Shopping for the New House, Men’s vs. Women’s Roles: Traditional or Not?


Hi Gang, what’s going on with you today?  I have been running around San Diego like a lunatic today.  Let’s see, 8am outdoor run and oh my, I needed to put on two shirts, and my hoodie!  It was high 50s/low 60s with a fine mist.   Despite sleeping 4 hours per night the past 3 nights each, I had a surprisingly energetic run through Balboa Park.  It was so good to be back!  After that, I was off for the day’s madness.  

Before I recap my day and thoughts, I wanted to thank everyone for the “welcome home” greetings and comments you left on my last post.  It is soooo good to be back. 

View from living room into dining room and kitchen

I cruised around my old ‘hood today without even thinking of needing to use mapquest or googlemaps.  Something I needed to do every time I got in the car in Phoenix.  Thank you for sensing in the post how happy I was.  It’s because, I am!

Thanks for those of you who chimed in with whether you like to unpack right away like I do, or wheter you take your time.  I need to unpack right away, so I can see what needs to be purchased and done in order to make the space just right.  To make it my home. 

First up, Ace Hardware for touch-up paint markers because my furniture had some dings and scuffs.  Not the best truck-packing by the moving crewOne major damaged item that I will post about soon.  Grrr. 

And I also picked up these little tacks with nails to tack down cable at Ace.

Hammer and supplies on carpet
Nails with pieces holding wire into place

Please note my Do-It-Herself Hammer.  My mom gave me this toolkit called “Do-It-Herself” when I moved out at age 16.   I thought it was the dumbest “gift” ever.  No, it’s one of the best gifts I’ve ever received and my toolkit has been with me for nearly 2 decades, 6 states, and probably 25 addresses.

