Packing Lunches


Every day I pack Scott’s lunch for him.  He never gets anything too earth-shattering in his lunch.

But life isn’t always earth-shattering.  Sometimes its just lunch.

And it’s always based on what I have on hand and can throw in his bag.

For instance:


Three apples out of bag

Fresh pineapple chunks

Fresh pineapple chunks



Date Rolls

Date Rolls

No Bake Coconut & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

No Bake Coconut & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

Homemade Trail Mix with whatever odds and ends I have to throw into it

Homemade Trail Mix


Terra Chips

Terra ChipsDo these count as getting my Blue Food in for the day?

Leftover Sesame Ginger Maple Tofu

Sesame Ginger Maple Tofu

Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter and Oat Snack Bars

Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter and Oat Snack Bars


Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bars

Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein BarsIt’s so easy to make your own bars.  You can customize them and save lots of money in the process.  And keep out what you don’t like.  And add more of what you do like.  More chocolate chips maybe?

And maybe if I’m feeling generous and don’t want to hog them all for myself, I’ll give him some of whatever baked goods I have on hand or is in rotation.

This week it’s been Magic Eight Bars but they are almost gone.

Magic Eight BarsMust make more.

From my last post, Officially Summer, I’m glad you liked the discussion of why it’s customary to do 108 sun salutations in yoga when marking the Summer Solstice.

And it was fun to read what you like to do and eat now that summer is officially here!


1. Do you pack your lunch?

I always pack food with me to work or even on errands.  You never know when that granola bar is going to save the day.  Having anything in my purse is key and of course, yes, if I know I will be out of the house over mealtime, I pack something because I am too cheap and too picky to rely on “finding something” when I’m out and time is of the essence and I need to be at work.

2. What do you include in it?

I am the queen of planned leftovers from the night before so that’s where things like leftover tofu or a container of Cheesy Taco Casserole come in handy.

Cheesy Taco Casserole

I also put a lot of fresh fruits and veggies in lunches from carrots sticks and apples to cucumber slices and grapes.  This isn’t rocket science or fine dining.

This is lunch that he can eat at his desk and it serves the purposes of:

keeping him healthy, i.e.not going out to restaurants or delis, and being able to control what he’s getting because I know I packed it and it came from home and my kitchen.  He actually tells me he hates client luncheons now because he leaves them feeling stuffed with food that doesn’t make him feel good for the rest of the day and he would have never chosen had it not been a business lunch.

it saves tons of money.  We both like this.

it saves time!  Not having to chase out over the lunch hour is a major time savings for him and one that he always tells me he appreciates.

3. What makes you excited when you reach into your lunch and see it or did you used to get excited when your mom would pack your lunch about a certain item?

My mom was a no frills lunch packer.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, some fruit, a little box of raisins, maybe a baggie of chips (Doritos excited me!), maybe something she had baked like a cookie or a bar or a brownie <—exciting.

But seeing a Twinkie or a Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pie in my lunch was Not that she did it very often, but when she did, it was really a thrill.


I loved Oatmeal Creme Pies!

P.S. Thanks for the continued Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Giveaway entries.  Contest ends Friday morning so enter if you still need to!


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  1. Oh wow, those treats look like they could do some serious damage! I love it. I think my husband would even try them. I am looking forward to digging in the archives of this blog, for sure.

  2. I’m a big lunch packer! Hummus, veggies, string cheese, greek yogurt, almonds, fruit, bars, hard boiled eggs… whatever I’ve got!

    Scott’s a lucky guy! :)

  3. I pack a lunch when I’m in school. It’s typically a salad with lettuce(s), chicken, veggies, and hummus/salsa. Plus fruit..always fruit!!

  4. I always pack a lunch :) Today I forgot it at home and Hubby took mine instead. I found out he likes packed lunches too. Great way to eat healthy and save money too !

  5. I’m a packer, too. Also because I’m cheap and picky :P Sometimes it’s leftovers, sometimes it’s a sandwich, sometimes it’s a salad. Nothing earth-shattering, but yummy enough! Your granola bars look awesome. Way better than store-bought, anyway ;)

  6. I don’t work full time right now but when I used to, I packed HUGE awesome lunches like yours. Awesome photos! I’m checking out the no chocolate cookie dough bites and chocolate peanut butter bars right now!

  7. i always pack my lunch! In my lunch bag you will find, a large green smoothie, a huge salad with tofu or chickpeas, carrot sticks & a banana with sunflower seed butter, homemade trail mix and fresh brewed iced tea! :)

  8. This is sorta on topic – sorta not. I wanted to let you know I’m a new reader and I often just chime into your blog to read — just — today’s entry. About 30 minutes later I find that I have been enjoying the “looping” (so to speak) of your links to different recipes and posts. Don’t get me wrong…I LOVE IT :) It makes me think that you should do a “Loves Veggies and Yoga” blog scavenger hunt or treasure hunt with clues and prizes…

  9. I definitely pack my lunch when I need to (or snacks). I am often at home at lunch time, so I tend to eat at home most of the time…but there is nothing that makes me impulse buy more than being hungry! So if I go out somewhere or to work, if I’m hungry I can easily be coaxed into stopping at the health food store and spending way too much on snacks I don’t need or could have made at home!

    My mom kept lunches simple—I don’t think she ever once bought little debbie or twinkies. I felt deprived back then, but now I value the expense and the lack of quality she avoided! I think I got most excited when she gave in and started buying juice boxes (vs. thermos), and she also used to write love notes on a napkin. On Fridays I had a quarter so I could buy ice cream–that was exciting too!
    Joe packs his own lunch, and he says the same thing as Scott about business lunches (and dinners)—he hates it!

  10. I do love when I can pack my lunch. I find I eat much healthier if I do. Great lunch & snack ideas!

  11. i pack my lunch everyday since i’m allergic to gluten and also avoid dairy. i usually pack a protein (hard boiled eggs, fish or other meat) stir fried or just from the tin & a ton of veggies sometimes raw, other times steamed or braised. i never pack fruit with my lunch, it tends to make me hungrier? and always a handful of either raw almonds, cashews, walnuts or macadamia nuts for munching. i don’t pack nate’s lunch, i leave that up to him. he loves to cook and create as well so he’s always mixing it up and often it contains gluten so i let him do his thing! my mom would put these little notes in my lunch, i don’t really remember the food stuff since it wasn’t very exciting but i do remember the encouragement notes!

  12. I always pack my lunches when I am going to be away from home-which is everyday this summer!

    I like to mix it up, but I love doing salads, raw veggies with chicken breast, leftovers, sweet taters with almond butter, and whatever treats I have made lately!