Raw Vegan Pasta Noodles & Raw Marinara


This post may contain affiliate links.

How’s your Saturday going?  I’m just dandy because I’m going to check out yoga at a new studio I found…woo-hooo!!!!!!  And, since I ran my lame & time-consuming errands during the week, I don’t have to do them Saturday so we’re going to head out to a park as a family and hopefully just have a nice hour or so together.  What are you up to?

Hip, hip, hooray for the Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowballs from yesterday.  I loved the yummy comments.  Seriously, so easy.  I try to make all my recipes easy.  As I’ve regarding mentioned before my thoughts on recipes and to me what entails a good recipe, well time commitment and a short ingredient list are two key things, and the Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowballs deliver on both fronts. 

Also, thanks to everyone who’s emailed me to tell me you’re making a recipe of mine….wonderful!  And many thanks to new readers for stopping by and showing the comment love…you rock!  And I hope you keep reading and coming back for some more yummy eats & yoga!

Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowball batter in container with some removed

Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowball on shallow plate

So moving along to another recipe that delivers on the Easy but Delish Factor is Raw Vegan “Pasta” Noodles & Raw MarinaraGena inspired me to take my own stab at Raw Vegan “Spaghetti” here

Raw Vegan "Pasta" Noodles & Raw Marinara in white bowl

Yesterday I recreated it but tweaked the sauce a smidge.

Here’s what I did this time:
Spiralize 1 or 2 zukes.  (If you’re curious about what spiralizer I use and the total 411 on it, check out this post, and the corresponding backlinks in it.  Here’s a tip…it’s 29.99 on AmazonGo get one, ’nuff said) 

Spiralized zucchinis in clear container

Then to make Averie’s Raw Marinara Sauce
1 Tomato
1 Deseeded Red Pepper
5 Baby Carrots
2 Tbsp Dried Basil (fresh is great but I didn’t have it)
1 Tsp Dried Oregano
Tiny pinch of salt or more to taste
Twist of Black Pepper
Optional: 1 Medjool date and/or 1 Tsp Agave and/or Stevia to taste (I used the date and 1 Tsp agave because remember your grandmother who added a dash of sugar to make the marinara sauce taste better?  Same premise here.)
Optional: Garlic, onions, mushrooms, 1-2 Tbsp EVOO or another oil such as flax or hemp.  If you use the drizzle-in-while-appliance-is-running method, that’s awesome.  As a VitaLover, I have a hard time with that because I don’t want red sauce spraying everywhere so I add at the beginning if I add it at all.

Combine All the Ingredients.

Ingredients needed to make Raw Marinara Sauce in blender
Overhead of ingredients in blender

Grind, Blend, or Food Process your Ingredients into Red Sauce.

Overhead prices of blending marinara ingredients
Blended Raw Marinara Sauce in blender

Leave it as chunky or as smooth as you like.

Marinara sauce poured into green and blue bowl

I like it fairly chunky.  Too smooth and I feel like I am either eating soup or baby food.  Neither of which I am that fond of.

Up close of marinara sauce showing some chunks

And then top the Zuke Noodles with the Raw Marinara

Zucchini Noodles topped with Raw Marinara Sauce on white plate

Mix it up and voila, dinner is served. 

Zucchini noodles and Marinara Sauce mixed together on plate

The entire raw vegan homemade meal, including appliance cleanup, is a 15-20 minute deal.  Seriously.

Up close of zucchini and marinara mixed together

Optional Add-In’s & Extras:
Tofu Meatballs/Sausage
Nut/Bean “Burger” Pieces
Real Beef or Turkey Meatballs for that non-vegetarian in your life

I added in nothing extra because just this was dang good.

Marinara and zucchini noodles mixed together on plate up close image

Dessert involved dipping into the Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowball Freezer Stash.

Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowball on white plate

Just what the Raw Doctor ordered.  Because after the Red Marinara Sauce dinner, something Dark-n-Cool on the palate was lovely.

Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Coconut Snowball batter in container with some missing

And there was also a Fresh Batch of Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls that I made and enjoyed.

Three Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

For the recipe info, check this post.  One of my best recipes, ever.  And it takes 5 minutes.

Up close of Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ball showing chocolate chips sticking out

Yoga Today is Urdhva Muka Paschimottanasana

Woman doing Urdhva Muka Paschimottanasana yoga pose

Tip of the Day: My Chia Seed GiveAway!!!!!  If you’re not already entered, go get your pretty self entered for a 3 Pound Bag of Chia Seeds!!!!!   Contest ends Sunday so hurry!!!!!!!!!!

3lb bag of chia seeds

Kris at i Heart Wellness is always giving away chocolate!

