Pretty Sky


It was an absolutely gorgeous day in San Diego today.  Almost 80F degrees in January and not a cloud in the sky.

Blue sky and palm tree

One of those days that makes me happy to be alive and thankful to live here.

Here was the sky at dusk with the crescent moon in the center of the frame and a star to the left of it.

Purple Dusk sky with Crescent Moon

Both pictures were taken with my iPhone.

Although the skies were lovely today, I am also posting this post as a test to see if Google Reader wants to cooperate and pick up this feed.

It didn’t seem to like my previous post, Thursday Things, where I ironically discussed my love for where I live, and today’s weather reinforced that.

I just got the dinner dishes done and now it’s time for dessert.

Deep Dish Chocolate Cookies with Peanut Butter Cups and M&Ms


What did the sky look like in your area today?

Have a great night and if this feed showed up in your Google Reader and you want to let me know that, I’m curious to hear about it.

Last chance to enter the Chobani Yogurt Giveaway

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  1. Gorgeous bright and sunny skies today…but temperatures only in the low 40sF. Definitely no palm trees and exotic flowers to be seen around here right now :-(
    Lovely photos!

  2. oh girl you have no idea how much I love that 1st photo.
    we’ve a lot of rain here and my winter blues are kicking in
    this cali girl needs to be back home.
    so far my winter blues were not too rough but all of a sudden, with all this rain.
    keep those sunny pics coming!

    1. Girlie I can’t even imagine leaving CA and being transported to where you are now…Hang in there. I grew up in MN and then Chicago and could never, ever handle a cold and dark winter. I know how LONG they are. Just means you should come to San Diego and visit me :)


  3. Beautiful sky pictures! I’m always amazed by the photos my iPhone can take. Your photos are always breathtaking, though. I’m still practicing!

    As far as I know, all of your posts show up in my Google Reader. That’s weird.
    Anyway, thank you for taking the time to comment on little blogs :) I know it’s time-consuming for you & you can’t do it all the time, but it’s one of the things I really appreciate about you! xo

  4. I don’t use google reader, so I can’t help you on that front. The weather is actually pretty nice here. A couple of mild days with only a little rain has been a great break from winter.

  5. Hey Gorgeous!! WOW, what a gorgeous day…..

    We had sun yesterday {WOOT} and now back to cloudy…boooo!! After we were in 80 degree weather in Miami last week, Ryan and I agreed that we’re going to move south for a few months before we’re tied down to anything here, like kids and a house…time to pack up our stuff into storage and either hit South Beach or San Diego!! Our hearts live in both places ;)


    1. That’s a fabulous plan. You will love this idea even more in 10 years when you look back on it and realize how much freedom you had and that you’re glad you did what you did…so, do it! :)

  6. unfortunately, the sky in New York is gray and dismal today. It’s pouring rain and miserable. Oh and it’s 60 degrees. You would think this would be a good thing, but to be honest, I would love to get a nice, big snowstorm! And 60 degrees just isn’t going to make that happen…

    happy friday!

  7. The sky isn’t so pretty here – we have a snowstorm going on! But it’s a snowday for me so I’m okay with it! Totally jealous of your weather right now :P