

This post may contain affiliate links.

Yesterday I replenished my produce stash.

Various Produce on countertop

I got everything at the regular grocery store.  Grapes were on sale for 88 cents/pound, vine-ripe tomatoes were 2.49/pound, oranges were on sale, basically it was one big sale-fest.

Close up of grapes and tomatoes

I buy everything at the regular grocery store or TJ’s, except….

Jar of Vegenaise

…..Vegenasise.  I went to Whole Foods for that singular item.  Walk in, don’t stop, don’t browse, you will get sucked in$$ if you don’t have a clear mission.

I needed to replenish my Vegenaise stash so I could make more Vegan Slaw Dressing

Jar of Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing

Edamame salad topped with Vegan Slaw Dressing

Sometimes I make Broccoli “Salad” (minus the bacon and sometimes minus the raisins, i.e. so  just plain broccoli) and that gets smothered in slaw dressing.

Head of broccoli

Overhead of Jar of Vegan Slaw Dressing

Or sometimes I’ll make Horseradish Relish Dressing with Vegenaise.  No charge for the extra kick that comes with it.

Horseradish Relish Dressing

And I went to the post office, mailed a parcel, and replenished my stamp stash.  I try to pay all my bills online and do everything as paperless as possible, but sometimes I can’t avoid using snail mail and need stamps.

Box on countertop ready to be mailed

I do try to avoid paying retail for all dry goods, household goods, protein powders, body wash and tons more and order everything from

I order things like:

5 pounds of bulk white stevia powder

Bulk bag of White Stevia

to Liquid Vanilla Stevia

Container of Liquid Vanilla Stevia

to bulk cinnamon orders and re-filling my existing jars and saving $30 in the process

Four containers of cinnamon

to Nooch for 15+ recipes that I use it in

Container of Nutritional Yeast
Inside Container of Nutritional Yeast

to using iHerb for the probiotics and other supplements I take

Box of Probiotics

I highly encourage you to give iHerb a try.  And never pay retail or WF prices again!

If you do try iHerb, you can use code: AVE630 at checkout to save $5

From my last post about my new camera bag, thanks for the compliments on it!

And thanks for letting me know if you’re purse and bag junkie like I am and what, if anything, you’ve ever had custom-made.

Dessert: Chocolate Macroons (Raw and Vegan)

If you don’t have a dehydrator, feel free to bake them in your oven.

Chocolate Macaroons on dehydrator tray

Close up of one Macaroon


1.  What do you buy online vs. in a regular store?

I love saving money by ordering my bulk items, non-perishable food items, and dry goods online.

Produce, certain specialty food products, my Target trips, my trips to the mall and MAC store, well, those things I buy in a real store.

2. What have you replenished lately?

I replenished my produce stash at the grocery store.

I replenished my nooch, probiotics, and steiva stash from iHerb

I replenished our clean clothes by doing laundry

And I replenished my sanity by going on a glorious run in the 70F and sunny weather and then I came home and did 20 minutes worth of workout moves in my garage.

Palm trees and blue sky

What have you replenished lately?

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I don’t buy much online, but this is the best deal on stevia I’ve found, and the only place I’ve purchased it from for the past year: (I’m not affiliated w/ them at all!) Just want to share a good deal. Its 2 two-ounce dropper bottles for $6.79. I’d say this is half off retail at least. There is minimal shipping, but when you get multiple two-packs, the shipping goes up only in tiny increments, so the more purchased, the better deal on shipping. Hope this helps someone! I’m also looking forward to checking out iHerb too!

  2. I need to replenish my probiotics! I’m consuming kefir in the meantime and I’m also going to pick up some kim chee at the Asian market this weekend!

  3. Yay for sales and all that produce! I buy shoes online because Zappos is a great site and I woke up today to feel that my health has been replenished! I finally feel like I’m awake, for the first time in quite a few days. Runs are great for replenishing sanity!

  4. “Walk in, don’t stop, don’t browse, you will get sucked in$$ if you don’t have a clear mission.” Ummm, AMEN sista :) That store is one giant money trap. I’m an online person for sure – In fact, my UPS guy told me I get the most packages on the block (half embarrassing, half funny). Normally, I use either iherb or Amazon. I like iherb though, because sh*t ships fast :) Fast is always good. Amazon on the other hand, has been taking anywhere from 1-2 weeks for shipping lately (not cool).

  5. I just bought nutritional yeast flakes for the first time using your promo code at iherb! Thanks! I could not figure out how to get free shipping as you indicated, but I did get the $5 off which was great!

    1. the free shipping was an error (sorry!) and I edited the post to reflect that…another reader brought that to my attention. But so glad you are trying nooch!

  6. I buy as much as I can online, but some things I either can’t find online or they are the same price locally. Those things I buy locally to save on packaging. During the summer we get 95% of our produce from a local farmer for $20/week. Saving money and getting better produce too :)

    Replenished my unsweetened cocoa stash last night. Tonight I’m making a Double Chocolate Walnut Brownie recipe (from Elana’s Pantry blog) to take to a birthday celebration on Saturday.

  7. I have to replenish a lot – heading to the stores after work. iherb is awesome – great deals and super fast shipping. Next time I’ll definitely trust them to buy more.

  8. Because of you I just ordered my FIRST ever nooch and probiotics! From iherb of course, with the discount. :) I’m excited to try both!

  9. I’m still in pjs and glasses so I haven’t replenished a damn thing. Except my stomach, with coffee.

    And I am out of coffee, so there is a trip to the store to replenish that on the agenda for the day.

  10. I went to the store the other day to buy grapes and they were SO pathetic looking. Yours look sooo plump and juicy!

  11. I need to follow your WFs rule today :) I need to go in there for raw cashews for cashew cream! Hopefully I’ll have the strength to just go in and get what I need! The grapes look yummy! Hope you have a really nice weekend

  12. I always enjoy seeing what people get at the store. I don’t shop online a whole lot…mostly because I don’t get to shop a whole lot in general! But, when I do get things online it’s something like xanthan gum powder or nooch that I cannot get within a 50 mile radius here… Which reminds me- I will be using iHerb this week!

  13. PS. I am SOOOOOOO impressed that you can go into WF for ONE thing!!!!! OMG, I couldn’t do that even if I were blindfolded! LOL

    1. walk in, walk out, do not browse, do not stop, do not look. It’s lethal$$$ if you do anything but in & out!


  14. I am addicted to Amazon, I buy tons of grocery items there like my coconut butter. We have a small WF so they don’t have many things that I want and when they do they are pricey. I will have to try I am such an online shopper its so hard for me to go shopping with a baby and a little girl, so its just more convienent. I buy my fresh produce from grocery stores and items I don’t buy often like toiletries. Recently I stocked up on paper towels, toilet paper, and some protein powder.