Productivity At Its Finest


I’ve been busy.

Aruba beach

Real busy.

Aruba beach

I hope your day has been as productive as mine.

I was productive in the kitchen, though.

  I made something along the lines of Puppy Chow

Vegan Chocolate PB Chex Mix
And boy.  It’s really good.
Vegan Chocolate PB Chex Mix

And really addictive.

And uses these.

White chocolate chips in pot

Recipe to follow.

For now, I need to refresh my cocktail.  Or whatever you want to call it.

Taste of the Tropics Smoothie


Have you been productive today?  This week?  This Month?

I find the December is a time to be insanely busy yet seem to actually accomplish very little.  Or far less than you’d like.

Unless you count baking projects as accomplishments.

Most people seem to have “so much to do” this time of year, yet I suspect aren’t as effective in getting it all done.  Maybe that’s because everyone else is already in holiday/vacation mode but they’re still at work pretending they’re working but have already mentally checked out.

Not to mention, going anywhere like the grocery store, Target, just simple errands seem to take forever.  The roads and stores are crowded and everyone’s out and about doing something.  Not sure if they’re productive, but they’re sure out there in full force.

Glad I’m on the Equator away from it all.  But in about one week, half of New Jersey and New York will be down here and the quiet, calm little island won’t be quite as calm.

Thanks for the Superfoods & Superfruits Giveaway entries

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Sounds like a very productive day. Mine has been, but for family. I helped my MIL shop, create dehydrator recipes, and tackle some decluttering chores.

  2. I think the term “productive” is relative. ;) Homework= productive.

    Reading+commenting on blogs= productive. So I’m sorta being productive. That counts, right?

  3. Oh wow, this looks like heaven. way to get the holiday season started! thanks for sharing!!

  4. Do I need to say it again? Gorgeous! Love love love! Puppy chow! I want a bit batch- ASAP! I have actually had a very productive week including decorating our Christmas tree, tons of work, lots of laundry, cleaning up Kaylin’s wardrobe a bit (setting aside the items that are too small for a friend who is about to have a baby girl), work, teaching, catching up with friends on the phone!

  5. LOVE those island photos! Such stunning colors. So happy to see you are in your happy place. Gonna check your past few posts now :)

  6. Hahaha…I turned in grades yesterday, so my productivity is basically over for the next month. Actually, that’s not true– I still have to set up my syllabus and online classes for after the holidays…but for at least the next few days, I can breathe easy :-)

  7. I’ve been productive today- passed in a final portfolio and took a final exam, celebrated with a tough lifting session and now hanging with my roommates! Today marks over a month of solid UN-productivity for me, and I couldn’t be more excited!!!

  8. Wow Averie, your photos of Aruba are incredible. They make me relax and go into dreamland. You’ll have to produce a photography book in the future, such talent.

  9. I might try to hide in one of those NY’ers suitcases because I need that beach and sunshine! I feel insanely unproductive so far this month. I have a love/hate relationship with the holidays…

    1. I would do whatever it takes and you WILL get back to your happy/warm place; I am hopeful for you :)

  10. “everyone else is already in holiday/vacation mode but they’re still at work pretending they’re working but have already mentally checked out.”
    Yep – pretty much sums up how I feel right now. I am going home to VA in two weeks and that is pretty much all I can think about right now. My family, baking, parties, and sending out holiday care packages to my best friends (aka an excuse to bake).

  11. i had a productive morning (up at 5:15 with a workout finished by 6:30!), but am getting a little anxious as the sun in shining here in chicago (but it’s still freeeeezing…)

    i LOVE puppy chow!

  12. I have been VERY productive today:

    we are sitting in a San Pancho cafe, drinking reds and listening to Tom Waits on his birthday.

    backpacking through Mexico is productive, si? :)

    1. for some reason I knew you were going on a trip but had no idea it was going to be such an adventure. happy for you two!!