Stop and Chill a Bit


Well, life has been chaotic, that’s for sure.  In an effort to spare you all the details we’ll just say that life’s been hella crazy with lotsa shizzle goin’ on.  But keepin’ a positive attitude and lots of yoga chill techniques is helping.  Sorry for the bloggin’ absence.  I’ve had a few people email me they were in withdrawals because I usually post daily.  It’s good to know I’m loved and thanks to all of you for all the great comments and feedback on my last smoothie and chia puddin’ post.  Sorry that I haven’t been able to respond personally to all my comments like I normally do calm is ’bout to resume I hope so I can have more bloggy time.

Kitchen creations have been a little limited the past 48 hours, but….

I made my best batch of Vita-Mix dairy free ice cream ever

Spoon in container of homemade dairy free ice cream

I think I’ve got this one licked.  Took me almost a year to figure out the ratios and the blend time in the ‘Mixa but I think I finally got it.
*2 frozen nannas
*1/4 c vanilla almond milk
*1/4 c sugar (the WF brand stevia I have is too nast to use in larger quantities so til I get another brand, I can only use stevia in very small doses)
*dash vanilla extract
*blend for about 45 seconds…no more!  Don’t overblend!

The result….pure softserve dairy-free bliss!!  Ahhh.  

Come here little girl, sit down and take a break and have a lickey of this. 

Spoon holding up dairy free ice cream from container

You talking to me?  Oh, ok.  Twist my arm.  Crack in a bowl, where’s my pipe, and can I have some more?  It was that good.

Spoon holding up dairy free ice cream from container

In case you missed my other monster post on dairy free ice cream with either coconut milk or almond milk, here ya go.

I’ve been groovin’ on lots of raw veggies and the usual rabbit food.  Til I have more time for picture takin’ here’s one of the nibbles, I munched.  B.S., zukes & cukes, carrots, yellow & orange peppahs on a bed of greens.  Drizzled with OJ, agave, and black pepp.

Mixed vegetables and greens in dressing

 Time to get the yoga goin’.  I’ll just leave you with Tittibhasana

Woman doing Tittibhasana yoga pose

What’s everyone’s favorite way to de-stress themselves?  And no, chuggin a 40 doesn’t count.



Tip of the Day: My Zevia GiveAway!!!   Just a few more days before it’s over, so get yourself entered, there are 7 different ways to enter and there will be 6 winners!!! Just like grade school, where everyone’s a winner.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. The oats look so yummy! I may eat those come winter:) As for the coffee, I am still in withdrawals 5 months post quitting! When Starbucks started selling pumpkin stuff I got bitter about my quitting:( I knew fall/winter would be the hardest, and I was right!!!!

  2. MMM, loaded oats are always the way to go!

    I don't know if I believe in luck so much that everything will work out one way or another, and that nothing is fixed, good or bad. I guess that's Shakespeare's idea of the "Wheal of Fortune", and I find it pretty comforting!

    Love your dancing monkey girl :-)

  3. OMG–those oats look amazing!!!!!!!! I have been trying to eat gluten free oats for breakfast, but I am finding it a little heavy right now. Can't wait for the cooler weather to really kick in so I can dig into a bowl like yours!

    Thanks for the kind words on my blog, it's always nice to talk to someone who can relate. I was taking the Humira weekly and I just couldn't bare getting through Wed. knowing that is my "humira day". I hope for lots of health and happiness your way! Your daughter is gorgeous and so are you!

  4. I have a split household, too. My hubby isn't vegan nor raw, so he would've gussied up those oats, too. He'd probably nuke them and add peanut butter and chocolate flavored whey protein. Oh well, I love him anyway.

    By the way, your daughter is so cute :-)

  5. I don't know if I'm lucky or blessed. Someone seems to watch out over me nonetheless.

    Crane- once successfully in 10 yrs practice :-/

  6. I believe in Karma, but I suppose it can look like good (or bad) luck. HA

    so glad Skylar is okay…. water on store floors can be SLICK!

    so happy your are moved and getting settled in!
    there was a time in my life when I moved a lot and I am so glad to be finally settled!

    it's all I really wanted!
    Happy Labor Day to ya!

  7. How awesome!!! Thank you so much for doing the crane pose! I realize I am not leaning forward nearly enough – but I have done a few face plants! :) I don't think I get myself as high as you do. I'm going to work on this…thanks again!!

  8. lean forward but don't face plant…HA. so I don't know about luck..sometimes I really think heck ya and other times I think yoiu know what luck doesn't exist but a good attitude does

  9. First, those oats look YUM (before the cool whip, though–I'm just not a "cool whip in the oats kind of gal" hehehe) ;-) BUT I totally commend your husband for eating as healthful as he does. Ya gotta give him kudos for that!

    Secondly, those veggies look delish! Makes me crave brussel sprouts.

    And, lastly, I'm SO excited I'm one of the six winners. Eeeeeekkk!!!!!

  10. VG-What happened? I have been really lax on checking my FB the past few, maybe I will scan over there to see if you divulged the sorted details. Hope you're ok!!

    Jenny-I really was not good at bakasana for years. It's a weird center of gravity thing. It's more center of gravity and finding the sweet spot than it is about strength. Finding the sweet spot is the hard part, and after a faceplant…I hear ya bout chillin on it for a bit.

    Jess-Thank you, how sweet! As I blush :) Really nice of you to say and thanks. ((hugs))

  11. I do not consider myself a lucky person!

    We call the computer, 'puter also in our household. Your daughter is gorgeous just like you!

  12. psttt your oats today totally put mine to shame.. major breakfast envy over here!

    ugh last time I tried crane I totally face planted and had a headache like you wouldn't believe. Gotta muster up the courage to try again.. perhaps wear a helmet this time :)

  13. Oh. my. yum.

    I'm working on that yoga pose, but for now I'm backing WAY off from yoga – still hurt from the other day :(

    I believe everything happens for a reason, so if luck is in play than it all works out :)