in.

Adding 1-2 Tbsp of olive oil to most any savory recipe won’t hurt it and will most likely help it, so get your grease on.

Crisco olive oils

The other oil I use frequently is Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

I never used to like coconut oil.

I thought it tasted like I was chewing on waxy bits of Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil.

But boy, times have changed.

Need proof?

Consult my Coconut Oil Recipes Section for ideas & recipes such as:

Coconut and Olive Oil Roasted Potato Sticks (Roasted “French Fries”)

Coconut and Olive Oil Roasted Potato Sticks (Roasted “French Fries”)

Roasted Coconut Ginger & Peanut Butter Carrots

Close up of Roasted Coconut Ginger & Peanut Butter Carrots
No Bake Coconut & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites on green plate

For more:

Olive Oil Containing Recipes – Many found in:

Entrees section

Roasted & Baked Veggies & Sides section

Soups & Chili section

Tofu section

Coconut Oil Containing Recipes has it’s own post

And I have a Themed Recipes Section where you can find recipes categorized by type, i.e. banana containing recipes, oat & oatmeal recipes, chocolate dessert recipes, mango recipes, etc.

And in most recipes you can use coconut oil in place of olive oil, provided you realize a coconut flavor will be imparted.  I’ve come to love this, i.e. roasted potatoes or sweet potatoes roasted with coconut oil + cinnamon rock, but some people still are of the waxy Hawaiian Tropic mindset so do as you see fit and as your tastebuds prefer.

I find olive oil much more neutral than coconut oil, but you can’t make Raw Vegan Chocolate with it, either.

There are pros and cons to all oils in terms of flavor, viscosity, smoke point, i.e. how high you can cook with them before they smoke

Here’s the nutritional info for one tablespoon of various types of oil:


Oil Calories Total (g) Saturated Fat (g)
Almond oil 120 14 1
Avocado oil 124 14 1.6
Canola oil 120 14 1
Coconut oil 117 13.6 11.8
Corn oil 120 14 2
Cottonseed oil 119 14 3
Extra virgin olive oil 120 14 2
Flaxseed oil 120 13.6 1.3
Grapeseed oil 120 13.6 1.3
Hemp seed oil 126 14 1.5
Macadamia nut oil 120 14 2
Olive oil 119 13.5 1.9
Palm oil 120 13.6 6.7
Palm kernel oil 116 14 11
Peanut oil 119 13.5 2.3
Safflower oil 120 13.6 .8
Sesame oil 120 13.6 1.9
Soybean oil 120 13.6 2
Sunflower oil 120 13.6 1.8
Vegetable oil 124 14 .9
Walnut oil 120 14 1.5
Wheatgerm oil 120 13.6 2.6
Butter 102 11.5 7.3
Smart Balance Margarine 80 9 2.5


