Pool, Beach, Happy


For a little while on Tuesday while Scott was inside working, Skylar and I were at the pool.

Complex pool

She slid

Slide leading into pool

And I tried to do as little as possible and laid on my chaise.

Poolside chairs

And admired the view.

Sky and palm tree

After that, we went to the beach.

Aruba beach

And after the sun started going down…

Skylar at the beach

We came home and drank peaches and coconut cream smoothies

Ate frozen grapes

Frozen grapes in bowl

And kiwi


I bought 6 of them for less than $2 bucks yesterday.  Skylar ate 5 and told Scott and I we could split one.  How generous of her.

And we all sampled some Christmas Crack Chocolate Saltine Toffee

Chocolate Saltine Toffee Stacks

And thankfully miracles with melty pictures apparently do happen.

And then we went for a walk as a family.

Aruba street with palm trees

Not a horrible day or anything.


How was your day and what made you happy today?

When life is crazy about six months from now, when the pressures of real life are intense and things are hectic and frantic, days like today are the days that I remember and try to channel to get me over those harried moments.

I burned today in my memory so I can remember it when needed.

Do you remember goofing off in the pool and trying to get your parents wet while they tried to stay dry?

I used to try to splash my mom who tried to stay dry.  And now Skylar does the same thing to me.  She’s such a rascal.

And a tender little spirit all in one.

Skylar at the beach

P.S. Thanks for the Chobani Yogurt Giveaway entries

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  1. “I burned today in my memory so I can remember it when needed.” — I do that sometimes, when I’m meditating in the mornings. I try to carry that feeling of peace with me throughout the day, no matter how hectic and crazy and stressful things get — I was experiencing peace, I can bring it back.

    Yesterday I had a lot of fun giggling with my students and then was lucky enough to meet up with a new friend who is an herbalist and chat over some tea. Andrew made me dinner and went grocery shopping for me, and we had time to watch a show, snuggled up on the couch. I have hopes that today will be just as nice.

    The color of the water and sky in these posts have made me want to put that blue into my artwork…thank you for the inspiration, Averie!

    1. channeling those zen moments help remind me when the cra-cra-crazy times are upon me, that this too shall pass :)

  2. Every picture you are posting from Aruba is like a postcard. Maybe you should sell them as postcard images for the locals. :)

    1. Good idea! :)

      Our friend, a local down here, just won the lottery. About 85k in U.S. Dollars worth. He can be my first customer! ha!

  3. What makes me happy?? This post does. Gorgeous photos & Aruba looks like so much fun.
    Do I remember trying to get my folks wet? Of course. Drives me batty when my kids do it to me….but I get the thrill of it. As long as they splash their father ;)
    Love the pic of Skylar….she is so pretty!
    Just pinned under Travel & Chocolate bliss boards….that treat looks amazing!

    1. thank you for the pins my dear and yes, it’s my happy place. I know you have yours coming up :)

  4. I’m so happy you’re having fun! You deserve te best. ;)

    Is that your place in Aruba? It’s incredible!

  5. Oh Averie what a magnificent place! How beautiful…thank you for sharing the pictures! I had to stop by to tell you I attended my 4th bikram yoga class today and am absolutely in love with it. I think it has changed my life :-)

  6. Beautiful photos, Averie. Such a lovely place you get to vacation at. I am so glad you get to enjoy yourselves and relax together!

    My day was lovely. It was definitely busy, but it was lovely nonetheless: preparing breakfast for my husband and boys, cleaning the kitchen, picking them up from school and taking them to soccer practice and guitar lessons and then making dinner and watching them enjoy their dessert (which happened to be those maple chocolate chip oaties on your site – that they LOVE and request OFTEN!) and now I am sitting down reading blogs and enjoying my frozen green smoothie with cinnamon and vanilla stevia. Yep yep…good day.

    I do remember splashing my mom and I also remember her calling me a rascal when I did! :-)

    1. enjoying my frozen green smoothie with cinnamon and vanilla stevia. = glad it was a winner. I just posted another smoothie recipe.

      merry xmas sweetie!

  7. This is going to be in a few weeks!!! I hope anyway. I think I solidified some travel plans for the first week of Jan. Pool, beach, happy, INDEED>

    I totally remember trying to splash my mom. She would swim in the pool or the lake, but never would get her hair wet. Her and all my aunts. It was hysterical and I never understood it.

  8. Beautiful colors! Today was just overall happy around these parts. Glad to see you and yours having such a good time … Skylar is really growing! I know what you mean by wanting to burn a memory for later enjoyment!

    1. i have heard RAVE reviews about those and nike makes a similar product i love but need to try the Lulu WU’s

  9. See, totally my kind of day. Love just sitting and relaxing like that. Oh yes, definitely remember trying to splash my mom. Knew better with dad though LOL. I have yet to try frozen grapes. Crazy right?

  10. you’re killing me! i want to be back at the beach. now.

    such great family time for you guys – love it.