What’s your Go-To Dinner?  Something that you love, that is fast, easy, & delish?  I always love hearing what everyone whips up for dinner.  Although I am high raw, I am not opposed to cooked foods.  Whatever looks and sounds good is what I go with.  What do you make frequently for dinners?

Stay Tuned For A Weekly Highlight Reel Recapping All my Recipes & Eats from this Week…

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. Good for you with the diapers!

    i use Chicobags (sometimes 3 or 4 stuffed into my purse) they are amazing and stuff down to nothing! I drive a hybrid car, buy gently used clothes when I can, use eco-friendly products sometimes (could improve on that), I used to commute to work on my bike when I was working. i recycle like a MAD woman, and compost too. I'm pretty good, but could be better.

    Good luck with the yoga job! Exciting!

  2. More amazing food!

    What do you think of that TJ's extract. I have heard seriously mixed reviews on the Bourbon one. I am still mourning the loss of the Tahatian vanilla!

  3. Please keep us posted on the yoga instructor position!! I so wish we lived closer. I'd be at your classes everyday!! Even if you didn't teach I'd love to hang around you. :) This professional site sounds awesome, too…great idea!

    Everything you eat always looks so colorful. I envision the insides of your body working beautifully…even if they are soft. :)

    I am doing my best to go green(er) by using the cloth bags, except I forget to take the damn things inside. They're always in my car but I need to get into the habit of grabbing them before I go into the store. My mom used cloth diapers on my brother and I, too. I think that is amazing that you did the same with Skylar!

  4. MMM your roasted taters look delish! and today's pose is awesome (and flippin impossible)

    I really hope you get the Yogi gig! Love it!

    Burbon flavored Vanilla??? gonna have to go hunt that down.

    Love all your eco friendly tips.

    we try try try and there is always room for imp. We are big recyclers..our entire home is high energy efficiency..we actually are trying to go solar for water heating soon…we drive economy cars (although I commute to work) we try. I think my biggest goal is to keep non essential chemicals out of our lives. off my skin, off our food… it's been a fun journey!

    great post AVERIE!!!

  5. If you get a yogi teaching job- I may have to roadtrip it to Phoeny and take your class. Ya never knoww… ;)

    Ah, yes, crab cakes. Haha.. Well, I've been meaning to do more recipes, along with my daily eats, so I couldn't resist. but, my challenge: veganize crab cakes! what cook doesn't love a challenge? I've already thought it out a little bit. :)

    I used to make strawberry protein soft serve (or something along those lines) almost everyday before my blogging days. SOO good. The frozen banana does measures.

    My green ways: Recycling, re-using my grocery bags/cloth bags, I WAS a cloth diaper baby (hahaha), and I've been walking a lot lately because I have the time to. Also: I love selling my clothes and buying used clothes.

    Whew! Long comment.

  6. I use dishtowels.. I ride a bike.. being a vegetarian also lessens my footprint. Recycling is also something we do in my apartment. I guess living in a place called "eco-flats" is pretty eco-friendly lol.

    By the way, those roasted potatoes sound so good right now. And the vanilla bourbon softserve. Yummmmm

  7. gahhhh i just can't keep up with the fabulousness that is YOU! sooo excited to hear about the job thang and i love that you and madeline met up – LOVE that girl!

    and the cock post (twss) looks awesome. hope you have a wondrous day dear :)

  8. Purple potatoes are the best! I love to roast them with beets for an entire purple meal.

    Good luck with the job hunt!

  9. STRAWBERRY PROTEIN softserve. you have outdone yourself. yum :)

    how's that Sumatra coffee from TJs? strong bold or medium? I like to expand my TJs coffee horizons haha. So far the peppermint has not stuck in the coffee machine which is good so that you don't have peppermint flavored coffee forever :)

  10. I also use my own shopping bags and try to buy local and organic. I also use natural cleaning products! Good luck on the job!!

  11. you always make me realize how much better I can do with my eating…oh let's just hope I do.

    I do lots of green things and am currently frustrated taht miami is so NOT green! I am trying to find ways to fix that

  12. Mmm, roasted tators is one of my all time faves! No eating potatoes at the moment though, so I'm afraid I'll have to just drool over yours:)

    I hope your yoga teaching thing works out! That would be awesome, huh? I took two weeks off from yoga and just started back today–felt fabulous!!!

  13. Good luck with the yoga gig. I'm sure you'll get it.

    As for the soft serve, I always devour the whole thing at once. It really is that addictive. At least it is better for you than the traditional stuff.

  14. We do the usuall recycling, reusing plastic bags, energy saving devices and light bulbs. We are a 2 car family, but as part of trying to find new ways of exercising I do try to walk more places rather than jumping in the car.