And here’s another chart you may find interesting

Type of oil or fat↓ Saturated↓ Monounsaturated↓ Polyunsaturated↓ Smoke point↓ Uses↓
Almond 8% 66% 26% 221 °C (430 °F) Baking, sauces, flavoring
Avocado 12% 74% 14% 271 °C (520 °F) Frying, sautéing, dipping oil, salad oil
Butter 66% 30% 4% 150 °C (302 °F) Cooking, baking, condiment, sauces, flavoring
Ghee, clarified butter 65% 32% 3% 190–250 °C (374–482 °F) Deep frying, cooking, sautéeing, condiment, flavoring
Canola oil 6% 62% 32% 242 °C (468 °F) Frying, baking, salad dressings
Coconut oil 92% 6% 2% 177 °C (351 °F) Commercial baked goods, candy and sweets, whipped toppings, nondairy coffee creamers, shortening
Rice bran oil 20% 47% 33% 254 °C (489 °F) Cooking, frying, deep frying, salads, dressings. Very clean flavoured & palatable.
Corn oil 13% 25% 62% 236 °C (457 °F) Frying, baking, salad dressings, margarine, shortening
Cottonseed oil 24% 26% 50% 216 °C (421 °F) Margarine, shortening, salad dressings, commercially fried products
Grape seed oil 12% 17% 71% 204 °C (399 °F) Cooking, salad dressings, margarine
Hemp oil 9% 12% 79% 165 °C (329 °F) Cooking, salad dressings, …
Lard 41% 47% 2% 138–201 °C (280–394 °F)[32] Baking, frying
Margarine, hard 80% 14% 6% 150 °C (302 °F)[33] Cooking, baking, condiment
Mustard oil 13% 60% 21% 254 °C (489 °F) Cooking, frying, deep frying, salads, dressings. Very clean flavoured & palatable.
Margarine, soft 20% 47% 33% 150–160 °C (302–320 °F) Cooking, baking, condiment
Diacylglycerol (DAG) oil 3.5% 37.95% 59% 215 °C (419 °F) Frying, baking, salad oil
Olive oil (extra virgin) 14% 73% 11% 190 °C (374 °F) Cooking, salad oils, margarine
Olive oil (virgin) 14% 73% 11% 215 °C (419 °F) Cooking, salad oils, margarine
Olive oil (refined) 14% 73% 11% 225 °C (437 °F) Sautee, stir frying, cooking, salad oils, margarine
Olive oil (extra light) 14% 73% 11% 242 °C (468 °F) Sautee, stir frying, frying, cooking, salad oils, margarine
Palm oil 52% 38% 10% 230 °C (446 °F) Cooking, flavoring, vegetable oil, shortening
Peanut oil 18% 49% 33% 231 °C (448 °F) Frying, cooking, salad oils, margarine
Safflower oil 10% 13% 77% 265 °C (509 °F) Cooking, salad dressings, margarine
Sesame oil (Unrefined) 14% 43% 43% 177 °C (351 °F) Cooking
Sesame oil (semi-refined) 14% 43% 43% 232 °C (450 °F) Cooking, deep frying
Soybean oil 15% 24% 61% 241 °C (466 °F) Cooking, salad dressings, vegetable oil, margarine, shortening
Sunflower oil (linoleic) 11% 20% 69% 246 °C (475 °F) Cooking, salad dressings, margarine, shortening
Sunflower oil (high oleic)[34] 9% 82% 9%    
Tea seed oil       252 °C (486 °F) Cooking, salad dressings, stir frying, frying, margarine



From my last post about my New Blog Look, thanks for the compliments!  And yes, we all seem to want to change something about our sites.  A constant work in progress!



1. What kind of oil do you use most often?  Favorite kinds/types/brands? 

How often do you use oil?

I use oil when I am sauteeing on the stovetop or roasting food in the oven, but since it’s been summertime and warm out, I haven’t been roasting as much, or making soups, or much baked tofu or other recipes I’d use oil in, but when the weather cools off, I’ll be back at it with my oven turned on and an oily vibe going on.

And no, I don’t use any fancy oils like walnut or hemp on a regular basis.  I stick with coconut, olive, and occasionally sesame oil for peanut sauce.

Lately, the most frequent use of oil is coconut oil on my popcorn with nooch and chocolate chips

Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast and Chocolate Chips


2. What’s your Favorite Recipe to make using oil?  Ever made anything sweet with oil?  How was it?

I have!

Raw Vegan Coconut Chocolate

Chocolate Coconut Cashew Butter

Vegan Gluten Free Pancakes

All of those sweet creations use coconut oil and they’re all good!  But I’m partial and wouldn’t post it if it wasn’t.

I’ve never made anything sweet with olive oil, but I’ve seen recipes lately.

