Scents Wafting


It’s been a manic Monday.  I woke up to my blog running as slow as molasses and although I just upgraded to new servers about three weeks ago, it seems that they weren’t quite big enough.  I knew this almost immediately after migrating, but was putting off doing anything because tech changes give me panic attacks.  Sweaty palm city.  However, I couldn’t avoid it any longer so I spent half the morning and much of the afternoon dealing with tech stuff.

The tech support people told me it should have been seamless to all of you and the benefit is that my site should load faster now.  Fingers crossed.

In addition to going nutty with blog stuff, I spent time with these kind of nuts.

Rosemary Chipotle Roasted Almonds in white bowl

The smell of roasted nuts in my house has been intoxicating.  It smells like Christmas time at the mall when you can smell the fragrance of roasted nuts wafting through the stores just begging you to inhale a few handfuls, immediately.

And the smell of Baked Vanilla Glazed Donuts with Vanilla Glaze, i.e. Krispy Kreme donuts, was wafting through the house over the weekend.

Baked Vanilla Glazed Donuts with Vanilla Glaze

The smell of baking donuts is a good problem to have.  No complaints or anything.

The winner of the Cookiepedia Cookbook Giveaway is:

bakerbynature November 4, 2011 at 7:31 pm

“I would be all over those black and white cookies; how typical new yorker of me is that? I’d share… of course “:)

Congrats, Ashley @ Bakerbynature

The scent of this coffee has also been wafting.

Two bags of coffee Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, Lake Tawar and Finca Santa Ana

Did you enter the coffee giveaway yet?


1. What scents have been wafting through your world lately?

I did smell some bus exhaust and diesel fuel.  Ick!

But there’s been lots of other good stuff like coffee, roasted nuts, and laundry soap because in addition to calming tech fires, I caught up on some laundry.  Thrilling indeed.

2. What are some of your favorite scents?

I love:

anything vanilla

this body spray

and peanut butter banana bread (vegan, GF) baking doesn’t smell too shabby either.  Something about bread, and especially banana bread, that I just adore.

Stay warm!  It’s gotten pretty “wintery” in San Diego the past few days.

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  1. Those nuts are totally calling my name!! I love all the scents this time of year – apple and cinnamon and vanilla and maple… yum!

  2. This comment has nothing to do with THIS blog post, but… I’m looking for a good gluten free alternative to ginger-molasses spice cookies – preferably in the form of your incredible raw cookie dough bites. I was thinking some version of your Raw Vegan Gingerbread Cookies & Cookie Dough Balls? Any suggestions/ideas?

    maybe ground flax,
    walnuts (or ground almonds/almond meal)
    fresh grated ginger
    pumpkin pie spice
    pinch of salt

    Now, for the ratios :)

  3. Sorry about the tech issues, no fun! Agreed on nuts and thank you for reminding me to dehydrate more for hubby. :-)

  4. It’s funny how you say San Diego’s been pretty wintery… I’m visiting from Vermont for a few days and I swear it’s warmer back home!

    1. Whenever I mention that it’s ‘chilly’ here people think I’m a wimp or that it’s always balmy here and growing up in MN, I know what cold is…and when I can see my breath running, I call that chilly! Glad to know you think it’s chilly here too!

  5. Nothing nearly as delicious as roasted nuts or doughnuts. More like roasted squash and the risotto I made last night. Apparently my house will permanently smell like vegetables. I have got to get some baking done!

    When it comes to food I love vanilla and cinnamon scents the best. Otherwise (for candles or perfumes) I like fruit. Apples, melons, strawberries. I’m a walking farmer’s market…or pre-teen, lol.

  6. Right now, I’m obsessed with the autumn wreath candle from Yankee Candle. It smells like a roasted turkey, pumpkin pie, a warm cup of tea and a cold night all rolled into one (that’s a scent, right? :) ) My all time favorite scent though, is that of Christmas tree!

  7. Oh I really see the different interface when I chose to leave a comment! But before then it looked the same!

    I love essential oil smells and my favourite is geranium. I just LOVE it. So relaxing and such a pretty scent! I know it’s not food related though – hmm…I can’t drink coffee (too sensitive to the caffeine) but I do love the smell of it. So coffee anything! I can just sit in a Starbucks and smell (though that would look pretty odd).

  8. Isn’t the scent of baking donuts amazing? Thank you for that.

    I know I keep saying this, but I’m really sorry I didn’t get to meet you. If you’re ever in LA, let me know, okay?