Peppers & Pumpkins



I’m glad the weekend is upon us.

The other thing that was upon me is that the checks I ordered arrived

Dr Pepper I'm a pepper designed check

It felt good to write out the rent check on an I’m A Pepper check.

Speaking of peppers, here’s a mini pepper tree that I saw and almost bought just for the cute factor.

Mini pepper tree, tasty chili peppers

Mini pepper tree with green and red peppers

And here’s a mini pumpkin tree

Mini Pumpkin Trees on sticksMini Pumpkin Trees on sticks red orange and yellow pumpkinsAdorable, right?

The peppers got me thinking I should make some Cheezy Kale Chips

Cheezy Kale ChipsThe coating for the Cheezy Kale Chips uses a red pepper and is good enough to simply eat as a dip.  Trust me, I know this.

Or just make some Spicy Doritos Cheezy Dip if you’re feeling peppery.  Or if you like Doritos as much as I do.

And then get your pumpkin on

No Bake Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes (Vegan, GF)

No Bake Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes

Washed down with a Pumpkin Spice Latte sounds good to me

Pumpkin Spice Latte in orange mugI’m not sick of them yet and have been having one almost every day.  Sorry for the repeated pumpkin mentions for the non-pumpkin lovers.  I used to be just like you and not into pumpkin either but times have changed.

But you know what, it’s going to be Christmas before you know it and peppermint will be in full force.


1. Have you bought a pumpkin yet to decorate for Halloween?

I know most bloggers have already been hoarding the canned pumpkin puree.  I can feel Libby’s stock rising from the blogosphere alone.

But so far, I haven’t bought an actual pumpkin.  Not yet but soon.

Pumpkins in cardboard box

2. Do you like peppers?  What’s your fave way to eat them?

Whole, raw, in slices and wedges with any kind of dip like homemade 4-ingredient hummus to mango chutney to vegan slaw dressing is how I usually eat them.

Or raw peppers stuffed peppers with wild rice or any other kind of filling are tasty

raw yellow peppers stuffed with wild rice
 raw yellow peppers stuffed with wild rice

3. Weekend plans?

I know it’s going to be a busy one for me.  I have work, housework, catching up on laundry, errands, and cooking to do, but being with Scott and Skylar will be the best part.

P.S. Thanks for the Case of Bella Bar Giveaway entries

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  1. Love the new checks, so cute! I just ordered more too, but boring, plain cheapo ones because I rarely use them.

    1. Not yet, but I’ve been getting plenty of odd little pie pumpkins from our garden.
    2. Yes and have tons in our garden too. Usually I use them in fresh salsa or guac recipes. I need to try dehydrating the extras this year.
    3. Ack! Working, working, running errands, spending time at banks, and running a half marathon – not relaxing!

  2. Yummmm….I love pumpkins! I can’t wait to make pumpkin bread or muffins.

    Peppers are ok. They’re not my favorite, but I like them best sauteed with spices and stuffed into a fajita filled with guacamole.

  3. HI LOVIE omg youa re so sweet for your comments i cannot tell you how much your words mean to me…for real

    ok pumpkin so happy its back! i need to make my own pumpkin spice latte! Ihave all of the ingredients and KNOW taht I will become obsessed, so I am somewhat scared haha

    This weekend, I have a haircut tomorrow which I am SO looking forward to because it is so needed! i havent gotten one in 6+ months!

    love you!!

  4. I eat a whole bell pepper pretty much daily. I love them raw and plain. Fresh from the fridge, nice and crispy. I swear they are the perfect snack. And mushrooms. With some sweet and hot mustard? Heaven.

  5. Our neighbors dropped a pumpkin off on our doorstep last week and I promptly baked, puréed, and froze it. It has a completely different texture from canned pumpkin but I bet it will taste delicious. I also toasted the seeds :)

    We are headed to the Festival of the Grape this weekend to hang out with friends and taste some wine – can’t wait.

    I can’t wait to see all the pepperminty goodness on the blog!

  6. You just reminded me to buy a pumpkin! I haven’t done that in years. (Libby’s is tough competition!) I love peppers, and I have one all alone in my refrigerator just begging to be used. Do you want to come over and use it with me? LA is only a short drive from San Diego. ;) I’m off to revel in the weekend. Talk to you soon!

  7. i would LOVE a mini-pumpkin tree! that is so cute.
    not that keen on peppers…in fact, not at all. but i would LOVE dr pepper cheques. the best i could do with the last round i ordered was an earth/environmental theme…my bank is obviously not very fun!
    busy work weekend ahead – and some play time. a good balance! enjoy your sat & sun, averie!

  8. I almost purchased one of those pepper plants as well!! So visually stimulating. Especially a huge display of them.

  9. I like peppers raw, in juice (a bell pepper with grapefruit makes the best juice!) and in stir fries. I also love them stuffed, roasted, grilled, etc.. One of my 4 year old nephew’s favourite foods is a raw pepper.

  10. Awww Fairytale pumpkins, so cute! My favorite peppers is with hummus, or stuffed and baked! In fact, I made black bean stuffed peppers for dinner tonight, and will post about it tomorrow! Glad I found your blog, I look forward to reading more :)

  11. Ha, those fairytale pumpkins are a buck more here at TJ’s in NYC. Bummer!

    I haven’t bought any pumpkina yet, but I know I will. I’m not crazy about peppers, though I do enjoy them sometimes. Red pepper strips dipped hummus come into mind. Prefer them over chips, actually.

    Still haven’t made you’re pumpkin spice latte, but I promise that I will very soon with a hoarded can of pumpkin puree ;-)

    Have a great weekend. Xoxo.

  12. Okay, I would have bought that chili pepper plan because of its cuteness factor. ;)~

    And I love you comment about Libby’s and the blogosphere. I think it totally true. And I haven’t seen anyone do an actual review for Libbys… but it’s one of those known facts that Libby’s is the canned pumpkin of choice. Quite an undertone but successful message in their favor. Have a great weekend.

    Saturday, I am off to go apple, pumpkin, raspberry, blackberry picking with the daughter and mom. Total girl’s day.

  13. I bought one of the fairy tail pump’s and a couple of the smaller ones you can cook (sugar pumps?). I couldn’t resist :) I almost bought that pepper plant, but didn’t. It’s SO cute.

    This weekend = rest and relaxation. Big day on Monday!

  14. Definitely a fan of peppers. Love both hot and sweet. I use them just about every day actually. Roasted red bells are some of my faves.