Scoop It & Simple Things


I recently found these cookie scoops at Bed Bath & Beyond

Cookie Scoops

They don’t seem to have them on their website, but when I was at my local BB & B for my donut pan last week, I picked up the $3.99 gadget on a whim.

Wall of baking supplies

And it rocked my weekend bakestravaganza

Pans of cookies and bars on marble counter

Dig into your dough

Cookie Dough in green mixing bowl

Chip scooper and spatulas dirtied with cookie dough

And push the big button to release the dough onto your cookie trays.

Cookie dough scooper flipped upside downAnd it releases the dough easily and effortlessly.  No sticking!

Which seems to have resulted in my most uniform cookies to date.

Pans of cookies and bars on marble counterMartha Stewart may not approve but for me, they were as uniform and neat as I have ever managed.  Between my Silpat and my Flexipat and a cookie scoop, I feel like I have a new lease on cookie baking.

In the past I have tried scoops like these and the “releasing mechanism” usually doesn’t want to release the dough easily.  Then the dough builds up and gets caught in the wire and it’s a big mess and not a time saver or a pretty-cookie-maker.

I usually resort to just spooning my cookie balls out with a kitchen spoon onto cookie trays but my cookies were never as neat as I wished.   <– And if this is my worst problem in life, I realize I’ve got a blessed life.

But who knew that $3.99 separated me from cookie nirvana.

Cookie dough scooper flipped upside down

I can’t wait to try it on a batch of Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Or a batch of Peanut Butter Oatmeal White Chocolate Chip Cookies

Peanut Butter Oatmeal White Chocolate Chip Cookies stackedIt’s the simple things that get me excited.

Did Microwave Salsa Verde Pepperjack Tofu get you excited?  It got me excited.   It’s another simple thing that just changed my dinner repertoire, big time.

Microwave Salsa Verde Pepperjack Tofu in red bowl


1. Do you use a cookie scoop?  Any particular types or brands you’ve tried?  Opinions or do they work for you?

2. Any simple things that you’ve discovered lately or simple things that have really helped you?

A few of mine…

Freezing leftover coffee into ice cube trays is great in iced coffee because it doesn’t get as watered down.

Planned leftovers.  Cook in batches and then reheat.   Not for everyone, but for me, makes life much easier.

Not walking into the grocery store with everything pre-determined.  Being flexible and taking advantage of what’s on sale and up in the front of the store in the produce department.  Saves money and increases the variety of produce I buy.  Here was a post I did on saving money on your grocery budget.

P.S. Please vote here for my No Bake PB Biscoff Cookie Dough Bites in the Delta Biscoff Bakeoff.  You can vote once per day for the next week.  If I win, I could win a culinary dream trip to NYC, Napa or LA.  It just takes a second to click and vote.  Thank you so much!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Wow, those look awesome! I usually just dole out cookies with my hands because it seems less messy in the long run, but those would help even more. I’ve been voting – hope you win the Biscoff bake off!

  2. “And if this is my worst problem in life, I realize I’ve got a blessed life.” Amen, sister! I like to say I have high-class problems. :)

      1. Likewise, my friend! I’m so happy school is finally over so I can get back in the blogging swing of things again. :)

  3. Cute scoops, love the colors. Thanks for the info!

    1. Nope, I have a large ice cream scoop that might be good for large cookies. :-)
    2. New cutting boards that are lighter and easier to wash.

  4. Not to be a party pooper but I have bought that cookie scoop twice and each time it broke through the flimsy plastic on the bottom of the scoop when I pushed too hard. So make sure not to overfill the scoop or put anything in it that is tough to get out, etc. But for me I will stick to the metal ones that they also sell at BB&B. P.S. – I love your blog!

  5. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…. I use scoops.

    Using scoops is a tried and true way to have ALL your cookies uniform and yummy. Presentation makes all things yummier lol.

    I use a stainless steel one don’t recall the brand or exact size ( I have had it forever). I use one that is also ideal for scooping out melon for yummy melon balls.

    I prefer using one that squeeze for a quick scooping motion, because I tend to have a lot of dough and it feels faster ;)

  6. I LOVE my cookie scoop!! You need one to make amazing whoopi pies so they fit together beautifully :)

    These ones are super cute!!’


  7. I made cookies today and I’ve been feeling for weeks now that it’s about time for me to get a cookie scoop! I’ve used the metal ice cream type scoop ones in the past but I know what you mean about them getting messy and sticky. Thanks for the tip, I’m going to see if my BB&B has this neat contraption! :)

  8. I have never used a cookie scoop, but those are super cute! I like the simple things too :-)

    You sure had a baking extravaganza girl!!! Your family must be loving all the yummy treats.

  9. ahh it’s the little things in life isn’t it? So cute and I bet it speeds up the whole process too which is nice. Not drinking coffee anymore has streamlined my mornings way down. I’ve been drinking hot chocolate instead and it takes a quarter of the time!

  10. I love to browse your site, and get lots of great recipes. But tonight, I just had to comment on your speckled mixing bowl – I have one exactly like it that I inherited from my mother. She taught me how to bake when I was a little girl, and we always used that special bowl. Thanks for bringing up a wonderful memory!


  11. Your last few posts have me ready to fly to Cali just to eat some cookies with you! Glad you found a scoop that works wonders for you; I just roll them out the best I can.

  12. Those are fantastic! I have a mechanical one but it never works properly and always has to be repaired. Not to mention never gets really clean! I think I will be going on a cookie scoop hunt this weekend to see if I can locate these! Awesome tip!