P.S. This post will be linked in my Themed Recipes Section

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  1. olive oil, canola oil, and butter are my go-tos. i also like grapeseed and coconut…

    i honestly don’t cook with oil very often. i’ve gained a couple pounds (really just a couple, so i won’t get carried away). but i know i’m getting enough fat elsewhere, so if i’m cooking on the stove, i just spritz a little on. but if i’m having a couple of eggs over-medium for dinner, you can bet on that pan glistening with butter. :-)

  2. Hi Averie! I’m a first time commenter, but I’ve been reading your blog for a while and I love it. Those oil comparison charts are really interesting. I didn’t know butter had fewer calories than oils. I stick with olive oil for most cooking, and coconut oil for all baking.

    1. thanks for delurking!

      and yes, i thought the charts were interesting. I actually prefer butter to oil :)

  3. I love greek extra virgin olive oil, the greek just has amazing flavor to it. I’m half italian so I go through a lot of olive oil and buy it in the large cans. I’m just about to start making my nanas homemade italian dressing finally wrote the ingredants down now gotta play around since she does not measure anything all by taste.
    My fav is taking brussel sprouts cut in half, tossing them in olive oil, lemon juice fresh garlic, salt and pepper then roast in the oven for 30-45 mins. My dog goes nuts for them

  4. thanks so much for this awesome post!!

    now i’m definitely making sweet potato fries for dinner ;)

  5. What an interesting post on oils! I still haven’t gotten on the coconut oil bandwagon, but when I do use oil, I love olive oil and toasted sesame oil. I love the flavors they give to dishes!

  6. mmm i love oils!! I just got some avocado oil which is delicious!!! it has a light flavor similar to olive oil but the color is just phenomenal and its so good! coconut oil will always have my heart, but I cant have it now until after my show (wahhh) I want to try making homemade chocolate fudge with coconut oil! i hear its super easy and tasty!

    high quality olive oil with a bit of parmesan cheese and crusty french bread MMMMMM

  7. I am so not afraid to use oil on a regular basis and since I know the benefits, but I hate it when meals are “oily”. A tiny amount is often enough.
    For regular cooking I use olive oil, for dressings I use a GOOD olive oil or a nut oil, for baking I either use a bit of sunflower oil or coconut oil, yes, that´s about it!
    I have seen a recipe for olive oil ice cream (with sea salt and olive oil) and I bet it tastes fab!

    1. interesting ice cream idea. ive seen cookies and cakes but never ice cream

      and thanks for your comment yesterday re powerpoint rather than just photoshop for creating things.

      1. yes, very interesting! Cake with olive oil is really nice, too :)
        you´re welcome! I hope it will help you.

  8. I use olive oil in all my cooking recipes. I tried canola recently, and since it just didn’t cook/bake/saute much better, I’m sticking with olive.

  9. this weekend at vida vegan, “Using Oil Is Okay” was a common theme!! Isa even talked about it in her closing address and we all cheered. :)

  10. I usually just use olive oil for roasting veggies, in salad dressings, etc — but I have started using my coconut oil more. Thank goodness Kelapo sent me some for free or I probably never would have tried it! It is good for roasting veggies but I do like your vegan coconut oil choc as well. I’ve got that on my to-do list for tonight!

    I can’t think of the actual recipe, but there is a banana bread recipe I like that uses oil — it makes it so (sorry in advance) moist!

  11. Looks like you’ll he having some fun in the kitchen! I mostly use oil for sauteing veggies And such.

  12. I tend to favour coconut oil, while my husband favours olive oil. We also have some sesame oil, but it doesn’t get used very often.

  13. I use olive oil and canola oil. Olive oil for cooking and canola for baking. My mom wants to try peanut oil though. Thanks for the oil information. :)

  14. I use olive oil, coconut oil, and sesame oil the most, though I also keep canola on hand. Olive oil is the one that gets the most use, though—it ends up being used at least once a day. I just used some in a marinade for roasted figs, and they came out fantastically. All I did was mix a tbsp each of blackstrap molasses, water and apple cider vinegar and then whisked in ~1/2 tbsp olive oil. Roasted for 25 minutes at 400 was all they needed!

  15. We use coconut, olive and canola oil. It depends on what we are making for which oil we use!