Online Ordering & Mini’s


My recent order from arrived yesterday.

The order contained probiotics, 5 pounds of stevia, and nooch.

Stevia, Probiotics and Nutritional Yeast on countertops

And they threw in a couple free samplesFree samples of products on countertop

They usually throw in something free but this was the first time I got jelly.  And I love jelly!  

Red Raspberry & Pomegranate JellyThe mini jar reminds me of what my grandma used to throw in her purse when leaving fancy restaurants. One or two for the road was her thinking.  Can’t argue.


I needed to replenish my stash of stevia and nooch.  Especially since I liberally douse my popcorn with melted butter, melted coconut oil, stevia, and nooch.

Stevia Jar, Nutritional Yeast and bowl of popcornI get This Nooch from iHerb because it’s 40% cheaper than at WF’s

Note: It’s very hard to hold a can of nooch with your left hand and not dump the entire canister, and balance and then focus a DSLR with your right hand, and take a picture that’s somewhat in focus.  But hopefully you get the noochy drift.

Inside container of nutritional yeast

I love the buttery + coconutty + sweet + cheezy flavors.  I eat this combo all the time.

Close up of popcorn with Nutritional YeastI am a huge popcorn fan.  I have a whole section of Popcorn Recipes and am always adding things like cinnamon, ginger, maca, or chocolate chips to my popcorn to jazz it up.

From my last post about National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, I am so glad many of you were able to celebrate.  Even if unintentionally since I know most bloggers eat their fair share of PB every day anyway.

I’m glad you played along with creating your own holiday.  Lots of you wanted to create a Chocoholics Day.  I am down for that.

Dessert: Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Cups

Combines yesterday’s holiday with today’s nooch.  Perfect.

Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Cup split on paper liner

There’s nooch in them.  I created this recipe a couple years ago and added nooch because I feel the nooch adds some “authenticity” in replicating the Reese’s PB Cup filling.  The nooch adds just a tiny amount of “grit” and savory-ness/salty-ness to the peanut butter filling, very similar to store-bought Reese’s PB Cups.



1. What’s the last thing you’ve ordered online?

My order!

Use code AVE630 to save $5 on your order

2. Do you like popcorn?

Yes, love it!

If so, how do you prepare it? — I use a brown paper bag, place 2 Tbsp of popcorn kernels in it, fold the top down, and microwave it for about 75-90 seconds

And what’s your fave popcorn topping? — Lots of buttery spray (such as Pam Buttery spray) or melted (vegan) butter, coconut oil, nooch, stevia, and chocolate chips for me.

3. The mini jelly jar reminded me how much fun mini foods are to eat.  What do you like that’s mini?

I like:

Mini Blueberry Muffins

Vegan Gluten Free Blueberry Streusel Muffins

Mini Chocolate Chips

I like mini debt

And Mini Chocolate Donut Holes (Vegan, GF, No-bake & take 5 minutes)

Mini Chocolate Donut Holes on white plate
What do you like that’s mini?

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Last thing I ordered online was Lululemon for my husband. ;)

    The only kind of popcorn I reall like is kettle corn. I’m not big on salty popcorn at all…

  2. LOVE popcorn! havent had it in AGESSSS!!! i so wnt to get stuff off iherb, but i dont have any valid excuses :(

  3. I have been enjoying your website for weeks now and made several recipes. I want to try nooch soon.

    You mention iherb alot. I order supplements and some food products from and anytime I’ve done a price comparision they are cheaper than iherb. Might want to check them out. Although they don’t have some food products that iherb does.

    Thanks for the blog.

  4. 1. What’s the last thing you’ve ordered online?
    I ordered the most amazing tea from Amazon: White Chocolate Kisses by Bigalow (and it came in a 6 pack… as in 6 boxes! ha ha)

    2. Do you like popcorn?
    I did back in the day but I don’t eat it anymore.

    3. The mini jelly jar reminded me how much fun mini foods are to eat. What do you like that’s mini?
    Hm, good question – I generally like everything BIG! Go big or go home! ha ha!

  5. Last thing I ordered online was cacao butter and a bunch of other stuff from nutsonline. They ship incredibly fast and tend to throw something in too. I order an awful lot online because we live at the end of the road in the boonies and I have esoteric tastes, lol!

    I don’t care for popcorn, but Phil adores it, and really isn’t interested in any fancy toppings: a lot of salt, usually butter or some kind of oil, that’s it, and a huuuge bowl! Popped on the stovetop.

    Mini debt–haha, congrats again!
    Most of my favorite snacks are little bitey things that you can eat three or four of for a serving.

  6. Anything is cuter when it is mini! My personal favourites: baby shoes, the mini little one bite mandarin oranges, and mini cupcakes!

  7. Last thing I ordered online was a super cute necklace. I love popcorn, but I just don’t eat it often enough!

  8. Hmmm…that nooch is the same price as our WF by the pound. I guess I’m lucky there.

    Last thing I ordered…a book I think. I don’t remember which one.

  9. I love getting things in the mail so im always ordering online, I love all things mini especially cupcakes soo cute :)

  10. I’m going to make that popcorn right now. Perfect evening snack!

    Oh, and I love mini-muffins. :-)

  11. Funny you mention popcorn, because I was just snacking on some! I love how versatile it is: I can add some spices for a savory snack or some chocolate chips or a warm batch for some melty goodness!

    I’ve heard so much about iHerb, but haven’t ordered anything from them! As frugal as it makes me sound, the fact that they send free samples is really appealing!

    I also need to get my hands on some nutritional yeast — Top of my foodie to-get list!