Hammer that says Do It Herself
There’s a time for chivalry and for “letting a man be a man” and pretending they are useful to keep around.  Then, there are times to take charge and take matters in your own hands.  Do It Yourself, Ladies!
After Ace, it was off to Target.  I bought these as an Impulse Buy 6 bars for $2.33.  Perfect for Skylar or Scott.  Not for me. 
Kellogg's Fiber Plus BarsNutritional Facts on Fiber Plus BarsFiber Plus Bar out of packaging showing chocolate chips and drizzle
I am aware these are not vegan.  
Remember when I posted about the Soy Joy bars?  I never said they were vegan, but have had at least a dozen people write to me, and I can almost sense the panic in their emails, that Soyjoy’s are not vegan!  
 SoyJoy Bars
Hand holding one SoyJoy Bar
For the record, I never said they were, but that’s good info for vegans to know.  Sometimes I buy things for my vegetarian child with no intention of eating it myself.  And since not all my readers are vegan or even vegetarian, and because 3 year olds know how to give an honest product review, I post it. 
Skylar’s assessment of the Fiber Plus: More Mommy!  She snarfed it in 1 minute.   And TMI Alert:  She needed to use the bathroom, not kidding, less than 5 minutes after the bar.  I guess there really is alot of fiber in them…hah!
Bottom of Fiber Plus BarClose up of layers of Fiber Plus Bar
This is a normal snack plate for her, so she gets plenty of fiber, not to worry.  Our whole plant-based house is healthy in that way…ha!
Mixed Fruits and Vegetables on plate
And I’m sure these aren’t Vegan Cosmetics, but Gena did a post on being more vegan-aware and conscious-shopping when choosing clothes and toiletries.   I do my best, but when I’m in a jam, I just grab what smells good.  Chemicals and all, non-vegan status and all.  What can I say.  At least I’m honest about it!
Two Tone Brand Body Washes
Did you know that Clay is a natural detoxifier?  There is probably no natural clay in here, but it’s a nice thought.
Body Wash in White Clay & Pink Jasmine
And this smells heavenly.  Omg.  I could drink it.   I can’t wait for my next shower. 
Almond Milk Body Wash
It’s interesting how they write it’s real milk protein, but that it’s “almond milk”.  So is it from milk or from almonds?  Clearly, they are a little confused in their marketing department.  And frankly, I don’t care because the smell makes up for it.
All kidding aside, there is a Vegan Store in San Diego that I’ve posted about before I moved away.
All Vegan Storefront Sign
Inside All Vegan Store with shirts on racks
Can’t wait to hit it up this store again!
Various Vegan Products on shelves in store
Final Target Impulse Buy was another Coffee Go-Cup
Dark Red Coffee Go Cup
Label on cup
This go-cup for my coffee, which I drink extra hot, well, the cup is just…meh.
Green Coffee Go Cup on countertop with lid off
Something about the drink hole/spout isn’t my fave
And if you missed my Re-Usable Bottle Post, Check that out
Two Re-Useable bottles on countertop
I think I am really going to like this new Go Cup!  
Open lid on cupInside new cup
 And yes, I will be putting it in the micro to make my coffee scalding, extra hotJust the way I like it!
After Target, it was time for Bed, Bath, and Beyond for Curtains.  Don’t want to give too many free shows from the huge glass bedroom windows.
If you’ve never bought window treatments, be grateful.
They are expensive
Hard to determine width of each panel of material needed, i.e. do you want it “bunched up” looking when closed or more “smooth”
Then you must determine height/length of the panel and it’s placement in the window and where it will hit the ground
Whether you are mounting hardware and a curtain rod or using a tension rod
I could go on and on and on…That’s just the technical specs.  
Now you have to find something that actually looks good in the room, that will work with your windows.  Without breaking the bank.  Or getting a divorce because window treatments are notoriously hard to hang and you’re on a ladder above your head.  Not fun.
But, after 90 minutes in BB & B, I found a tension rod, got panels, and got it mounted in Room 1: Skylar’s Room.  Which only took me another hour to get it up.
Curtains on windows in room
And in Room 2: Scott’s Office.  Same thing. 
Open curtain on windows in room
Curtains on window with open door to balcony
Wanted to fall off my ladder and just pout, but I got ‘er done.  Doesn’t look like much, but trust me, this was my day’s work, these curtains!  And I still have the master bedroom to tackle.  Sigh.
Oh remember when I told you Skylar’s been busting out some Fitness Show “Flexing” Poses?
Young girl flexing
Well today she busted out a chaturunga!
Young girl practicing yoga pose
Holy crap.  She’s 3.  Guess all my yoga’s rubbing off on her!
I asked her if she would do it again and she said, no thank you, mommy.  
Young girl standing in pink zip up smiling
And flashed me her grin instead.
Young girl standing with legs spread smiling by door
And this is how I look after 3 days with no sleep and an inter-state move and running around in the mist today and mounting curtains.   
Woman taking photo of self in bathroom mirror
Too bad it’s a little crooked.  Oh well.  Blame the lack of sleep.
And I admit, I haven’t showered today post-run in the rain this morning.  Which seems like another lifetime ago, anyway.
Woman taking photo of self in door way smiling
High Raw Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Balls
Gym Today:  As I mentioned yesterday, I am joining a semi-skeevy gym.  Didn’t make it there today, but it’s Priority #1 Tomorrow to join.
Tip of the Day: Save your Bed Bath & Beyond Coupons in the mail.  Even though there is a printed expiration date, they never expire!   20% off adds up, fast.
1. Are you Handy?
I am fairly handy.  I mean, I don’t make my own furniture or anything, but I realized that I am anal and a perfectionist about certain things and that if I want things done the way I like them, or heck even done at all, that I better do it!  Necessity is the mother of invention!
2. Are you scared of heights or ladders?
Me = no.  Then again, the highest ladder I’ve been on is maybe 10 feet.
3. When you move in somewhere, does it seem that you have to “re-do” certain rooms based on what you have and what you need for the new space?  Or do you just make due with what you already have?
I try to make due but things like curtains are not negotiable.  And new rugs and towels and sheets are always on the list too, if possible.  But for now, we are making do with what we have as best as possible.
4. Best gift you’ve ever received that was not pricey, but sure has been handy?
Me = my toolkit has sure been handy.  Pun intended. 
5. Do you think there are “men’s jobs” and “women’s jobs”?  Are you traditional or not?
I am married to a white collar professional.  He’s very good at making money and picking up the phone and hiring out that which is beyond him around the house, yard, cars, etc.  So basically, he’s not handy and that’s fine.  Unless I wanted to call a plumber every time I need to fix a toilet, I learned early on, that I better learn how to fix toilets.  And minor things, I can fix!  Is that a traditional “woman’s job” or role?  Probably not.  Is there anything about me that’s traditional?  Hell no!
That said, I do think it’s the man’s job to pay for dates, open doors, and tell me no matter what that I am beautiful.  Scott is excellent at those things!  So, I have “old school” desires and values but with a new age and modern Do-It-Herself Twist.
As an aside, I think a truly empowered woman can say, you know what honey, I don’t need to prove to you or myself that I can carry in 50 pounds of groceries today.  You carry them because your energy is better spent there while my energy is better spent making our family healthy food right now.
Where do you fall with men’s vs. women’s roles?  Are you Traditional or not?  
Stay Tuned for A Fun Post…

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